40 research outputs found

    Violent behaviour as a result of delirium superimposed on dementia in the course of primary central nervous system lymphoma

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    Primary central nervous system lymphoma is a rare neoplasm, exceptionally responsible for developing a frontal lobe syndrome. A 71-years-old patient with primary central nervous system lymphoma had undergone frontotemporal craniotomy for tumor removal. Month later, showing syncopies, disorientation and slurred speech, he was transported to Department of Internal Medicine. Neuroimaging revealed numerous tuberous changes in frontal and parietal lobes and frontotemporal area. During hospitalization, patient exhibited inadequate affect, jocular behaviour, was disoriented in the place and time, and unaware of his health state. He took repeated, uncritical attempts to jump out the window and started to exhibit persecutory delusions and hallucinations. Immediate brain radiotherapy was recommended by the oncology specialists. However, the patient did not consent to the recommended method of treatment due to his lack of recollection of the tumor or the craniotomy. The patient was forcibly transferred to Department of Psychiatry. After five weeks of treatment, the patient’s condition improved significantly, and the patient regained memory of the tumor

    Prospects for development of pharmacy in Poland until the year 2030 : the document of the national section of pharmaceutical care of the Polish Pharmaceutical Society

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    Modern society expects pharmacists to be more involved in monitoring and supervising pharmacotherapy. International documents clearly define pharmacists as guardians of the safety and effectiveness of pharmacotherapy, not coincidentally putting safety matters first. With regard to this issue, the National Section of Pharmaceutical Care of the Polish Pharmaceutical Society hereby presents its own proposal for the development of modern pharmaceutical practice in Poland. The purpose of the proposed actions is to increase the involvement of pharmacists from generally accessible pharmacies in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of pharmacotherapy applied outside of hospitals and improving health indicators within society over the next ten to twenty years

    Tituli Wratislavienses. Część 1. Najstarsze łacińskie napisy

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    Tituli Wratislavienses. Partie 1. Les inscriptions latines les plus anciennes On trouve à Wrocław un grand nombre d’inscriptions latines datant du moyen âge. Ce sont pour la plupart des inscriptions de pierres tombales. Nous présentons dans cet article quatre inscriptions latines provenant de monuments du moyen âge. Deux de ces inscriptions proviennent de tympans de fondateurs: l’un se trouve dans l’église Notre-Dame du Sable, et l’autre provient de l’abbaye bénédictine d’Ołbin démolie en 1526. Ces inscriptions sont en lettres capitales, très courtes deux vers et faciles à déchiffrer et à traduire. Mais si on analyse leur métrique et leurs rimes internes, leur construction indique une grande maîtrise. Les deux autres proviennent de plaques plaque commémorative d’un fondateur de l’église de la Sainte-Croix, et plaque de la cure de l’église du Corps du Christ. Elles sont en caractères minuscules gothiques et comprennent un grand nombre d’abréviations diverses qui les rendent difficiles à déchiffrer, mais elles sont faciles à traduire.Tituli Wratislavienses. Partie 1. Les inscriptions latines les plus anciennes On trouve à Wrocław un grand nombre d’inscriptions latines datant du moyen âge. Ce sont pour la plupart des inscriptions de pierres tombales. Nous présentons dans cet article quatre inscriptions latines provenant de monuments du moyen âge. Deux de ces inscriptions proviennent de tympans de fondateurs: l’un se trouve dans l’église Notre-Dame du Sable, et l’autre provient de l’abbaye bénédictine d’Ołbin démolie en 1526. Ces inscriptions sont en lettres capitales, très courtes deux vers et faciles à déchiffrer et à traduire. Mais si on analyse leur métrique et leurs rimes internes, leur construction indique une grande maîtrise. Les deux autres proviennent de plaques plaque commémorative d’un fondateur de l’église de la Sainte-Croix, et plaque de la cure de l’église du Corps du Christ. Elles sont en caractères minuscules gothiques et comprennent un grand nombre d’abréviations diverses qui les rendent difficiles à déchiffrer, mais elles sont faciles à traduire

    Subjectivity of disabled students in the light of the opinions of teachers who look after them

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    The widely discussed issue of professional burnout concerns the occupations that require close contacts with different people. So far, papers dealing with special educators concentrated on the group working with the mild-degree intellectually disabled youth. Specificity of work with people whose limitations require applying various methods and ways of work with no guarantee of fast success may lead to the feeling of lack of strength and willingness to work. The present article concerns the danger of burnout syndrome in the group of special educators working with profoundly intellectually disabled student who have a school duty since 1997.Szeroko omawiana problematyka wypalenia zawodowego odnosi się do zawodów, które wiążą się z bliskim kontaktem z innymi osobami. Dotychczas w odniesieniu do pedagogów specjalnych skupiano się na grupie pracującej z młodzieżą niepełnosprawną intelektualnie w stopniu lżejszym. Specyfika pracy z osobami, których ograniczenia wymuszają na wychowawcy stosowanie różnorodnych metod i form pracy, przy braku gwarancji na szybki sukces, doprowadzić może do poczucia braku sił i chęci do dalszej pracy. Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy zagrożenia syndromem wypalenia zawodowego w grupie pedagogów specjalnych pracujących z uczniami głęboko wielorako niepełnosprawnymi, którzy od 1997 roku zostali objęci obowiązkiem szkolnym

    Resonance Raman Optical Activity Spectroscopy in Probing Structural Changes Invisible to Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy: A Study on Truncated Vitamin B12 Derivatives

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    This work demonstrates resonance Raman optical activity (RROA) spectra of three truncated vitamin B12 derivatives modified within the nucleotide loop. Since truncated cobalamins possess sufficiently high rotational strength in the range of ROA excitation (532 nm), it was possible to record their spectra in the resonance condition. They showed several distinct spectral features allowing for the distinguishing of studied compounds, in contrast to other methods, i.e., UV-Vis absorption, electronic circular dichroism, and resonance Raman spectroscopy. The improved capacity of the RROA method is based here on the excitation of molecules via more than two electronic states, giving rise to the bisignate RROA spectrum, significantly distinct from a parent Raman spectrum. This observation is an important step in the dissemination of using RROA spectroscopy in studying the complex structure of corrinoids which may prove crucial for a better understanding of their biological role

    The relationship between age and the severity of depressive symptoms and the effectiveness of mood regulation by recalling the positive autobiographical memories

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    Celem pracy było zbadanie różnic w efektywności strategii regulacji nastroju poprzez przywołanie autobiograficznego wspomnienia pozytywnego przez osoby depresyjne i niedepresyjne w wieku 19-29 lat i 40-50 lat. Jest to replikacja badania magisterskiego, w którym wykazano wynik odmienny od dotychczasowych ustaleń w dostępnej literaturze, tj. brak różnic w skuteczności stosowanej strategii pomiędzy osobami depresyjnymi i niedepresyjnymi. W badaniu wzięło udział 60 osób w wieku 19-29 lat, w tym 42 kobiety i 18 mężczyzn, oraz 60 osób w wieku 40-50 lat, w tym 42 kobiety i 18 mężczyzn. Dokonano podziału na grupy ze względu na wiek i nasilenie objawów depresyjnych, mierzonych kwestionariuszem CESD-R. Nastrój zastany uczestników był mierzony skalą SUPIN C-20, po czym byli oni proszeni o przywołanie pozytywnego wspomnienia autobiograficznego z okresu ostatnich trzech miesięcy, po czym następował ponowny test SUPIN C-20. Uzyskane wyniki zostały porównane międzygrupowo pod względem zmiany w nastroju zastanym oraz różnic w przywołanych wspomnieniach autobiograficznych. Wyniki są zgodne z replikowanym badaniem, jednakże wskazują na istotność uwzględnienia wieku w badaniach efektywności stosowanych strategii regulacji nastroju przez osoby z różnym nasileniem objawów depresyjnych.The goal of this paper is to examine the differences in the effectiveness of mood regulation strategies by recalling autobiographical positive memories by depressive and non-depressive participants aged 19-29 and 40-50. It is a replication of the thesis study, which showed a result different from the findings of the available literaturę, that is no difference in the effectiveness of the strategy used by depressed and non-depressive participants. 60 participants aged 19-29, including 42 women and 18 men, and 60 participants aged 40-50, including 42 women and 18 men took part in the study and were later divided into groups based on age and severity of depressive symptoms, measured with the CESD-R questionnaire. The initial mood was measured by the SUPIN C-20 scale, after which the participants recalled a positive autobiographical memory from the last three months, followed by a posttest of the SUPIN C-20 test. The obtained results were compared between groups in terms of the change in mood and differences in the characteristics of the recalled autobiographical positive memories. The results are consistent with the findings of the replicated study, however they highlight the importance of including age in the research on the effectiveness of mood regulation strategies by recalling autobiographical positive memories by depressive and non-depressive participants