20 research outputs found


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    Foi analisado o efeito da laserterapia com emissão do raio laser arsenieto de gálio na reparação tendínea de eqüinos após indução de tendinite experimental. Foram utilizados 10 eqüinos, SRD, com idade média de 2 a 5 anos, selecionados quanto a normalidade do aparelho locomotor. A tendinite foi induzida pela injeção de colagenase C1639 Tipo I-S na concentração de 2,5 mg/ml na dose de 0,5 ml nos tendões flexores superficiais de ambos os membros anteriores. Após 48 horas da injeção da colagenase, foram realizados exames ultra-sonográficos consecutivos com intervalos de 24 horas, para avaliação das alterações ocorridas no tendão e instituído a laser terapia diária por 15 dias com emissão local do raio laser Arsenieto de Gallium na dose de 8 joules/cm² no membro anterior esquerdo, permanecendo o contra-lateral (direito) como controle. No 40º dia de avaliação ultra-sonográfica realizou-se biópsia na região da lesão para exames histológicos. Os exames ultrasonográfico e histológico não demonstraram diferenças entre os membros tratados e os membros controle. Esses resultados demonstraram que o raio laser Arsenieto de Gallium na dosimetria de 8 joules/cm² não interferiu de forma significativa no processo de reparação tendínea. Effects of laser therapy on experimental tendinitis in horses: ultrasonographic and histologic study Abstract Ultrasonography is being used very successfully for the evaluation of equine soft tissues, improving the diagnosis and monitoring soft tissue musculskeletal injury accurately and noninvasively. The superficial digital flexor tendon is by far the most frequently involved tendon in sport horse injury, being this way, highly adequate for ultrasonographic characterization and healing. Colagenase was injected bilaterally in the superficial digital flexor tendon, at the medium third metacarpus in ten horses. Ultrasonography was performed 24 hours later in order to study the effect if this inflammatory agent on the tendon ultrasongraphy was performed using a real time ultrasound with 7.5 MHz transducer. According to GENOVESE et al. (1986) classification, types II and III injuries were observed. One limb of each horse was treated with soft laser daily for 15 consecutive days using 8 joules/cm. The opposite limb was used as control. Ultrasonography was performed every 48 hours for 40 days showing no difference in the healing between treated and untreated limbs. No significant differences were observed between the histological aspects of the superficial digital flexor tendon healing and the ultrasonographic images. It was possible then to conclude that laser therapy did not interfere in the tendon healing


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    Foi analisado o efeito da laserterapia com emissão do raio laser arsenieto de gálio na reparação tendínea de eqüinos após indução de tendinite experimental. Foram utilizados 10 eqüinos, SRD, com idade média de 2 a 5 anos, selecionados quanto a normalidade do aparelho locomotor. A tendinite foi induzida pela injeção de colagenase C1639 Tipo I-S na concentração de 2,5 mg/ml na dose de 0,5 ml nos tendões flexores superficiais de ambos os membros anteriores. Após 48 horas da injeção da colagenase, foram realizados exames ultra-sonográficos consecutivos com intervalos de 24 horas, para avaliação das alterações ocorridas no tendão e instituído a laser terapia diária por 15 dias com emissão local do raio laser Arsenieto de Gallium na dose de 8 joules/cm² no membro anterior esquerdo, permanecendo o contra-lateral (direito) como controle. No 40º dia de avaliação ultra-sonográfica realizou-se biópsia na região da lesão para exames histológicos. Os exames ultrasonográfico e histológico não demonstraram diferenças entre os membros tratados e os membros controle. Esses resultados demonstraram que o raio laser Arsenieto de Gallium na dosimetria de 8 joules/cm² não interferiu de forma significativa no processo de reparação tendínea. Effects of laser therapy on experimental tendinitis in horses: ultrasonographic and histologic study Abstract Ultrasonography is being used very successfully for the evaluation of equine soft tissues, improving the diagnosis and monitoring soft tissue musculskeletal injury accurately and noninvasively. The superficial digital flexor tendon is by far the most frequently involved tendon in sport horse injury, being this way, highly adequate for ultrasonographic characterization and healing. Colagenase was injected bilaterally in the superficial digital flexor tendon, at the medium third metacarpus in ten horses. Ultrasonography was performed 24 hours later in order to study the effect if this inflammatory agent on the tendon ultrasongraphy was performed using a real time ultrasound with 7.5 MHz transducer. According to GENOVESE et al. (1986) classification, types II and III injuries were observed. One limb of each horse was treated with soft laser daily for 15 consecutive days using 8 joules/cm. The opposite limb was used as control. Ultrasonography was performed every 48 hours for 40 days showing no difference in the healing between treated and untreated limbs. No significant differences were observed between the histological aspects of the superficial digital flexor tendon healing and the ultrasonographic images. It was possible then to conclude that laser therapy did not interfere in the tendon healing

    The effects of temperature, soil moisture and UV radiation on biomarkers and energy reserves of the isopod Porcellionides pruinosus

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    Terrestrial isopods from the species Porcellionides pruinosus were exposed to different ranges of temperature, soil moisture content and doses of UV radiation. For the temperature and soil moisture content experiments, organisms were sampled after 48 h, 96 h and 14 days of exposure, whereas in the UV experiment, they were sampled at the end of the exposure periods, that consisted on a single-pulse with duration ranging from 30 min to 8 h. For each sampling time the acetylcholinesterase, glutathione S transferases, glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities were determined, as well as lipid peroxidation rate. Energy content (lipids, carbohydrates, proteins) and other energy related parameters: energy available, energy consumption and cellular energy allocation were also determined, along with mortality. The results obtained showed that increases in temperature will affect life traits and specific strategies for isopods to manage their energy budget, in order to handle oxidative stress. It also showed that this species is acclimated to lower moisture scenarios, whereas in case of flood scenarios the turnover point between optimal conditions and mortality is very narrow, which may lead to the local extinction of populations in specific micro-habitats. This study also showed that UV radiation also poses an important stressor for isopods that should be taken in consideration, as the actual doses nowadays present significant negative impact on these organisms. The study also emphasises that the effects of abiotic factors should be included and taken into consideration by policymakers and that the inclusion of abiotic effects in ecotoxicological tests should be included in the analysis of any stressor to improve chemical risk assessment

    Mercury levels in parturient and newborns from Aveiro region, Portugal

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    <p>Since the outbreak of methylmercury (MeHg) poisoning in Japan and Iraq, mercury (Hg) is classified as well-established teratogen. The Portuguese region of Aveiro faced some decades ago an environmental Hg contamination due to activities from a chlor-alkali plant. Until now, no apparent evaluation was conducted regarding prenatal exposure to Hg in this area. The main objectives of this study were to: i) assess maternal and fetal exposure to Hg in the Aveiro region using noninvasive biological matrices; ii) examine the influence of variables that may contribute to Hg exposure during pregnancy; and iii) improve knowledge regarding metal accumulation and distribution over the maternal–fetal–placental unit. This study was performed in 50 mother–newborn pairs from the Aveiro district. Total Hg (THg) was quantified in maternal scalp hair, placenta, amniotic membrane, and umbilical cord. Maternal hair presented THg levels with a mean value of 900 ng/g, which is lower than the USEPA and WHO acceptable threshold. Regarding THg levels in placenta and umbilical cord, mean values were similar (decidua basalis: 32.84 ng/g; chorionic plate: 30.18 ng/g; umbilical cord: 30.67 ng/g). The amniotic membrane presented the highest THg levels with a mean concentration of 42.35 ng/g, reaching a maximum of 134.1 ng/g. Further, a significant positive correlation was noted between THg levels found in hair, and all matrices analyzed reinforcing the use of hair in biomonitoring studies with respect to maternal exposure to Hg. In general, levels of THg found in our study were lower than those in previous studies performed in Europe. Consumption of fish rich in selenium and bottled water was negatively correlated with THg levels. Finally, data demonstrated that Hg is capable of crossing the placental barrier and accumulate in placental tissues. Amniotic membrane seemed to play a role in metal detoxification, but further investigations are necessary to examine whether this catabolic process affects Hg accumulation.</p

    We Know How To Prescribe Natalizumab For Multiple Sclerosis, But Do We Know How To Withdraw It?

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    Natalizumab is a potent immunosuppressive monoclonal antibody used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). While definite guidelines for the safety of natalizumab prescriptions are available in all countries, there are no specific recommendations on how to withdraw the drug if the need arises. There are reports describing MS complications after natalizumab infusions were stopped. Most neurologists seem to stop natalizumab treatment according to their idea on how to best carry out the withdrawal. The present study shows the very different manners in which expert neurologists from 14 MS units in Brazil stopped natalizumab in their patients. The authors concluded that pharmacovigilance on natalizumab must persist after the drug is withdrawn in order to have enough data for adequate recommendations. © 2014 Informa UK, Ltd.142127130Nylander, A., Hafler, D.A., Multiple sclerosis (2012) J Clin Invest, 122, pp. 1180-1188McCoyd, M., Update on therapeutic options for multiple sclerosis (2013) Neurol Clin, 31, pp. 827-845McCormack, P.L., Natalizumab: A review of its use in the management of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (2013) Drugs, 73 (13), pp. 1463-1481Fernández, O., Best practice in the use of natalizumab in multiple sclerosis (2013) Ther Adv Neurol Disord, 6, pp. 69-79Sørensen, P.S., Bertolotto, A., Edan, G., Risk stratification for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in patients treated with natalizumab (2012) Mult Scler, 18, pp. 143-152Pucci, E., Giuliani, G., Solari, A., Natalizumab for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (2011) Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 10, pp. CD007621Fragoso, Y.D., Alves-Leon, S.V., Arruda, W.O., Natalizumab adverse events are rare in patients with multiple sclerosis (2013) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 71, pp. 137-141Damasceno, A., Von Glehn, F., Martinez, A.R., Early onset of natalizumab-related progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (2011) Mult Scler, 17, pp. 1397-1398Baumgartner, A., Stich, O., Rauer, S., Clinical and radiological disease reactivation after cessation of long-Term therapy with natalizumab (2012) Int J Neurosci, 122, pp. 35-39Rigau, V., Mania, A., Béfort, P., Lethal multiple sclerosis relapse after natalizumab withdrawal (2012) Neurology, 79, pp. 2214-2216Marousi, S., Travasarou, M., Karageorgiou, C.E., Simultaneous PML-IRIS after discontinuation of natalizumab in a patient with MS (2012) Neurology, 79, p. 2160Berger, J.R., Centonze, D., Comi, G., Considerations on discontinuing natalizumab for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (2010) Ann Neurol, 68, pp. 409-411Miravalle, A., Jensen, R., Kinkel, R.P., Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in patients with multiple sclerosis following cessation of natalizumab therapy (2011) Arch Neurol, 68, pp. 186-191Borriello, G., Prosperini, L., Marinelli, F., Observations during an elective interruption of natalizumab treatment: A post-marketing study (2011) Mult Scler, 17, pp. 372-375Papeix, C., Depaz, R., Tourbah, A., Dramatic worsening following plasma exchange in severe post-natalizumab withdrawal multiple sclerosis relapse (2011) Mult Scler, 17, pp. 1520-1522Borriello, G., Prosperini, L., Mancinelli, C., Pulse monthly steroids during an elective interruption of natalizumab: A post-marketing study (2012) Eur J Neurol, 19, pp. 783-787Magraner, M.J., Coret, F., Navarré, A., Pulsed steroids followed by glatiramer acetate to prevent inflammatory activity after cessation of natalizumab therapy: A prospective, 6-month observational study (2011) J Neurol, 258, pp. 1805-1811Rossi, S., Motta, C., Studer, V., Effect of glatiramer acetate on disease reactivation in MS patients discontinuing natalizumab (2013) Eur J Neurol, 20, pp. 87-94Havla, J., Gerdes, L.A., Meinl, I., De-escalation from natalizumab in multiple sclerosis: Recurrence of disease activity despite switching to glatiramer acetate (2011) J Neurol, 258, pp. 1665-1669Gobbi, C., Meier, D.S., Cotton, F., Interferon beta 1b following natalizumab discontinuation: One year, randomized, prospective, pilot trial (2013) BMC Neurol, 13, p. 101Cree, B., De Seze, J., Fox, R., RESTORE Study: Effects of a 24-week natalizumab treatment interruption on immune parameters and multiple sclerosis magnetic resonance imaging disease activity 2012P06.168 (2012) Neurology, (78), pp. 106-168. , Meeting Abstracts 1Comi, G., Gold, R., Dahlke, F., Overall safety and relapse outcomes in fingolimod-Treated patients previously treated with natalizumab in the 4-month open-label first study [poster (2013) European Neurology Society (ENS) Meeting Barcelona SpainHavla, J., Tackenberg, B., Hellwig, K., Fingolimod reduces recurrence of disease activity after natalizumab withdrawal in multiple sclerosis (2013) J Neurol, 260, pp. 1382-1387Daelman, L., Maitrot, A., Maarouf, A., Severe multiple sclerosis reactivation under fingolimod 3 months after natalizumab withdrawal (2012) Mult Scler, 11, pp. 1647-1649Sempere, A.P., Martín-Medina, P., Berenguer-Ruiz, L., Switching from natalizumab to fingolimod: An observational study (2013) Acta Neurol Scand, 128, pp. e6-e10Centonze, D., Rossi, S., Rinaldi, F., Gallo, P., Severe relapses under fingolimod treatment prescribed after natalizumab (2012) Neurology, 79, pp. 2004-2005Jander, S., Turowski, B., Kieseier, B.C., Hartung, H.P., Emerging tumefactive multiple sclerosis after switching therapy from natalizumab to fingolimod (2012) Mult Scler, 18, pp. 1650-165