167 research outputs found

    Entre l'école et à l'université : dinosaures et petits cahiers par un dramaturgie incarné

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    Este texto, escrito a seis mãos, insiste na não-dicotomia entre corpo e mente, ação e pensamento, objetividade e subjetividade, de modo a alcançar as férteis relações adulto-criança no âmbito da ficcionalidade. Defende o exercício da docência do teatro tanto na universidade quanto na escola, na chave de uma dramaturgia encarnada: modo de escrita e de uso do texto dramatúrgico no qual a corporalidade é central. Apresentando mais perguntas do que respostas, busca por um trabalho dramatúrgico que narra, dialoga, propõe performatividade e mudança nos mundos de vida dos discentes das Licenciaturas em Teatro, bem como os mundos de vida de seus futuros alunos, crianças e jovens brasileiros.This six-hand written paper insists on the non-dichotomy between body and mind, action and thought, objectivity and subjectivity, in order to reach the fertile adult-child relationships within fictionality. It supports the practice of theater teaching both at the university and at school, in the key of an embodied dramaturgy: a writing mode and usage of the dramaturgical text in which corporeality is central. Presenting more questions than answering them, it searches for a dramaturgical work that narrates, dialogues, and proposes performativity and changes in the worlds-of-life of teachers in Undergraduate Theater Teachers Education as well as in the worlds-of-life of their prospective students, Brazilian children and teenagers.Cet article, écrit à six mains, insiste sur la non-dichotomie entre le corps et l'esprit, l'action et la pensée, l'objectivité et la subjectivité, afin d'arriver aux fécondes relations entre l'adulte et l'enfant au sein de la fictionalité. Défend la pratique de l'enseignement du théâtre à l'université et à l'école, dans le cadre d'une dramaturgie incarnée: façon d'écriture et d'usage du texte dramaturgique dans lequel la corporéité est central. Présentant plus de questions que de réponses, on cherche un travail dramaturgique que raconte, converse, et propose performativité et changement dans les mondes de vie des étudiants du premier cycle de Théâtre, ainsi que les mondes de la vie de ses futurs étudiants, les enfants et les jeunes Brésiliens

    De dendê e baianidade : a mercadoria de restaurantes de comida baiana em Salvador

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2012.A pesquisa que fundamenta este trabalho tem como problemática fundamental compreender a relação entre caracteres extraordinários e ordinários que se estabelecem através da comida baiana. Para tanto, primeiramente, investiga a narrativa contida na construção estética e discursiva utilizada por registros de mídias artísticas, como literatura e música, no ínterim dos séculos XX e XXI, e de material turístico, bem como o enfoque, para abarcar a definição da comida baiana, de livros de culinária sobre o tema. Assim, destacando o repertório de ingredientes, pratos, modos de comer e de preparar que se definirão como extraordinariamente baianos, significando também o contexto mais amplo da identidade. Para pensar a relação que a rotina alimentar estabelece com este ideário, o trabalho investiga brevemente a narrativa de comensais moradores da cidade, analisando de que modo significam os hábitos alimentares cotidianos e as possíveis apropriações em torno da comida étnica. E, para entender de que modo esta interação se dá no âmbito da produção da comida baiana, investiga a mercadoria proposta por restaurantes, enquanto instituições sociais fundamentais na definição de caracteres em torno do repertório idealizado da comida baiana, ao passo que também tem de preservar algumas características para não perderem o atestado étnico. A investigação demonstra de que modo a relação entre ordinário e extraordinário não se define em simples disjunção, mas em diversas formas de mediação que refletem sua coexistência e significação mútua. O que se observa é que a comida baiana idealizada permanece no cotidiano de moradores e estabelecimentos comerciais, em apropriações que lhe são próprias e que respondem a demandas dos hábitos alimentares e contemporâneos de produção. A afirmação da comida baiana enquanto bem cultural, em uma economia de serviços que marca a Bahia, é assim capaz de engendrar novos rituais de consumo e produção para atender às demandas da contemporaneidade e garantir a permanência do consumo – evidentemente, ainda que não de forma consciente. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe research which bases this work has a key issue: to understand the relationship between characters of extraordinary and ordinary that are established through the ethnic food from Bahia. To do so, at the first moment, investigates the narrative contained the aesthetic and discursive construction used for records of artistic media,, such as literature and music, in the meantime of the XX and XXI centuries, and of tourist material, as well as the the approach to encompass the definition of ethnic food from Bahia, contained in cookbooks on the subject. Thus, highlighting the repertoire of ingredients, dishes, eating and ways to prepare that will define how certain food is extraordinarily “baiana”, meaning also the broader context of identity. For thinking the relation that the feeding routine establishes with this ideology, the work investigates briefly the narrative of diners locals, analyzing how how mean daily dietary habits and possible congressional appropriations around the ethnic food. And, to understand how this interaction takes place within the production of ethnic food from Bahia, investigates the composition of the goods offered by restaurants, while social institutions fundamental in defining characters around the idealized repertoire of food from Bahia, whilst also must preserve some features not to lose the ethnic certificate. The research demonstrates how the relationship between ordinary and extraordinary is not defined in simple disjunction, but in different forms of mediation that reflect their coexistence and mutual significance. What is observed is that, as idealized, the ethnic food from Bahia remains in the daily routine of the residents and commercial establishments, in congressional appropriations that are unique to it and, at the same time, while respond to the demands of food habits and contemporaries of production. The affirmation of Bahia's food as a cultural commodity, in a economy of services that mark Bahia, is well capable of engendering new rituals of consumption and production to meet the demands of contemporary and ensure continuity of consumption - of course, even if not that consciously


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    In spite of the different didactic strategies that are being presented and discussed in the literature, many chemistry teachers still teach classes based on the transmission and reception of subject, not promoting the active participation of students in the construction of their knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome this teaching model through the use of didactic strategies that allow meaningful learning. Based on the above, this study aimed to elaborate and evaluate a didactic sequence focused on the content of organic functions aiming to promote meaningful learning. The present research was developed in a state public school of regular education, located in the city of Areia (PB) and had as public target seventy eight students (78) from three classes of the third year of high school. It is an action research and the approach meets both the requirements of a quantitative and a qualitative research. The development of this research took place in seven (07) stages: the pre-test was initially applied; in the second stage the construction of concepts occurred; the following four (04) steps were part of the didactic sequence: activity of identifying organic functions; experimental activity; application of didactic game; exposure of photos to identify the functions and, finally, the assessment of learning. As data collection instruments, two questionnaires were applied and observations and notes were made during the review of the content and application of the sequence. The data collected were represented by graphs and exposed literally. Based on the results obtained it is concluded that the didactic sequence corroborated in the development of a significant learning of the students, since it was able to increase their level of knowledge. The didactic sequence was evaluated positively by the students, who revealed that it promoted a more dynamic and motivating learning, by facilitating the association of the content studied in the classroom with their daily life. Therefore, it can be stated that the use of this didactic sequence proved to be efficient in the teaching and learning process of the content of the organic functions, and should be applied in the classroom, with the purpose of assisting the teaching of Chemistry in schools.Apesar das diversas estratégias didáticas que vem sendo apresentadas e discutidas na literatura, muitos professores de química ainda ministram aulas baseadas no modelo transmissão e recepção, não promovendo a participação de forma ativa dos alunos na construção do seu conhecimento. Diante disto, percebe-se a necessidade de superar esse modelo de ensino através da utilização de estratégias didáticas que possibilitem uma aprendizagem significativa. Neste contexto, objetivou-se com esse estudo construir e avaliar uma sequência didática para o estudo das funções orgânicas com estudantes do ensino médio, na perspectiva da teoria da aprendizagem significativa Ausebiliana. A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma escola pública estadual de ensino regular, localizada na cidade de Areia (PB) e teve como público-alvo setenta e oito alunos (78) de três turmas do terceiro ano do ensino médio. Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação e quanto à abordagem, este estudo se classifica como uma investigação quali-quantitativa. O desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa deu-se em sete (07) etapas: inicialmente foi aplicado o pré-teste; na segunda etapa ocorreu a construção de conceitos; as quatro (04) etapas seguintes fizeram parte da sequência didática: atividade de identificação das funções orgânicas; atividade experimental; aplicação do jogo didático; exposição de fotos para identificação das funções e por fim, a avaliação da aprendizagem. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados foram aplicados dois questionários e realizadas observações e anotações durante a revisão do conteúdo e aplicação da sequência. Os dados coletados foram representados através de gráficos, com posterior análise descritiva. Baseado nos resultados obtidos conclui-se que a sequência didática corroborou no desenvolvimento de uma aprendizagem significativa dos alunos, uma vez que foi capaz de ampliar o seu nível de conhecimento. A sequência didática foi avaliada de forma positiva pelos alunos, pois eles revelaram que ela promoveu uma aprendizagem de forma mais dinâmica e motivadora, por facilitar a associação do conteúdo estudado em sala de aula com o seu dia-a-dia. Ante o exposto, pode-se afirmar que a utilização dessa sequência didática mostrou-se eficiente no processo de ensino-aprendizagem do conteúdo das funções orgânicas, devendo ser aplicada em sala de aula com a finalidade de auxiliar o ensino de Química nas escolas

    De Dendê e Baianidade:: restaurantes de comida baiana em Salvador

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    Orientador: Edson Silva de FariasDissertação de MestradoData da defesa: 13.11.201

    Cycle of violence in women victims of domestic violence : qualitative analysis of OPD 2 interview

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    Introduction: Domestic violence places woman as the victim and man as the aggres‐sor in the family environment. There is limited consistent and clear information based on empirical evidence on the dynamic functioning of the victims.Objective: To further understand the psychodynamics of women in the cycle of vio‐lence taking into account the aspects of psychological trauma. It is transversal re‐search design. The sample was composed of ten women victim of domestic violence. Data collection was based on the OPD‐2 Clinical Interview. Content analysis was performed from categories created by a posteriori: (a) Previous history; (b) Behavioral aspects; (c) Emotional aspects; (d) Reason for being in the relationship; (e) Type of violence and explanation for the reason of violence; (f) Support network and daily activities; and (g) Clinical and legal referral.Results: Constant violence causes changes in the structural functioning and psycho‐logical conflict of the victims: difficulties in mentalization, instability in relationships, emotional dependence, abandonment of her own life for her partners, difficulty in having a sense of identity. Victims presented difficulties in making significant changes in daily life to break the cycle of violence.Conclusion: The research sought to collaborate with more evidence on the subject, suggesting a reformulation on forms of encounter to break the cycle of violence

    First cases of exclusive paternal care in stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)

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    We describe paternal care in two pentatomid bugs, Lopadusa (Lopadusa) augur Stål, 1860 and Edessa nigropunctata Berg, 1884. Field and laboratory observations showed that males remain with their eggs and early hatched nymphs, while females abandon the eggs after oviposition. Guarding males defensive behaviors towards their clutches were similar to those described for guarding females of pentatomids. Since there is no detailed information on the internal phylogeny of Pentatomidae, it is not possible to make a robust inference on whether paternal care in L. augur and E. nigropunctata has arisen independently or not. If the latter, the two new cases of paternal care we describe here represent the fifth event of independent evolution of this rare behavioral trait in Heteroptera.FAPESPCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)CNP


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    Adaptação transcultural do Módulo de Avaliação da Violência Doméstica do Diagnóstico Psicodinâmico Operacionalizado (OPD-2) em mulheres brasileiras vítimas de violência doméstica

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    Introduction: Intimate partner domestic violence against women causes physical and psychological harm to victims. The relevance of this topic is indisputable and there is a need to identify in greater detail how these women experience violence, since these factors have considerable clinical implications. Objective: To develop a Portuguese version of the Module for Assessment of Domestic Violence, adapted from Axis I of the Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD-2), considering content validity and psychometric characteristics. Method: Cross-cultural adaptation was based on guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures. OPD clinical interviews were recorded and transcribed. These interviews were analyzed by two independent judges trained in the OPD-2. Results: The sample comprised 56 women who had been victims of domestic violence, with a mean age of 30.07 years (standard deviation = 9.65). The adapted version has content validity and good psychometric characteristics. Evaluation of semantic equivalence took into account the psychodynamic references, using the same ideas as the original instrument. Interexaminer reliability between the judges was substantial (k = 0.63) and Cronbach’s alpha for the new version indicates good reliability. Conclusion: The OPD-2 offers a psychodynamic diagnosis of the victim that complements traditional nosological diagnosis, particularly in the context of domestic violence with the adaptation of Axis I. Certain biases could have been detrimental to aspects of this study, but they were controlled. The study objective was achieved and the Module was successfully adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. The results are in line with those of the original study.Introdução: A violência doméstica por parceiro íntimo contra as mulheres causa danos físicos e psicológicos às vítimas. A relevância deste tópico é indiscutível, e é necessário identificar em mais detalhe como essas mulheres sofrem violência, uma vez que esses fatores têm implicações clínicas consideráveis. Objetivo: Desenvolver uma versão em português do Módulo de Avaliação da Violência Doméstica, adaptado do Eixo I do Diagnóstico Psicodinâmico Operacionalizado (Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis – OPD-2), considerando a validade de conteúdo e as características psicométricas. Método: A adaptação transcultural foi baseada nas diretrizes para o processo de adaptação transcultural de medidas de autorrelato. As entrevistas clínicas do OPD foram gravadas e transcritas. Essas entrevistas foram analisadas por dois juízes independentes treinados no OPD-2. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 56 mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica, com idade média de 30,07 anos (desvio padrão = 9,65). A versão adaptada demonstrou validade de conteúdo e boas características psicométricas. A avaliação da equivalência semântica levou em consideração as referências psicodinâmicas, utilizando as mesmas ideias do instrumento original. A confiabilidade entre os juízes foi substancial (k = 0,63), e o alfa de Cronbach para a nova versão indica boa confiabilidade. Conclusão: O OPD-2 oferece um diagnóstico psicodinâmico da vítima que complementa o diagnóstico nosológico tradicional, particularmente no contexto de violência doméstica com a adaptação do Eixo I. Certos vieses poderiam ter sido prejudiciais aos aspectos deste estudo, mas foram controlados. O objetivo do estudo foi alcançado e o Módulo foi adaptado com sucesso para o português do Brasil. Os resultados estão alinhados com os do estudo original

    Understanding the psychodynamic functioning of patients with PTSD and CPTSD : qualitative analysis from the OPD 2 interview

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    The traumatic event produces intolerable excitations to the psychic apparatus that searches to relief them through the production of symptoms. When established, patients with post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) may experience fashbacks, somatizations, negative emotions about themselves, and difculty in social contact. This work seeks to understand how the psychodynamic functioning of women victims of interpersonal and urban violence, diagnosed with these disorders, is organized, identifying traumatic experiences, ways of interpersonal relationships, conficts and psychic structures and use of defense mechanisms, and for peculiarities that may diferentiate these disorders. The qualitative transversal method was used through the content analysis of clinical interviews based on the Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD-2). The sample of this study consisted of fve women with PTSD and fve with CPTSD. The following categories were created: reasons for seeking care, symptoms and desire for treatment, traumatic developmental events, and characteristics of the psychic functioning. Early trauma generates psychic organizations with greater disintegration. A new traumatic event destabilizes the psychic organization and intensifes symptoms. Relationships were marked by dependence and isolation. Participants with CPTSD presented tendency to disintegration related to the object relation regulation and the psychic confict was of Individuation versus Dependence, with more primitive faws in object representations, existential need for the other and direct discharge of impulses. Participants with PTSD had moderate to low level of object relation integration and the confict was need to be care of versus self-sufciency, with self-representations being fragile and with reduced capacity to manage impulses. Thus, it could be observed that OPD-2 is capable of assessing in a broad and deep way patients with traumatic disorders, in addition to identifying essential peculiarities to guide health professionals towards treatment in the search for better quality of life for patients