104 research outputs found

    Exome sequencing improves the molecular diagnostics of paediatric unexplained neurodevelopmental disorders

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2024. Background: Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) and/or associated multiple congenital abnormalities (MCAs) represent a genetically heterogeneous group of conditions with an adverse prognosis for the quality of intellectual and social abilities and common daily functioning. The rapid development of exome sequencing (ES) techniques, together with trio-based analysis, nowadays leads to up to 50% diagnostic yield. Therefore, it is considered as the state-of-the-art approach in these diagnoses. Results: In our study, we present the results of ES in a cohort of 85 families with 90 children with severe NDDs and MCAs. The interconnection of the in-house bioinformatic pipeline and a unique algorithm for variant prioritization resulted in a diagnostic yield of up to 48.9% (44/90), including rare and novel causative variants (41/90) and intragenic copy-number variations (CNVs) (3/90). Of the total number of 47 causative variants, 53.2% (25/47) were novel, highlighting the clinical benefit of ES for unexplained NDDs. Moreover, trio-based ES was verified as a reliable tool for the detection of rare CNVs, ranging from intragenic exon deletions (GRIN2A, ZC4H2 genes) to a 6-Mb duplication. The functional analysis using PANTHER Gene Ontology confirmed the involvement of genes with causative variants in a wide spectrum of developmental processes and molecular pathways, which form essential structural and functional components of the central nervous system. Conclusion: Taken together, we present one of the first ES studies of this scale from the central European region. Based on the high diagnostic yield for paediatric NDDs in this study, 48.9%, we confirm trio-based ES as an effective and reliable first-tier diagnostic test in the genetic evaluation of children with NDDs

    Thorough in silico and in vitro cDNA analysis of 21 putative BRCA1 and BRCA2 splice variants and a complex tandem duplication in BRCA2 allowing the identification of activated cryptic splice donor sites in BRCA2 exon 11

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    For 21 putative BRCA1 and BRCA2 splice site variants, the concordance between mRNA analysis and predictions by in silico programs was evaluated. Aberrant splicing was confirmed for 12 alterations. In silico prediction tools were helpful to determine for which variants cDNA analysis is warranted, however, predictions for variants in the Cartegni consensus region but outside the canonical sites, were less reliable. Learning algorithms like Adaboost and Random Forest outperformed the classical tools. Further validations are warranted prior to implementation of these novel tools in clinical settings. Additionally, we report here for the first time activated cryptic donor sites in the large exon 11 of BRCA2 by evaluating the effect at the cDNA level of a novel tandem duplication (5 breakpoint in intron 4; 3 breakpoint in exon 11) and of a variant disrupting the splice donor site of exon 11 (c.6841+1G>C). Additional sites were predicted, but not activated. These sites warrant further research to increase our knowledge on cis and trans acting factors involved in the conservation of correct transcription of this large exon. This may contribute to adequate design of ASOs (antisense oligonucleotides), an emerging therapy to render cancer cells sensitive to PARP inhibitor and platinum therapies

    Immediate response of myocardium to pressure overload includes transient regulation of genes associated with mitochondrial bioenergetics and calcium availability

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    Ventricular hypertrophy is one of the major myocardial responses to pressure overload (PO). Most studies on early myocardial response focus on the days or even weeks after induction of hypertrophic stimuli. Since mechanotransduction pathways are immediately activated in hearts undergoing increased work load, it is reasonable to infer that the myocardial gene program may be regulated in the first few hours. In the present study, we monitored the expression of some genes previously described in the context of myocardial hypertrophic growth by using the Northern blot technique, to estimate the mRNA content of selected genes in rat myocardium for the periods 1, 3, 6, 12 and 48 h after PO stimuli. Results revealed an immediate switch in the expression of genes encoding alpha and beta isoforms of myosin heavy chain, and up-regulation of the cardiac isoform of alpha actin. We also detected transitory gene regulation as the increase in mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene expression, parallel to down-regulation of genes encoding sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca+2 ATPase and sodium-calcium exchanger. Taken together, these results indicate that initial myocardial responses to increased work load include alterations in the contractile properties of sarcomeres and transitory adjustment of mitochondrial bioenergetics and calcium availability

    Prevalence of Propionibacterium acnes in Intervertebral Discs of Patients Undergoing Lumbar Microdiscectomy: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background The relationship between intervertebral disc degeneration and chronic infection by Propionibacterium acnes is controversial with contradictory evidence available in the literature. Previous studies investigating these relationships were under-powered and fraught with methodical differences;moreover, they have not taken into consideration P. acnes' ability to form biofilms or attempted to quantitate the bioburden with regard to determining bacterial counts/genome equivalents as criteria to differentiate true infection from contamination. The aim of this prospective cross-sectional study was to determine the prevalence of P. acnes in patients undergoing lumbar disc microdiscectomy. Methods and Findings The sample consisted of 290 adult patients undergoing lumbar microdiscectomy for symptomatic lumbar disc herniation. An intraoperative biopsy and pre-operative clinical data were taken in all cases. One biopsy fragment was homogenized and used for quantitative anaerobic culture and a second was frozen and used for real-time PCR-based quantification of P. acnes genomes. P. acnes was identified in 115 cases (40%), coagulase-negative staphylococci in 31 cases (11%) and alpha-hemolytic streptococci in 8 cases (3%). P. acnes counts ranged from 100 to 9000 CFU/ml with a median of 400 CFU/ml. The prevalence of intervertebral discs with abundant P. acnes (>= 1x10(3) CFU/ml) was 11% (39 cases). There was significant correlation between the bacterial counts obtained by culture and the number of P. acnes genomes detected by real-time PCR (r = 0.4363, p<0.0001). Conclusions In a large series of patients, the prevalence of discs with abundant P. acnes was 11%. We believe, disc tissue homogenization releases P. acnes from the biofilm so that they can then potentially be cultured, reducing the rate of false-negative cultures. Further, quantification study revealing significant bioburden based on both culture and real-time PCR minimize the likelihood that observed findings are due to contamination and supports the hypothesis P. acnes acts as a pathogen in these cases of degenerative disc disease

    Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in the Wild Boar (Sus scrofa): A Comparison of Methods Applicable to Hunter-Harvested Animals

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    To obtain robust epidemiological information regarding tuberculosis (TB) in wildlife species, appropriate diagnostic methods need to be used. Wild boar (Sus scrofa) recently emerged as a major maintenance host for TB in some European countries. Nevertheless, no data is available to evaluate TB post-mortem diagnostic methods in hunter-harvested wild boar. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Six different diagnostic methods for TB were evaluated in parallel in 167 hunter-harvested wild boar. Compared to bacteriological culture, estimates of sensitivity of histopathology was 77.8%, gross pathology 72.2%, PCR for the MPB70 gene 66.7%, detection of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in tissue contact smears 55.6% and in histopathology slides 16.7% (estimated specificity was 96.7%, 100%, 100%, 94.4% and 100%, respectively). Combining gross pathology with stained smears in parallel increased estimated sensitivity to 94.4% (94.4% specificity). Four probable bacteriological culture false-negative animals were identified by Discriminant Function Analysis. Recalculating the parameters considering these animals as infected generated estimated values for sensitivity of bacteriology and histopathology of 81.8%, gross pathology 72.7%, PCR for the MPB70 gene 63.6%, detection of AFB in tissue contact smears 54.5% and in histopathology slides 13.6% (estimated specificity was 100% for gross pathology, PCR, bacteriology and detection of AFB in histopathology slides, 96.7% for histopathology and 94.4% for stained smears). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results show that surveys for TB in wild boar based exclusively on gross pathology considerably underestimate prevalence, while combination of tests in parallel much improves sensitivity and negative predictive values. This finding should thus be considered when planning future surveys and game meat inspection schemes. Although bacteriological culture is the reference test for TB diagnosis, it can generate false-negative results and this should be considered when interpreting data.This study was funded by laboratory funds from Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Health Sciences, University of Minho. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript

    Spectrum and characterisation of BRCA1 and BRCA2 deleterious mutations in high-risk Czech patients with breast and/or ovarian cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The incidence of breast cancer has doubled over the past 20 years in the Czech Republic. Hereditary factors may be a cause of young onset, bilateral breast or ovarian cancer, and familial accumulation of the disease. <it>BRCA1 </it>and <it>BRCA2 </it>mutations account for an important fraction of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer cases. One thousand and ten unrelated high-risk probands with breast and/or ovarian cancer were analysed for the presence of a <it>BRCA1 </it>or <it>BRCA2 </it>gene mutation at the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (Czech Republic) during 1999–2006.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The complete coding sequences and splice sites of both genes were screened, and the presence of large intragenic rearrangements in <it>BRCA1 </it>was verified. Putative splice-site variants were analysed at the cDNA level for their potential to alter mRNA splicing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 294 unrelated families (29.1% of the 1,010 probands) pathogenic mutations were identified, with 44 different <it>BRCA1 </it>mutations and 41 different <it>BRCA2 </it>mutations being detected in 204 and 90 unrelated families, respectively. In total, three <it>BRCA1 </it>founder mutations (c.5266dupC; c.3700_3704del5; p.Cys61Gly) and two <it>BRCA2 </it>founder mutations (c.7913_7917del5; c.8537_8538del2) represent 52% of all detected mutations in Czech high-risk probands. Nine putative splice-site variants were evaluated at the cDNA level. Three splice-site variants in <it>BRCA1 </it>(c.302-3C>G; c.4185G>A and c.4675+1G>A) and six splice-site variants in <it>BRCA2 </it>(c.475G>A; c.476-2>G; c.7007G>A; c.8755-1G>A; c.9117+2T>A and c.9118-2A>G) were demonstrated to result in aberrant transcripts and are considered as deleterious mutations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study represents an evaluation of deleterious genetic variants in the <it>BRCA1 </it>and <it>2 </it>genes in the Czech population. The classification of several splice-site variants as true pathogenic mutations may prove useful for genetic counselling of families with high risk of breast and ovarian cancer.</p

    Prevalence of the most frequent BRCA1 mutations in Polish population

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    The purpose of our study was to establish the frequency and distribution of the four most common BRCA1 mutations in Polish general population and in a series of breast cancer patients. Analysis of the population frequency of 5382insC (c.5266dupC), 300T >G (p.181T >G), 185delAG (c.68_69delAG) and 3819del5 (c.3700_3704del5) mutations of the BRCA1 gene were performed on a group of respectively 16,849, 13,462, 12,485 and 3923 anonymous samples collected at birth in seven Polish provinces. The patient group consisted of 1845 consecutive female breast cancer cases. The most frequent BRCA1 mutation in the general population was 5382insC found in 29 out of 16,849 samples (0.17%). 300T >G and 3819del5 mutations were found in respectively 11 of 13,462 (0.08%) and four of 3923 (0.1%) samples. The population prevalence for combined Polish founder 5382insC and 300T >G mutations was 0.25% (1/400). The frequencies of 5382insC and 300T >G carriers among consecutive breast cancer cases were, respectively, 1.9% (35/1845) and 1.2% (18/1486). Comparing these data with the population frequency, we calculated the relative risk of breast cancer for 5382insC mutation at OR = 17 and for 300T >G mutation at OR = 26. Our results, based on large population studies, show high frequencies of founder 5382insC and 300T >G BRCA1 mutations in Polish general population. Carriage of one of these mutations is connected with a very high relative risk of breast cancer

    The occurrence of germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 sequence alterations in Slovenian population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>BRCA1 </it>and <it>BRCA2 </it>mutation spectrum and mutation detection rates according to different family histories were investigated in 521 subjects from 322 unrelated Slovenian cancer families with breast and/or ovarian cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The <it>BRCA1 </it>and <it>BRCA2 </it>genes were screened using DGGE, PTT, HRM, MLPA and direct sequencing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Eighteen different mutations were found in <it>BRCA1 </it>and 13 in <it>BRCA2 </it>gene. Mutations in one or other gene were found in 96 unrelated families. The mutation detection rates were the highest in the families with at least one breast and at least one ovarian cancer - 42% for <it>BRCA1 </it>and 8% for <it>BRCA2</it>. The mutation detection rate observed in the families with at least two breast cancers with disease onset before the age of 50 years and no ovarian cancer was 23% for <it>BRCA1 </it>and 13% for <it>BRCA2</it>. The mutation detection rate in the families with at least two breast cancers and only one with the disease onset before the age of 50 years was 11% for <it>BRCA1 </it>and 8% for <it>BRCA2</it>. In the families with at least two breast cancers, all of them with disease onset over the age of 50 years, the detection rate was 5% for <it>BRCA2 </it>and 0% for <it>BRCA1</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Among the mutations detected in Slovenian population, 5 mutations in <it>BRCA1 </it>and 4 mutations in <it>BRCA2 </it>have not been described in other populations until now. The most frequent mutations in our population were c.181T > G, c.1687C > T, c.5266dupC and c.844_850dupTCATTAC in <it>BRCA1 </it>gene and c.7806-2A > G, c.5291C > G and c.3978insTGCT in <it>BRCA2 </it>gene (detected in 69% of <it>BRCA1 </it>and <it>BRCA2 </it>positive families).</p

    The motivation for citizens’ involvement in life sciences research is predicted by age and gender

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    Open Science is an umbrella term encompassing multiple concepts as open access to publications, open data, open education and citizen science that aim to make science more open and transparent. Citizen science, an important facet of Open Science, actively involves nonscientists in the research process, and can potentially be beneficial for multiple actors, such as scientists, citizens, policymakers and society in general. However, the reasons that motivate different segments of the public to participate in research are still understudied. Therefore, based on data gathered from a survey conducted in Czechia, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the UK (N = 5,870), this study explores five types of incentives that can motivate individuals to become involved in life sciences research. The results demonstrate that men and younger individuals are more persuaded by extrinsic motives (external benefits or rewards), as compared with women and older people, who are driven by intrinsic motives (that originates from within an individual). This paper shows that specific strata of the population are differentially motivated to engage in research, thereby providing relevant knowledge for effectively designing public involvement activities that target various groups of the public in research projects

    Polygenic risk modeling for prediction of epithelial ovarian cancer risk

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    Polygenic risk scores (PRS) for epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) have the potential to improve risk stratification. Joint estimation of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) effects in models could improve predictive performance over standard approaches of PRS construction. Here, we implemented computationally efficient, penalized, logistic regression models (lasso, elastic net, stepwise) to individual level genotype data and a Bayesian framework with continuous shrinkage, "select and shrink for summary statistics" (S4), to summary level data for epithelial non-mucinous ovarian cancer risk prediction. We developed the models in a dataset consisting of 23,564 non-mucinous EOC cases and 40,138 controls participating in the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium (OCAC) and validated the best models in three populations of different ancestries: prospective data from 198,101 women of European ancestries; 7,669 women of East Asian ancestries; 1,072 women of African ancestries, and in 18,915 BRCA1 and 12,337 BRCA2 pathogenic variant carriers of European ancestries. In the external validation data, the model with the strongest association for non-mucinous EOC risk derived from the OCAC model development data was the S4 model (27,240 SNPs) with odds ratios (OR) of 1.38 (95% CI: 1.28-1.48, AUC: 0.588) per unit standard deviation, in women of European ancestries; 1.14 (95% CI: 1.08-1.19, AUC: 0.538) in women of East Asian ancestries; 1.38 (95% CI: 1.21-1.58, AUC: 0.593) in women of African ancestries; hazard ratios of 1.36 (95% CI: 1.29-1.43, AUC: 0.592) in BRCA1 pathogenic variant carriers and 1.49 (95% CI: 1.35-1.64, AUC: 0.624) in BRCA2 pathogenic variant carriers. Incorporation of the S4 PRS in risk prediction models for ovarian cancer may have clinical utility in ovarian cancer prevention programs