12 research outputs found

    Chercheurs, soyez collaboratifs !

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    [Article de presse] The Conversation FranceDans un systÚme complexe, les universitaires donc les doctorants doivent s'inscrire dans des démarches collaboratives pour réussir leurs projets. Retour d'expérience aprÚs un séminaire à Hong Kong

    Chercheurs, soyez collaboratifs !

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    [Article de presse] The Conversation FranceDans un systÚme complexe, les universitaires donc les doctorants doivent s'inscrire dans des démarches collaboratives pour réussir leurs projets. Retour d'expérience aprÚs un séminaire à Hong Kong

    When researchers get ‘involved elsewhere’

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    [Article de presse] The Conversation FranceIn a complex system, academics and doctoral students must take part in collaborative efforts to succeed in their projects. Feedback after a seminar in Hong Kong

    When researchers get ‘involved elsewhere’

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    [Article de presse] The Conversation FranceIn a complex system, academics and doctoral students must take part in collaborative efforts to succeed in their projects. Feedback after a seminar in Hong Kong

    Refining the SarliĂšve palaeolake (France) Neolithic chronology by combining several radiocarbon approaches

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    Dating sedimentary series spanning the past few tens of thousands of years is often problematic due to the quality of 14C data obtained from organic matter (OM), including OM bulk. This question recently arose when establishing the chronology of the sediment infill of the SarliÚve palaeolake (French Massif Central). In the studied section of the cores that covers the Neolithic, Ruppia seeds yielded consistent ages for the lower part (7195 ± 75 yr BP to 6050 ± 60 yr BP). The reservoir age of 82 ± 42 14C yr was estimated through the comparison of ages derived from charcoal, Ruppia seeds, and charophyte oogonia sampled on a single level. The upper part of the cores lacks macrofossils and bulk OM dating yields unusable data because of a significant contribution of aged OM derived from the Oligocene substratum in the catchment. We therefore performed datings on lipids extracted from the sediments. The age of lipids was 2880 ± 30 yr BP near the top of the section, i.e. much younger than the age estimated from previous correlations based on pollen assemblages. These new data lead to review previous paleoenvironmental interpretations. The combined dating methodology used for the Neolithic series of SarliÚve is a rather uncommon approach that may constitute help to refine chronologies of Holocene sedimentary series

    Evolution du paléolac de SarliÚve (Puy-de DÎme) et de son environnement durant l'Atlantique : à la recherche d'indices d'activité anthropique

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    National audienceLe marais de SarliĂšve est un ancien petit lac (5 km2) situĂ© prĂšs de Clermond-Ferrand et comblĂ© de sĂ©diments datĂ©s du Tardiglaciaire et de l'HolocĂšne. Son bassin versant (29 km2) est essentiellement constituĂ© de formations marno-calcaires oligocĂšnes. De rĂ©cents travaux ont permis de reconstituer les modalitĂ©s de son remplissage holocĂšne (Fourmont, 2005). L'un des intĂ©rĂȘts majeurs de ce site, notamment pour les archĂ©ologues, est qu'il se localise dans un secteur clef du peuplement arverne, au carrefour de deux anciennes voies de communication majeures (Lyon-Saintes et Clermont-Ferrand au Midi) et Ă  proximitĂ© d'anciennes citĂ©s comme l'oppidum de Gergovie. En contrepoint des Ă©tudes sĂ©dimentologiques et gĂ©ochimiques antĂ©rieures (Fourmont, 2005), une Ă©tude la matiĂšre organique (MO) a Ă©tĂ© entreprise afin de tenter de prĂ©ciser l'Ă©volution de son environnement durant l'Atlantique et de rechercher d'Ă©ventuelle marques anthropiques. Un tronçon de 1,80 m de la carotte Sarl 17b (2,02 Ă  3,79 m de profondeur) couvrant tout l'Atlantique (unitĂ© B3), a Ă©tĂ© sectionnĂ©, selon la lithologie, en 51 Ă©chantillons d'Ă©paisseur variable. Cette unitĂ© carbonatĂ©e comprend une alternance de couches silto-argileuses homogĂšnes et de couches laminĂ©es. AprĂšs sĂ©chage et broyage, les Ă©chantillons ont fait l'objet d'une pyrolyse Rock-Eval (RE), puis d'une Ă©tude des lipides acides et neutres (extraction par solvant, sĂ©paration, puis analyse des deux fractions par chromatographie en phase gazeuse- spectromĂ©trie de masse (CPG-SM). La pyrolyse RE a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des teneurs en carbone organique total (COT) notables Ă  fortes dans tous les niveaux Ă©tudiĂ©s (1 Ă  plus de 13 %). Ces valeurs, assez fluctuantes, sont particuliĂšrement Ă©levĂ©es dans la partie infĂ©rieure, plus riche en lamines, de la section d'Ă©tude. Les valeurs de l'indice d'hydrogĂšne (IH) comprises entre 160 et 660 mg d'HC.g-1 COT rĂ©vĂšlent une MO constituĂ©e de proportions variables de matĂ©riel hĂ©ritĂ© de vĂ©gĂ©taux du bassin versant et de la production lacustre. Dans la partie infĂ©rieure de la section Ă©tudiĂ©e, des valeurs d'IH Ă©levĂ©es (voisines de 600), attestent d'une trĂšs bonne prĂ©servation de la MO, trĂšs vraisemblablement assurĂ©e par une productivitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e (forts COT). Dans tous les Ă©chantillons les analyses molĂ©culaires ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des proportions notables de composĂ©s hĂ©ritĂ©s de plantes supĂ©rieures terrestres [n-alcanes, n-alcanols, stĂ©rols et stanols en C27, C28 et C29), acides gras « lourds » (>nC20)...]. La production autochtone se signale par des acides gras lĂ©gers (essentiellement nC16 et nC18, saturĂ©s et insaturĂ©s) et surtout par des proportions parfois Ă©levĂ©es de divers composĂ©s hopaniques. La section d'Ă©tude qui succĂšde Ă  deux unitĂ©s carbonatĂ©es, (B1 calcaire, puis B2 dolomitique) semble s'ĂȘtre mise en place aprĂšs une montĂ©e des eaux accompagnĂ©e d'une eutrophisation que soulignent de forts COT et d'abondantes proportions de composĂ©s mĂ©thyl-2-hopaniques, typiques de cyanobactĂ©ries. AprĂšs cet Ă©pisode les apports organiques au sĂ©diment, beaucoup plus modestes et presque exclusivement allochtones, ne marquent plus que des fluctuations modĂ©rĂ©es soulignant des conditions de milieu assez stables. La recherche de marqueurs des activitĂ©s anthropiques s'est pour le moment rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e infructueuse. Cependant, dans la partie supĂ©rieure de la section d'Ă©tude, on note des proportions modestes de coprostanol, composĂ© qui se forme dans l'intestin des animaux et notamment dans celui des humains. Ce composĂ© et les stanols apparentĂ©s qui l'accompagnent, dĂ©notent-ils ici l'importance de l'activitĂ© anthropique dans l'environnement du lac vers la fin de l'Atlantique (fin du NĂ©olithique)? Cette hypothĂšse est en cours de vĂ©rification. Fourmont A. (2005). Quantification de l'Ă©rosion et de la sĂ©dimentation dans le bassin de SarliĂšve (Massif Central, France) au Tardiglaciaire et Ă  l'HolocĂšne. Impact des facteurs naturels et anthropiques. ThĂšse de doctorat - UniversitĂ© de Tours 420 p

    Découverte de la transculturalité dans des colloques internationaux: expérience de jeunes chercheurs en mobilité

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    International audienceFrench PhD students share their experience in designing an international workshop on academic presentations. The seminar was devised as part of an International Summer School organized by an Education University in Asia and was aimed at doctoral students from various countries. By positioning themselves as multidisciplinary co-authors, French doctoral students demonstrate that an open research posture (bottom-up type) is more appropriate and more easily shared than a frontal training posture (top-down type). This article suggests that multicultural exchanges can provide future perspectives for considering PhD students in terms of international mobility as well as inter- and transcultural meetings of early career researchers (ECRs).Des doctorants français partagent leur expĂ©rience de la conception d’un atelier international sur la prĂ©sentation de recherche. Celui-ci a Ă©tĂ© menĂ© lors d’une universitĂ© d’étĂ© organisĂ©e par une UniversitĂ© de Sciences de l’éducation et de la formation en Asie. Il Ă©tait destinĂ© aux doctorants de divers pays. En se positionnant comme co-auteurs pluridisciplinaires, les doctorants français dĂ©montrent qu’une posture de recherche ouverte (bottom-up) est plus appropriĂ©e et plus facilement partagĂ©e qu’une posture de formation frontale (top-down). Cet article prouve que des Ă©changes multiculturels peuvent fournir des perspectives d’avenir pour envisager la mobilitĂ© internationale et les rencontres inter- et transculturelles des chercheurs en dĂ©but de carriĂšre

    Updated GOES-13 Heliosat-2 Method for Global Horizontal Irradiation in the Americas

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    Increasing the utilization of renewable energy is at the center of most sustainability policies. Solar energy is the most abundant resource of this type on Earth, and optimizing its use requires the optimal estimation of surface solar irradiation. Heliosat-2 is one of the most popular methods of global horizontal irradiation (GHI) estimation. Originally developed for the Meteosat satellite, Heliosat-2 has been modified in previous work to deal with GOES-13 data and named here GOES_H2. This model has been validated through the computation of indicators and irradiation maps for the Guiana Shield. This article proposes an improved version of GOES_H2, which has been combined with a radiative transfer parameterization (RTP) and the McClear clear-sky model (MC). This new version, hereafter designated RTP_MC_GOES_H2, was tested on eight stations from the Baseline Surface Radiation Network, located in North and South America, and covered by GOES-13. RTP_MC_GOES_H2 improves the hourly GHI estimates independently of the type of sky. This improvement is independent of the climate, no matter the station, the RTP_MC_GOES_H2 gives better results of MBE and RMSE than the original GOES_H2 method. Indeed, the MBE and RMSE values, respectively, change from −11.93% to −2.42% and 23.24% to 18.24% for North America and from −4.35% to 1.79% and 19.97% to 17.37 for South America. Moreover, the flexibility of the method may allow to improve results in the presence of snow cover and rainy/variable weather. Furthermore, RTP_MC_GOES_H2 results outperform or equalize those of other operational models

    Updated GOES-13 Heliosat-2 Method for Global Horizontal Irradiation in the Americas

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    Increasing the utilization of renewable energy is at the center of most sustainability policies. Solar energy is the most abundant resource of this type on Earth, and optimizing its use requires the optimal estimation of surface solar irradiation. Heliosat-2 is one of the most popular methods of global horizontal irradiation (GHI) estimation. Originally developed for the Meteosat satellite, Heliosat-2 has been modified in previous work to deal with GOES-13 data and named here GOES_H2. This model has been validated through the computation of indicators and irradiation maps for the Guiana Shield. This article proposes an improved version of GOES_H2, which has been combined with a radiative transfer parameterization (RTP) and the McClear clear-sky model (MC). This new version, hereafter designated RTP_MC_GOES_H2, was tested on eight stations from the Baseline Surface Radiation Network, located in North and South America, and covered by GOES-13. RTP_MC_GOES_H2 improves the hourly GHI estimates independently of the type of sky. This improvement is independent of the climate, no matter the station, the RTP_MC_GOES_H2 gives better results of MBE and RMSE than the original GOES_H2 method. Indeed, the MBE and RMSE values, respectively, change from −11.93% to −2.42% and 23.24% to 18.24% for North America and from −4.35% to 1.79% and 19.97% to 17.37 for South America. Moreover, the flexibility of the method may allow to improve results in the presence of snow cover and rainy/variable weather. Furthermore, RTP_MC_GOES_H2 results outperform or equalize those of other operational models