1,242 research outputs found

    A Study of the Free Oscillations of the Earth

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    Published observations on the toroidal oscillations of the earth are critically reviewed. A supplementary analysis of the record obtained by the Lamont strain seismometer is presented. Eleven toroidal modes are identified, and it is concluded that the periods are known to within 1 per cent. A perturbation scheme involving the ratio of the angular velocity of the earth to the resonant frequency is used in calculating the effects due to the rotation of the earth on the resonant frequency. The free oscillations are viewed as a superposition of traveling waves. In a nonrotating system two traveling waves combine to produce a stationary standing wave. In a rotating system, the rotation distinguishes between waves that travel in the direction of rotation and those that travel in the opposite direction. Rotation removes a degeneracy and results in a splitting of a spectral peak of order l into 2 times l plus 1 peaks. The fractional displacement in frequency for the lowest-order toroidal oscillations is 1/206 and of the same order as the Q of the peak, so that splitting will probably not be observed in the toroidal oscillations. Viewed locally, rotation causes a particle to precess about a direction parallel to the axis of rotation. This precession will cause a variation of amplitude with time if the motion is recorded by an instrument with an anisotropic response function. Care is therefore needed in studying the time decay of a given spectral peak. Rotation also couples the normal coordinates so that a motion that is initially purely horizontal will develop a vertical component. It is expected that vertical seismometers should record particle motion with the toroidal frequencies. The perturbations of the toroidal oscillations due to core-mantle interaction are treated in detail. An exact expression is obtained for the rate of energy dissipated by a finitely conducting plate oscillating across a magnetic field. The energy dissipated at the core-mantle boundary due to viscous and hydromagnetic coupling is shown to be insignificant as compared with the energy dissipated within the mantle. The toroidal magnetic field leaking into the lower mantle combines with the dipole field, resulting in a stress on the mantle, tending to stiffen the lower boundary. The stress is of sufficient magnitude to produce a displacement toward higher frequency in the lower-order toroidal oscillations. Observations on the (sub 0) T (sub 2) oscillations lead to an estimate of the toroidal magnetic field in the lower mantle. A calculation of elastic energy in the low-order oscillations suggests a value of 10 (sup 18) ergs per cycles per hour for the energy density at low frequencies in the Chilean earthquake. Each mode of oscillation has a characteristic radial distribution of elastic energy associated with it. This distribution determines which parts of the earth contribute most heavily in determining a particular resonant frequency. The distribution of energy for the lower 17 modes for a homogeneous and a Gutenberg model earth is calculated. The resonant frequencies for models of the earth based on the Gutenberg and Lehmann distribution of elastic properties are presented. It is shown that the Gutenberg model earth fits the observations more closely than the Lehmann model and that a slight alteration of the Gutenberg model gives a significantly better fit to the observations. The alteration involves a lower shear-wave velocity in the lower mantle while the Gutenberg velocity distribution is maintained in the upper mantle. Various studies of the earth's oscillations coupled with surface-wave investigations substantiate Gutenberg's hypothesis of a layer of low velocity in the upper mantle. The physical conditions required for the formation of a region of low velocity are examined in detail. The results confirm Birch's earlier statement that a temperature gradient in excess of 6 degrees to 7 degrees per kilometer is needed to produce a decrease in velocity. The low-velocity layer does not require that the temperature approach or exceed the melting temperature. If tile upper mantle is homogeneous, the region of lower velocity should commence at the base of the crust and extend to 150 kilometers under the oceans and about 100 kilometers under continental regions. The distribution of thermal conductivity and radioactivity consistent with the low-velocity layer is also considered

    Classifying short genomic fragments from novel lineages using composition and homology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The assignment of taxonomic attributions to DNA fragments recovered directly from the environment is a vital step in metagenomic data analysis. Assignments can be made using <it>rank-specific </it>classifiers, which assign reads to taxonomic labels from a predetermined level such as named species or strain, or <it>rank-flexible </it>classifiers, which choose an appropriate taxonomic rank for each sequence in a data set. The choice of rank typically depends on the optimal model for a given sequence and on the breadth of taxonomic groups seen in a set of close-to-optimal models. Homology-based (<it>e.g</it>., LCA) and composition-based (<it>e.g</it>., PhyloPythia, TACOA) rank-flexible classifiers have been proposed, but there is at present no hybrid approach that utilizes both homology and composition.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We first develop a hybrid, rank-specific classifier based on BLAST and Naïve Bayes (NB) that has comparable accuracy and a faster running time than the current best approach, PhymmBL. By substituting LCA for BLAST or allowing the inclusion of suboptimal NB models, we obtain a rank-flexible classifier. This hybrid classifier outperforms established rank-flexible approaches on simulated metagenomic fragments of length 200 bp to 1000 bp and is able to assign taxonomic attributions to a subset of sequences with few misclassifications. We then demonstrate the performance of different classifiers on an enhanced biological phosphorous removal metagenome, illustrating the advantages of rank-flexible classifiers when representative genomes are absent from the set of reference genomes. Application to a glacier ice metagenome demonstrates that similar taxonomic profiles are obtained across a set of classifiers which are increasingly conservative in their classification.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our NB-based classification scheme is faster than the current best composition-based algorithm, Phymm, while providing equally accurate predictions. The rank-flexible variant of NB, which we term ε-NB, is complementary to LCA and can be combined with it to yield conservative prediction sets of very high confidence. The simple parameterization of LCA and ε-NB allows for tuning of the balance between more predictions and increased precision, allowing the user to account for the sensitivity of downstream analyses to misclassified or unclassified sequences.</p

    Absence of Persistent Magnetic Oscillations in Type-II Superconductors

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    We report on a numerical study intended to examine the possibility that magnetic oscillations persist in type II superconductors beyond the point where the pairing self-energy exceeds the normal state Landau level separation. Our work is based on the self-consistent numerical solution for model superconductors of the Bogoliubov-deGennes equations for the vortex lattice state. In the regime where the pairing self-energy is smaller than the cyclotron energy, magnetic oscillations resulting from Landau level quantization are suppressed by the broadening of quasiparticle Landau levels due to the non-uniform order parameter of the vortex lattice state, and by splittings of the quasiparticle bands. Plausible arguments that the latter effect can lead to a sign change of the fundamental harmonic of the magnetic oscillations when the pairing self-energy is comparable to the cyclotron energy are shown to be flawed. Our calculations indicate that magnetic oscillations are strongly suppressed once the pairing self-energy exceeds the Landau level separation.Comment: 7 pages, revtex, 7 postscript figure

    Hot Settling Accretion Flow onto a Spinning Black Hole

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    We study the structure and properties of hot MHD accretion onto a Kerr black hole. In such a system, the hole is magnetically coupled to the inflowing gas and exerts a torque onto the accretion flow. A hot settling flow can form around the hole and transport the angular momentum outward, to the outer edge of the flow. Unlike other hot flows, such as advection- and convection-dominated flows and inflow-outflow solutions (ADAFs, CDAFs, and ADIOS), the properties of the hot settling flow are determined by the spin of the central black hole, but are insensitive to the mass accretion rate. Therefore, it may be possible to identify rapidly spinning BHs simply from their broad-band spectra. Observationally, the hot settling flow around a Kerr hole is somewhat similar to other hot flows in that they all have hard, power-law spectra and relatively low luminosities. Thus, most black hole candidates in the low/hard and, perhaps, intermediate X-ray state may potentially accrete via the hot settling flow. However, a settling flow will be somewhat more luminous than ADAFs/CDAFs/ADIOS, will exhibit high variability in X-rays, and may have relativistic jets. This suggests that galactic microquasars and active galactic nuclei may be powered by hot settling flows. We identify several galactic X-ray sources as the best candidates.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to Ap

    Effect of Supplemental Protein and Glucogenic Precursors on Digestibility and Energy Metabolism

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    A metabolism study was conducted to evaluate the impact of increasing levels of glucogenic precursors on diet digestibility and acetate clearance. Four supplementation strategies containing 0, 30, 40, and 70 g of supplemental glucogenic potential were supplied to a basal diet of bromegrass hay. Addition of glucogenic potential in the form of rumen undegradable protein improved dry matter, organic matter, and acid detergent fiber digestibility efficiency of acetate utilization in growing lambs fed moderate- quality hay. However, no additive effect of supplementing propionate salts and rumen undegradable protein were observed in this study. Th is would suggest that rumen undegradable protein requirements must be met to observe effects from increasing levels of glucogenic potential

    Density of states of a type-II superconductor in a high magnetic field: Impurity effects

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    We have calculated the density of states N(ω)N(\omega) of a dirty but homogeneous superconductor in a high magnetic field. We assume a dilute concentration of scalar impurities and find how N(ω)N(\omega) behaves as one crosses from the weak scattering to the strong scattering limit. At low energies, N(ω)ω2N(\omega)\sim \omega ^2 for small values of the impurity concentration and scattering strength. When the disorder becomes stronger than some critical value, a finite density of states is created at the Fermi surface. These results are a consequence of the gapless nature of the quasiparticle excitation spectrum in a high magnetic field.Comment: 20 pages in RevTeX, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B (July 1, 1997

    Formation of Ionization-Cone Structures in Active Galactic Nuclei: I. Stationary Model and Linear Stability Analysis

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    We discuss causes of the formation of the observed kinematics and morphology of cones of ionized matter in the neighborhood of the nuclei of Seyfert galaxies. The results of linear stability analysis of an optically thin conic jet where radiation cooling and gravity play an important part are reported. The allowance for radiation cooling is shown to result in strong damping of all acoustic modes and to have insignificant effect on unstable surface Kelvin--Helmholtz modes. In the case of waveguide--resonance internal gravity modes radiative cooling suppresses completely the instability of waves propagating away from the ejection source and, vice versa, reduces substantially the growth time scale of unstable sourceward propagating modes. The results obtained can be used to study ionization cones in Seyfert galaxies with radio jets. In particular, our analysis shows that surface Kelvin--Helmholtz modes and volume harmonics are capable of producing regular features observed in optical emission-line images of such galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, published in Astrophysical Bulleti

    Ginzburg-Landau-Gor'kov Theory of Magnetic oscillations in a type-II 2-dimensional Superconductor

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    We investigate de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations in the mixed state of a type-II two-dimensional superconductor within a self-consistent Gor'kov perturbation scheme. Assuming that the order parameter forms a vortex lattice we can calculate the expansion coefficients exactly to any order. We have tested the results of the perturbation theory to fourth and eight order against an exact numerical solution of the corresponding Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. The perturbation theory is found to describe the onset of superconductivity well close to the transition point Hc2H_{c2}. Contrary to earlier calculations by other authors we do not find that the perturbative scheme predicts any maximum of the dHvA-oscillations below Hc2H_{c2}. Instead we obtain a substantial damping of the magnetic oscillations in the mixed state as compared to the normal state. We have examined the effect of an oscillatory chemical potential due to particle conservation and the effect of a finite Zeeman splitting. Furthermore we have investigated the recently debated issue of a possibility of a sign change of the fundamental harmonic of the magnetic oscillations. Our theory is compared with experiment and we have found good agreement.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures. This is a replacement of supr-con/9608004. Several sections changed or added, including a section on the effect of spin and the effect of a conserved number of particles. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    The effect of corn silage hybrid and inclusion on performance of finishing steers and silage hybrid effects on digestibility and performance of growing steers

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    Three experiments evaluated the effects of three corn silage hybrids, inclusion, and nutrient digestibility in growing and finishing diets. The three hybrids tested included a control (CON), a hybrid containing a brown midrib (bm3) trait (BM3), and an experimental bm3 hybrid with the soft endosperm trait (BM3-SOFT). Experiment 1 utilized 360 crossbred steers (body weight [BW] = 334; SD = 25 kg) to evaluate inclusion of silage in a finishing diet at (15% or 45% of diet dry matter [DM]) and silage hybrid (CON, BM3, or BM3-SOFT). Experiment 2 and 3 utilized 216 crossbred steers (BW = 324; SD = 10 kg) and six ruminally fistulated steers (BW = 274; SD = 27 kg), respectively, to evaluate effects of either CON, BM3, or BM3-SOFT silage hybrids on performance and nutrient digestibility in growing diets. In Exp. 1, there was a silage inclusion × hybrid interaction for average daily gain (ADG) and gain-to-feed ratio (G:F). All treatments with 15% silage had greater (P ≤ 0.04) ADG and G:F compared with 45% silage. Cattle fed BM3-SOFT had greater ADG and G:F than cattle fed CON or BM3 when silage was included at 15% of the diet. When silage was fed at 45% of the diet DM, ADG did not differ between cattle fed either bm3 hybrid. Cattle fed BM3 had the greatest G:F (P \u3c 0.01), with no difference between BM3-SOFT and CON. At 15% silage inclusion, hot carcass weight (HCW) was greater (P \u3c 0.01) for cattle fed BM3-SOFT compared with cattle fed CON and BM3 but did not differ between cattle fed BM3 and CON. At 45% silage inclusion, steers fed either bm3 hybrid did not differ in HCW but were both heavier (P \u3c 0.01) compared with cattle fed CON. In Exp. 2, ending BW, dry matter intake (DMI), and ADG were greater (P \u3c 0.01) for steers fed either bm3 hybrid compared to steers fed the CON, but not different between steers fed the bm3 hybrids. There were no differences (P = 0.26) in G:F between the silage hybrids. In Exp. 3, steers fed either bm3 had greater (P \u3c 0.01) neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestibility than steers fed the CON. Ruminal pH was lower (P \u3c 0.01), and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration was greater (P \u3c 0.01) for steers fed bm3 hybrids compared to steers fed CON. Feeding silage with the bm3 trait improved fiber digestibility, which increased DMI and subsequent ADG in high-forage growing diets. Feeding corn silage with the bm3 trait improved performance compared to non-bm3 corn silage when included above typical roughage concentration