135 research outputs found

    Novel technique to extract experimental symmetry free energy information of nuclear matter

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    A new method of accessing information on the symmetry free energy from yields of fragments produced in Fermi-energy heavy-ion collisions is proposed. Furthermore, by means of quantum fluctuation analysis techniques, correlations between extracted symmetry free-energy coefficients with temperature and density were studied. The obtained results are consistent with those of commonly used isoscaling techniques.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures Heavy-ion nuclear reactions at Fermi energies, Nuclear equation of State, Fragmentatio

    Experimental determination of the quasi-projectile mass with measured neutrons

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    The investigation of the isospin dependence of multifragmentation reactions relies on precise reconstruction of the fragmenting source. The criteria used to assign free emitted neutrons, detected with the TAMU Neutron Ball, to the quasi-projectile source are investigated in the framework of two different simulation codes. Overall and source-specific detection efficiencies for multifragmentation events are found to be model independent. The equivalence of the two different methods used to assign experimentally detected charged particles and neutrons to the emitting source is shown. The method used experimentally to determine quasi-projectile emitted free neutron multiplicity is found to be reasonably accurate and sufficiently precise as to allow for the study of well-defined quasi-projectile sources.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. To be submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    Density determinations in heavy ion collisions

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    The experimental determination of freeze-out temperatures and densities from the yields of light elements emitted in heavy ion collisions is discussed. Results from different experimental approaches are compared with those of model calculations carried out with and without the inclusion of medium effects. Medium effects become of relevance for baryon densities above 5×104\approx 5 \times 10^{-4} fm3^{-3}. A quantum statistical (QS) model incorporating medium effects is in good agreement with the experimentally derived results at higher densities. A densitometer based on calculated chemical equilibrium constants is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    No evidence of an 11.16 MeV 2+ state in 12C

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    An experiment using the 11B(3He,d)12C reaction was performed at iThemba LABS at an incident energy of 44 MeV and analyzed with a high energy-resolution magnetic spectrometer, to re-investigate states in 12C published in 1971. The original investigation reported the existence of an 11.16 MeV state in 12C that displays a 2+ nature. In the present experiment data were acquired at laboratory angles of 25-, 30- and 35- degrees, to be as close to the c.m. angles of the original measurements where the clearest signature of such a state was observed. These new low background measurements revealed no evidence of the previously reported state at 11.16 MeV in 12C

    Using Light Charged Particles to Probe the Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve

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    Recently, we observed a clear dependence of the nuclear caloric curve on neutron-proton asymmetry NZA\frac{N-Z}{A} through examination of fully reconstructed equilibrated quasi-projectile sources produced in heavy ion collisions at E/A = 35 MeV. In the present work, we extend our analysis using multiple light charged particle probes of the temperature. Temperatures are extracted with five distinct probes using a kinetic thermometer approach. Additionally, temperatures are extracted using two probes within a chemical thermometer approach (Albergo method). All seven measurements show a significant linear dependence of the source temperature on the source asymmetry. For the kinetic thermometer, the strength of the asymmetry dependence varies with the probe particle species in a way which is consistent with an average emission-time ordering.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve

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    A basic feature of the nuclear equation of state is not yet understood: the dependence of the nuclear caloric curve on the neutron-proton asymmetry. Predictions of theoretical models differ on the magnitude and even the sign of this dependence. In this work, the nuclear caloric curve is examined for fully reconstructed quasi-projectiles around mass A=50. The caloric curve extracted with the momentum quadrupole fluctuation thermometer shows that the temperature varies linearly with quasi-projectile asymmetry (N-Z)/A. An increase in asymmetry of 0.15 units corresponds to a decrease in temperature on the order of 1 MeV. These results also highlight the importance of a full quasi-projectile reconstruction in the study of thermodynamic properties of hot nuclei

    A comparative study of electronic cigarette vapour extracts on airway-related cell lines in vitro

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    The use of electronic cigarettes (ECs) is rapidly increasing worldwide; however, scientific evidence regarding EC cytotoxicity is limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the acute cytotoxicity of EC vapor extract (ECE) on airway-related cells in vitro. Cigarette smoke extract (CSE), vapor extract of fifteen brands/flavors of ECs and the extract from the E-vehicle (propylene glycol and glycerin) was collected. Extracts, in concentrations of 100–12.5%, were added to human bronchial epithelial (BEAS-2B, IB3-1 and C38), fibroblast (Wi-38) and macrophage (J774 and THP-1) cell lines. Viability was assessed after 24 h using a standard XTT assay. Viability of <70% of control (no extract) was considered cytotoxic according to UNI EN ISO 10993-5 standards. CSE displayed a concentration-dependent influence on cell viability across all four cell lines with 100% producing the most toxic effect, therefore validating the model and indicating higher cytotoxicity than in ECEs. ECEs did reduce viability although this was not correlated with nicotine content or the E-vehicle. However, several flavors proved cytotoxic, with variation between different brands and cell lines. These data indicate that not all ECs are the same and that use of a particular flavor or brand may have differing effects. The cell line used is also an important factor. More research is crucial to ascertain the health effects of different ECs before they can be accepted as a safe alternative to tobacco cigarettes

    16O+65 Cu and 19F+62 Ni at 16 AMeV reaction mechanisms comparison: Pre-equilibrium vs. clustering

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    Cluster structure effects in nuclei have been investigated looking to the pre-equilibrium particles emitted in the 16O+65Cu and 19F+62Ni reactions at the same beam velocity of 16 AMeV which lead to the same 81Rb* compound nucleus. Despite the slight difference in excitation energies, the same fast emission should be expected from the two systems; unless major effects induced by the projectile’s cluster structure, which should influence the pre-equilibrium α-particle production during the non-equilibrium stage, are present. The experimental data have been collected with the GARFIELD+RCo apparatus at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. In this contribution we report on the preliminary spectra of light-charged particles, obtained in coincidence with evaporation residues, and their comparison with the results obtained from model calculations