2 research outputs found

    The Influence of Process Innovation and Operational Performance on the Relationship between Adoption of Reverse Logistics and Competitive Advantage: A Critical Review of Literature

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    This paper examines the relationship between process innovation, operationalperformance, reverse logistics adoption and competitive advantage. According to theresource advantage theory of competition organizations gain competitive advantagethrough marshaling comparative advantage in resources. Empirical studies have shownthat marshaling comparative advantage through the adoption of reverse logistics can leadto sustainable competitive advantage for firms. However, these studies have notdemonstrated how various strategies to the adoption of reverse logistics impact on a firm’ssustainable competitive creating capabilities. Further studies have shown that processinnovations have the potential to reposition organizations’ current assets in a manner thatallows them to gain new capabilities that enable the achievement of higher operationalefficiency and ultimately generate sustainability creating processes in the short and longrun.Studies have also revealed that firms gain comparative advantage when resources intheir control facilitate them to generate and implement strategies that result in highlyefficient and effective operations.   Keywords: Reverse Logistics, Competiti

    Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Learning and Performance of Top 100 Medium Enterprises in Kenya

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    This study was grounded on the view that organizations have hidden reservoirs of knowledge in terms of tacit and explicit knowledge, which can be tapped to improve performance. This is according to the postulations of the knowledge and resource based theories. Whereas there is evidence of the direct influence of knowledge sharing and performance, this study advanced a proposition that organizational learning has effect on such influence. Using a structured questionnaire, data on the variables were obtained from a cross-section of 65 medium-sized companies to empirically test the proposition. The companies were among 100 medium sized companies categorized as top performing medium-sized companies in Kenya by KPMG and Nation Media Group in the year 2013. The study established that knowledge sharing had a positive and statistically significant effect on organizational performance. Conversely andcontrary to expectation, the study established that organizational learning had neither direct nor mediating effect on organizational performance. In spite of this finding, the study supports the anchoring theories that performance differences across firms can be attributed to thevariance in firms’ resources and capabilities. Policy makers can utilize the findings of this study to formulate sound support strategies for medium enterprises. Further, areas of inquiry have been put forth based on the limitations inherent in the study.Key Words: Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Learning, Firm Performance, Medium- Sized Enterprise