13 research outputs found

    Identifying non-destructive growth and maturity indexes of Prickly pear (Opuntia albicarpa S. Var. Burrona) and evaluation of freeze-drying conditions

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    Around the world, prickly pear fruits are valued as a source of dietary functional compounds and ingredients for innovative foods. Growth and physicochemical changes of Opuntia albicarpa S. fruits were recorded from 0 to 132 days-after-flowering (DAF) to identify non-destructive maturity-indices. Optimum-ripened fruits were freeze-dried to study physicochemical and functional characteristics of dried and rehydrated pulp. Principal component analysis confirmed growth turned into fruit ripening in DAF 99, and it lasted until DAF 132. Changes in color parameters of the peel correlated with fruit texture and pulp sugar content and taste index (P < 0.01). During freeze-drying, plate temperature had more significant effects than the thickness (P < 0.05). At 30°C, color ΔE between dried and fresh slices augmented, but, texture Δ´s (medium force) between rehydrated and fresh pulp was lower. Color tests could be used to harvest commercially-ripened fruits. Freeze-drying at 30°C improves the rehydrated slices texture regarding thickness maintaining rehydration coefficients.Las tunas son apreciadas en todo el mundo como fuente de compuestos funcionales dietarios e ingredientes para alimentos innovadores. Para identificar índices de maduración no destructivos, se registraron cambios en el crecimiento y en los parámetros fisicoquímicos de frutos de Opuntia albicarpa S. entre los días después de la floración (DAF) 0 al 132. Frutos con maduración óptima fueron liofilizados para evaluar características fisicoquímicas y funcionales de pulpa seca y rehidratada. El análisis de componentes principales confirmo que el crecimiento dio lugar a la maduración en el DAF 99 y ésta prosiguió hasta el DAF 132. Los cambios en parámetros de color en cáscara correlacionaron con la textura del fruto, y en pulpa, con el contenido de azúcares y el índice de sabor (P< 0.01). Durante la liofilización, la temperatura de placa tiene más efectos significativos que el espesor (P≤ 0.05). A 30°C, el ΔE de color entre la pulpa seca y fresca aumentó, pero, el Δ de textura (fuerza media) fue menor entre la rehidratada y la fresca. Se pueden emplear evaluaciones de color para cosechar frutos en su madurez comercial, y liofilizar estos frutos a 30°C mejora la textura sin importar el espesor, manteniendo los coeficientes de rehidratación.This work was supported by the SIMORELOS program of CONACyT

    Costo de financiamiento de la deuda por interés bancario en empresas del sector primario del sur de Jalisco, México

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    Objetivo: Analizar el efecto de la aplicación de normativas contables en el costo de financiamiento de la deuda por interés bancario en empresas del sector primario del sur de Jalisco, México. Materiales y métodos: Se analizaron 11 empresas, se utilizó el método de estudio de caso múltiple, la entrevista para la recolección de datos y, para su análisis, la regresión lineal. Resultados: Se constató que el costo de financiamiento de la deuda en dichas empresas, que aplican la normativa contable mexicana, es inferior en relación con las que no la aplican. Asimismo, la tasa de interés está más asociada a la información financiera en las empresas de ese sector que las utilizan. Conclusiones: Las empresas del sector primario que implementan la normativa contable mexicana disminuyen la tasa de interés por financiamiento en un 3.25 %, reduciendo el costo de su deuda, mientras que las que no las aplican presentan un costo mayor de financiamiento de la deuda por interés bancario

    Consumo de jugo de granada (Punica granatum) y su efecto sobre la glucemia, perfil lipídico e histología del páncreas en un modelo de hiperglucemia inducida mediante estreptozotocina

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    Diversos compuestos bioactivos de los alimentos se han empleado en el tratamiento alterativo de la diabetes mellitus. El jugo de granada posee un alto contenido en compuestos fen&oacute;licos a los cuales se les atribuyen propiedades biol&oacute;gicas como hipolipemiante, hipoglucemiante y protector del tejido pancre&aacute;tico. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del libre acceso de jugo de granada sobre los niveles de glucosa, colesterol, triglic&eacute;ridos e integridad del tejido pancre&aacute;tico in vivo. Se emplearon 18 ratas macho Wistar inducidas a hiperglucemia con 60 mg estreptozotocina/kg de peso corporal intraperitoneal (IP). Se formaron tres grupos experimentales. El grupo HS expuesto a soluci&oacute;n de sacarosa, el grupo HJG expuesto a jugo de granada y el grupo HSI expuesto a soluci&oacute;n de sacarosa y tratamiento con insulina. Los resultados mostraron que, las ratas del grupo HJG consumieron jugo de granada durante 21 d&iacute;as, lo que result&oacute; en la reducci&oacute;n de los niveles de glucosa con respecto a su valor inicial de 417 a 356 mg/dL, no de manera significativa (p&gt;0.05). Los niveles de l&iacute;pidos mostraron una reducci&oacute;n no significativa al finalizar la intervenci&oacute;n (p&gt;0.05). El estudio histol&oacute;gico del p&aacute;ncreas en el grupo HJG mostr&oacute; conservaci&oacute;n de la arquitectura pancre&aacute;tica y presencia de islotes de Langerhans; mientras que el grupo HS mostr&oacute; extensa necrosis pancre&aacute;tica y el grupo HSI mostr&oacute; da&ntilde;o intermedio con escasos islotes de Langerhans. Se sugiere que el jugo de granada posee efectos hipoglucemiantes y protege el tejido pancre&aacute;tico en ratas hipergluc&eacute;micas inducidas.Diverse bioactive compounds of foods have been used in the alternative treatment of diabetes mellitus. Pomegranate juice has a high content of phenolic compounds to which biological properties are attributed as lipid-lowering, hypoglycemic and protective of pancreatic tissue. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of free access of pomegranate juice on the levels of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and the integrity of pancreatic tissue in vivo. Eighteen male Wistar rats were induced to hyperglycemia with 60 mg streptozotocin/kg of body weight intraperitoneal (IP). Three experimental groups were formed. The HS group exposed to sucrose solution, the HJG group exposed to pomegranate juice and the HSI group exposed to sucrose solution and insulin treatment. The results showed that the rats of the HJG group consumed pomegranate juice for 21 days, which resulted in the reduction of glucose levels from its initial value of 417 to 356 mg/dL, not significantly (p&gt;0.05). Lipid levels showed a non-significant reduction at the end of the intervention (p&gt;0.05). The histological study of the pancreas in the HJG group showed conservation of the pancreatic architecture and the presence of islets of Langerhans; while the HS group showed extensive pancreatic necrosis and the HSI group showed intermediate damage with few islets of Langerhans. It is suggested that pomegranate juice has hypoglycaemic effects and protects pancreatic tissue in induced hyperglycemic rats

    Influence of temperature and time during malaxation on fatty acid profile and oxidation of centrifuged avocado oil

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    Abstract Virgin oil from avocados (Persea americana Mill.) is obtained by mechanical processes after pulp malaxation at temperatures that minimize oxidation and improve separation. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of time (0, 20, 30, 40, 60, 120 and 180 min) and temperature (40 and 50 °C) conditions during pulp malaxation on extraction yield, nutritional value (normalized fatty acid profile) and specific extintion (K232 and K270) of virgin oil extracted under laboratory conditions from avocados cultivated in southern Jalisco, Mexico. When pulp was malaxated for 120 min at 40 and 50 °C, a larger proportion of oil was extracted (82.9 ± 0.3% and 80.2 ± 0.8%, respectively). We observed that the normalized percentage of the fatty acids linoleic (18 ± 2%) and linolenic (1.2 ± 0.2%) decreased with mixing time, while that of palmitoleic (9 ± 1%), oleic (51.6 ± 1.2%) and stearic (0.5 ± 0.1%) remained without change. The ω-6:ω-3 ratio (15 ± 1) was higher than the recommended values but similar to those reported as favorable for health. Specific extinction (K232, 2.2 ± 0.3 and K270, 0.20 ± 0.03) indicate that the oxidation level remained low. Malaxation at 40 or 50 °C did not significantly alter the characteristics of the oil, but time significantly affected yield

    Effect of Fertilization and Planting Date on the Production and Shelf Life of Tuberose

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    The tuberose, Agave amica, is an ornamental plant appreciated for its oils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of planting dates (April, May and June), dose of NPK (N80-P60-K40, N300-P200-K200, N100-P50-K50 and N00-P00-K00), and fertilizer sources (chemical, organic, combined and control) on tuberose production, flower quality and postharvest shelf life. The physiological variables spike characteristics, leaf color, biomass, and postharvest flower quality were evaluated. The results show that the best planting date is in June; plants planted in June flowered earlier (156 days) and had better flower quality. The fertilization formula N300-P200-K200 produced a higher number of spikes (1.32) and flowers (38.93), a larger stem diameter (0.9 cm), and promoted fewer days to flowering (188d). Plants fertilized with chemical fertilizer had fewer yellow leaves, a larger number of spikes (1.41), a longer spike length (26.89 cm), and a higher number of flowers/spikes (39.28), corms/plants (31.03), and open flowers on the ninth day in vase (13.14) and heavier stems with spikes (134.80 g). In conclusion, the dose of N300-P200-K200 from chemical source and planting in June produced the best flower quality and the shortest production cycle

    Effect of Fertilization and Planting Date on the Production and Shelf Life of Tuberose

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    The tuberose, Agave amica, is an ornamental plant appreciated for its oils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of planting dates (April, May and June), dose of NPK (N80-P60-K40, N300-P200-K200, N100-P50-K50 and N00-P00-K00), and fertilizer sources (chemical, organic, combined and control) on tuberose production, flower quality and postharvest shelf life. The physiological variables spike characteristics, leaf color, biomass, and postharvest flower quality were evaluated. The results show that the best planting date is in June; plants planted in June flowered earlier (156 days) and had better flower quality. The fertilization formula N300-P200-K200 produced a higher number of spikes (1.32) and flowers (38.93), a larger stem diameter (0.9 cm), and promoted fewer days to flowering (188d). Plants fertilized with chemical fertilizer had fewer yellow leaves, a larger number of spikes (1.41), a longer spike length (26.89 cm), and a higher number of flowers/spikes (39.28), corms/plants (31.03), and open flowers on the ninth day in vase (13.14) and heavier stems with spikes (134.80 g). In conclusion, the dose of N300-P200-K200 from chemical source and planting in June produced the best flower quality and the shortest production cycle

    Effect of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Process on Chemical Composition of <i>Polianthes tuberosa</i> Flower Extracts

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    Supercritical fluid extracts from flowers of Polianthes tuberosa var. double were ob tained using carbon dioxide as a solvent. Yield extract obtained was 2.5%. The effects of the pressure process (18 MPa, 28 MPa, and 38 MPa) and temperature process (313 K, 323 K, and 333 K) on the volatile composition of tuberose flowers extracts were evaluated, and a significant variation in chemical composition was found. Characteristic compounds of tuberose as methyl isoeugenol, benzyl benzoate, methyl anthranilate, pentacosene, and heptacosene were obtained mainly at 18 MPa and 333 K process conditions, and could be used in the perfume or fragrance industry. Components such as geraniol, farnesol, and methyl eugenol were also obtained, these extracts could be used in the development of cosmeceutical products. This work allowed to identification of the chemical composition profile and evaluation of the changes in tuberose extracts due to the extraction process

    Functional composition of avocado (Persea americana Mill. Var Hass) pulp, extra virgin oil, and residues is affected by fruit commercial classification

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    The avocado's quality classification criteria are based on the presence and extension of fruit shape defects and surface damages made during its growth or postharvest handling. This study aims to address the variations according to the commercial quality of Southern Jalisco avocado Hass fruits, focusing on some compositional and biofunctional compounds of the edible, inedible fractions, and the oil. Fresh fruits of four quality classifications were separated into the pulp, peel, and seed, and the extra virgin avocado oil (EVAO) was extracted to analyze for the fat, humidity, dry matter contents, total phenolic content (TPC), total carotenoid content (TCC), antioxidant capacity, fatty acids profiles, and phenolic compounds. Depending on the fraction, the lower-quality class (D) had a significantly (p < 0.001) highest total phenolic content (0.605–23.18 mg EAG/g FW), total carotenoid content (0.137–1.696 mg/100 g FW), ABTS antioxidant capacity (0.32–24.52 μmol TE/g FW), higher oleic acid (37.47–64.87%), and a lower saturated fatty acid content than the highest class (A). The principal component analysis made it possible to classify samples according to the fraction but not with the quality classification. The most important parameters for PC1 were DPPH, oleic acid, ABTS, linoleic acid, and TPC, while for PC2 were oleic acid, DPPH, erucic acid, TPC, and ABTS. However, the general discriminant analysis made it possible to discriminate 98% of the samples according to classes and 100% according to classes/fraction combinations by using 12 and 24 of the evaluated variables, respectively. It was demonstrated that quality classification has not only a cosmetic impact but also on functional compound composition. Lower-class fruits could be used for oil production instead of superior classes, and peels could be included in the extraction process