2,042,517 research outputs found

    Antiarrhythmic and proarrhythmic effects of subcutaneous nerve stimulation in ambulatory dogs

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    Background High output subcutaneous nerve stimulation (ScNS) remodels the stellate ganglia and suppresses cardiac arrhythmia. Objective To test the hypothesis that long duration low output ScNS causes cardiac nerve sprouting, increases plasma norepinephrine concentration and the durations of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT) in ambulatory dogs. Methods We prospectively randomized 22 dogs (11 males and 11 females) into 5 different output groups for 2 months of ScNS: 0 mA (sham) (N=6), 0.25 mA (N=4), 1.5 mA (N=4), 2.5 mA (N=4) and 3.5 mA (N=4). Results As compared with baseline, the changes of the durations of PAT episodes per 48 hours were significantly different among different groups (sham, -5.0±9.5 s; 0.25 mA 95.5±71.0 s; 1.5 mA, -99.3±39.6 s; 2.5 mA, -155.3±87.8 s and 3.5 mA, -76.3±44.8 s, p<0.001). The 3.5 mA group had greater reduction of sinus heart rate than the sham group (-29.8±15.0 bpm vs -14.5±3.0 bpm, p=0.038). Immunohistochemical studies showed that the 0.25 mA group had a significantly increased while 2.5 mA and 3.5 mA stimulation had a significantly reduced growth-associated protein 43 nerve densities in both atria and ventricles. The plasma Norepinephrine concentrations in 0.25 mA group was 5063.0±4366.0 pg/ml, which was significantly higher than other groups of dogs (739.3±946.3, p=0.009). There were no significant differences in the effects of simulation between males and females. Conclusions In ambulatory dogs, low output ScNS causes cardiac nerve sprouting, increases plasma norepinephrine concentration and the duration of PAT episodes while high output ScNS is antiarrhythmic

    Open Ended Learning pada Pembelajaran Fisika Tingkat SMA/MA

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    Beragamnya metode yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan Higher Order Thingking Skill (HOTS) melalui Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan (Ditjen GTK), dan satu yang populer adalah Open Ended Learning. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pandangan keefektifan Open Ended Learning dalam meningkatkan kemampuan HOTS peserta didik. Penelitian menggunakan metode quasi eksperimental dengan nonequivalent control group desain. Peneliti melakukan uji pada 2 kelas XI yang masing-masing berjumlah 18 Siswa. Data menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Nilai  >  yaitu 15.373 > 1.691; 2) Nilai normalitas gain pada kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,71 sedangkan pada kelas kontrol sebesar 0,12. Peneliti menyimpulkan penerapan Open Ended Learning sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan HOTS peserta didik sehingga perlu diterapkan dalam pembelajaran fisika di tingkat SMA/MA

    40Ar/39Ar ages of Pliocene-Pleistocene fallout tephra layers and volcaniclastic deposits in the sedimentary aprons of Gran Canaria and Tenerife (Sites 953, 954, and 956)

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    Six fallout tephra layers and 16 heterolithologic volcaniclastic deposits drilled at Holes 953A, 954A, 954B, and 956A, during Leg 157 in the sedimentary aprons of Gran Canaria and Tenerife, have been dated by single crystal laser 40Ar/39Ar analysis. The fallout tephra markers range in age from 0.273 ± 0.006 Ma to 2.74 ± 0.01 Ma. Maximum sedimentation ages determined for the volcaniclastic deposits range from 0.24 ± 0.01 Ma to 2.24 ± 0.02 Ma, closely matching the nannofossil and paleomagnetic chronostratigraphies of the cores. Both tephra and volcaniclastic layers represent material from Pliocene–Pleistocene explosive eruptions of the Cañadas Caldera (Tenerife), mixed with Miocene volcanic debris only in the holes drilled north of Gran Canaria (954A and 954B). Two fallout layers (0.61 ± 0.02 Ma and 1.83 ± 0.02 Ma) and five volcaniclastic deposits reflect explosive eruptions, which took place during postulated dormant stages of the Cañadas edifice

    Männyn neulasten ravinnepitoisuuksien (N, P, K) vaihtelu metsäojitusalueilla

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    TutkimusselosteSeloste artikkelista: Moilanen, M., Saarinen, M. & Silfverberg, K. 2010. Foliar nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations of Scots pine in drained mires in Finland. Silva Fennica 44(4): 583–601

    Perbanyakan Anyelir Secara in VI Tro Melalui Induksi Pembentukan Tu Nas Adventif

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    Perbanyakan anyelir secara in vi tro melalui induksi pembentukan tu nas adventif sangat potensial untukproduksi masal bahan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan teknik perbanyakan secara in vi tro yangsesuai untuk D. caryophyllus L. cv. Mal dives melalui pembentukan tu nas adventif, penggandaan tu nas, pengakaran,dan aklimatisasinya. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kul tur Jaringan, dan rumahkaca IPPT, UPM, Ma lay siadari bulan Mei 2000 hingga No vem ber 2001. Tiga jenis eksplan (daun muda pertama, kedua, dan internodus muda)dan me dia MS dengan lima konsentrasi BA dan NAA yang berbeda (2,0 mg/l + 0,9 mg/l, 0,9 mg/l + 0,3 mg/l, 3,0 mg/l +0,9 mg/l, 0,1 mg/l BA + 0,1 mg/l, dan 0,1 mg/l + 0,01 mg/l) diseleksi, diikuti dengan perbanyakan tu nas pada me diaterseleksi, pengakaran dan diaklimatisasi pada me dia yang berbeda. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acakkelompok pola faktorial dengan empat ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daun muda pertama yangberkembang penuh dan me dia MS yang mengandung 0,1 mg/l BA dan 0,01 mg/l NAA merupakan eksplan dankonsentrasi hormon yang sesuai untuk induksi pembentukan tu nas adventif. Konsentrasi tersebut juga sesuai untukmempersiapkan tu nas yang diakarkan. Tu nas mudah diakarkan pada me dia setengah MS. Plantlet mudahdiaklimatisasikan pada me dia campuran antara hu mus dan arang sekam (1:1 v/v) dengan ketahanan hidup hingga100%. Me dia tersebut juga menghasilkan plantlet yang vigor dan tumbuh cepat. Abnormalitas tanaman adalah 6%dari to tal plantlet yang diaklimatisasikan. Tanaman berbunga pada 4,5 hingga 5 bulan setelah aklimatisasi. Hasil studiini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu acuan dalam perbanyakan masal anyelir melalui induksi tu nasadventif. In vi tro prop a ga tion of car na tionthrough in duc tion of ad ven ti tious shoot for ma tion. The tech nique has an im por tant role in mass pro duc tion ofplant ing ma te rial. The ob jec tive of this study was to ob tain suit able in vi tro prop a ga tion of D. caryophyllus L. cv. Mal -dives through in duc tion of ad ven ti tious shoot for ma tion, fol lowed by mul ti pli ca tion of shoots, root ing and ac cli ma ti -za tion. The study was con ducted at Tis sue Cul ture Lab o ra tory and Glass house of IPPT, UPM, Ma lay sia from Mei2000 to No vem ber 2001. Three dif fer ent types of explant (first and sec ond young fully de vel oped leaves and younginternodus) and MS me dium at five dif fer ent con cen tra tions of BA and NAA (2.0 mg/l + 0.9 mg/l, 0.9 mg/l + 0.3 mg/l,3.0 mg/l + 0.9 mg/l, 0.1 mg/l + 0.1 mg/l dan 0.1 mg/l + 0.01 mg/l were se lected, shoots ob tained from the sys tem weremultiplied, rooted and acclimatized in different media. Factorial experiment was arranged in randomized com pleteblock de sign with four rep li ca tions. Re sults of the ex per i ment ex hib ited that the first young fully de vel oped leaves andMS me dium con tain ing 0.1 mg/l BA and 0.01 mg/l NAA was the ap pro pri ate explant and con cen tra tion of BA andNAA to pro duce high est num bers of ad ven ti tious shoot. The con cen tra tion of BA and NAA was also suit able for pre -par ing rooted shoots. Shoots were eas ily rooted on half-strength of MS me dia. Plantlets were sim ply ac cli ma tized in amix ture me dium of kossas peat and paddy char coal (1:1 v/v) with 100% of sur viv abil ity. Vig or ous and healthyplantlets were also re sulted in the me dium. Ab nor mal ity of plants was 6% from to tal ac cli ma tized-plantlets. Theplantlets flow ered at 4.5 to 5 months af ter ac cli ma ti za tion. The re sults ex pected can be used as a stan dard pro to col inmass-pro duc tion of car na tion through ad ven ti tious shoot for ma tion

    James\u27 The glory of the cross: Exploring the meaning of the death of Christ (Book Review)

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    A review of James. P. (2008). The glory of the cross: Exploring the meaning of the death of Christ. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers. ISBN 978161970758

    Nurses' Knowledge Towards Severe Acute Malnutrition Management Protocol and Its Associated Factors

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    For appropriate management of severe acute malnutrition skilled, knowledgeable and concerned health professionals are critical for child survival. Thus assessing the knowledge of nurses towards management protocol of severe acute malnutrition is crucial step for targeted interventions. This study aimed to assess Knowledge towards Severe Acute Malnutrition Management Protocol and its Associated Factors among Nurses working in Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital, 2018. Cross-sectional study was conducted among eligible 132 nurses. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire prepared from the national SAM management guideline of Ethiopia. SPSS version 20.0 software using frequency, tables, graphs, percentages and mean was used. Student t test and analysis of variance with F statistics and P value was computed. Overall, 65 (49.2%) of nurses had poor knowledge on SAM management. More than half, 100 (75.8%) of the nurses had experience in SAM management previously. Males were more likely to be knowledgeable (AOR=1.27) as compared to females. Nurses with the previous experience of managing malnourished child had 1.70) times more likely to be knowledgeable as compared to their counterparts. Having SAM training was associated with having higher knowledge score (AOR=1.56). Having SAM training was found to have significantly higher knowledge score (p=0.034). Knowledge level of nurses towards SAM management is not satisfactory. Those who ever involved in SAM management, having recent malnutrition training and gender were predictors of high knowledge score. There should be regular capacity building schemes for nurses especially for those who are involved in management of SAM at emergency or SAM unit

    [Review of] Leonore Loeb Adler and Uwe P. Gielen. Cross-Cultural Topics on Psychology

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    It has been over forty years since Gordon Allport published The Nature of Prejudice (Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1954). To Allport, sociocultural factors play an important role in our prejudice, especially when we do not understand cultural differences. However, Allport\u27s book dealt little with cross-cultural research. Fortunately, Leonore Loeb Adler and Uwe P. Gielen, two experts in cross-cultural research, have presented us with their recent study on how cultural understanding helps us to be more open-minded