229 research outputs found

    Bibliotekarze w rozjazdach - czyli podróże jako źródło inspiracji

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    Tekst jest próbą podsumowania działalności bibliotekarskiej opartej na wyjazdach tury­styczno-poznawczych organizowanych przez krakowski Oddział SBP dla bibliotekarzy. Nawiązano do pier­wotnych uwarunkowań skłaniających człowieka do przemieszczania się z miejsca na miejsce i zwrócono uwagę na różnorodny charakter współczesnych podróży. Wspomniano o zagadnieniach turystycznych poru­szanych na łamach tematycznych czasopism i programach telewizyjnych. Podróże stają się niekiedy arty­styczną inspiracją. Jedna z nich dała m.in. możliwość ujawnienia się utalentowanych bibliotekarzy – arty­stów. Ich zawodowa praca związana jest z biblioteką, poza którą pielęgnują swoje pasje tworząc kolejne dzieła. Są naszymi kolegami. Dołączono ilustracje autorki oparte na dostarczonych materiałach. Wśród nich pozdrowienia dla bibliotekarzy od znanej podróżniczki, Elżbiety Dzikowskiej

    Wet dust collection in sub-zero temperatures

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    The results of experimental studies confirm the suitability of non-freezing liquids for use as dust collecting liquids in equipment working at low temperatures. Based on the completed studies, the hypothesis regarding the impact of liquid viscosity on the effect of releasing the surface collecting the dust particles and, therefore, on the efficiency of the dust collection process cannot be clearly verified. Decreasing the efficiency of dust collection correlated with the increase of liquid viscosity is likely an effect of changing the conditions for the formation of liquid dust collectors

    Wybrane elementy bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego państwa na podstawie założeń „Strategii bezpieczeństwa narodowego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej”

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    The problem of shaping the security designates one of the most important tasks facing the state nowadays. The key role in constituting and maintaining an adequate level of security of the state plays a strategy and national policy on the field of leadership, efficient organization of crisis management system or the elimination of internal and external threats. Knowledge about the essence of the state security sets the scope of self-determination of citizens with reference to their basic existential needs and requirements, as well as national values. The implementation of these requirements is generally understood as protection of life and health, timeless ethical values, property and environment, as well as state institutions against threats from the forces of nature and human activities. Neutralizing these threats must be a priority of the state, since the proper management of security leads to the survival of current and future generations of Poles and ensures proper living conditions and development. Creation of a superior, integrated plans of defense of life and human health and the protection of national infrastructure is of a great importance for the security of the country. The focus on the utilization of full potential of both the state and local authorities and commercial protection establishments also becomes the most valuabl

    Clinical aspects of prophylaxis and treatment of CNS disease in lymphoma patients

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    Currently, infiltration of the central nervous system (CNS) in lymphoma patients is an unfavorable prognostic factor contributing to shorter survival. In these cases, immunophenotypisation has become important for evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid cells – especially in the so-called “subclinical form of CNS involvement.” Other methods used in these cases include diagnostic imaging and cytological examination. Therapy protocols, including the prophylactic intrathecal administration of drugs, are used for treatment of some lymphoma subtypes characterized by frequent CNS infiltrations, either at diagnosis or during relapse (lymphoblastic lymphoma/acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Burkitt's lymphoma, diffuse large B cell lymphoma, and lymphoma in HIV+ patients). In current clinical practice, prophylactic irradiation of the CNS is used less frequently. In addition to local treatment of the CNS, systemic therapy with high-dose methotrexate and cytosine arabinoside is recommended. The intrathecal treatment of choice is liposomal cytosine arabinoside or triple therapy: methotrexate, cytarabine, and dexamethasone. Because liposomal cytosine arabinoside has sustained activity in the CSF for 2 weeks, the number of intrathecal administrations necessary to eradicate CNS infiltrations may be reduced.This paper summarizes our current findings and recommendations on the prevention and treatment of CNS involvement in lymphoma patients

    Guzy ośrodkowego układu nerwowego u dzieci - trudności diagnostyczne

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    Nowotwory ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (OUN) są najczęstszymi guzami litymi u dzieci. Dzieli się je na guzy mózgu i guzy rdzenia kręgowego. Symptomatologia kliniczna zależy od lokalizacji guza i jego budowy histologicznej. Czas trwania objawów wiąże się też z wiekiem dziecka i umiejętnością postrzegania przez rodziców i lekarza pierwszego kontaktu wczesnych sygnałów guza OUN. Rokowanie u dzieci z rozpoznaniem guzów OUN jest gorsze niż w przypadku większości pozostałych nowotworów dziecięcych. Wczesna diagnoza i doszczętny lub subtotalny zabieg neurochirurgiczny poprawiają rokowanie. Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2011, tom 5, nr 1, 69-7

    The Level of Physical Fitness and Everyday Activities vs. Sensory Integration Processing Disorders in Preschool Children – Preliminary Findings

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    Introduction: Sensory integration processing is defined as organization and interpretation of stimuli reaching the organism. The correctly functioning nervous system interprets sensory impressions, which enables development of awareness of one’s own body and of the surrounding environment. Sensory processing disorders can have a significant impact on the child’s functioning. Aim: The objective of the research was to answer the question whether sensory integration processing disorders in preschool children have an influence on their physical fitness and everyday activities. The research covered a group of 60 preschool children. The studied group comprised 30 children with diagnosed sensory processing disorders, while the control group consisted of 30 children with no disorders diagnosed. Results: The results achieved demonstrate lower physical fitness of children from the studied group and problems with performing everyday activities. The tasks connected with speed and agility were the most problematic. Among everyday activities, the most difficult were: cycling, ball catching, getting dressed and descending stairs. Knowledge of sensory integration processing disorders helps understand problems in the child’s functioning and provides an opportunity to intervene in the form of the sensory integration therapy

    Tremor associated with focal and segmental dystonia

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    Background and purpose: Tremor occurs in 10-85% of pa - tients with focal dystonia as so-called dystonic tremor or tremor associated with dystonia. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence and to characterize parameters of tremor accompanying focal and segmental dystonia. Material and methods: One hundred and twenty-three patients with diagnosis of focal and segmental dystonia together with 51 healthy controls were included in the study. For each participant, clinical examination and objective assessment (accelerometer, electromyography, graphic tablet) of hand tremor was performed. Frequency and severity of tremor were assessed in three positions: at rest (rest tremor); with hands extended (postural tremor); during ‘finger-to-nose’ test and during Archimedes spiral drawing (kinetic tremor). Based on the mass load test, type of tremor was determined as essential tremor type or enhanced physiological type. Results: The incidence of tremor was significantly higher in dystonic patients as compared to controls (p = 0.0001). In clinical examination, tremor was found in 50% of dystonic patients, and in instrumental assessment in an additional 10-20%. The most frequent type of tremor was postural and kinetic tremor with 7 Hz frequency and featured essential tremor type. In the control group, tremor was detected in about 10% of subjects as 9-Hz postural tremor of enhanced physiological tremor type. No differences were found between patients with different types of dystonia with respect to the tremor incidence, type and parameters (frequency and severity). No correlations between tremor severity and dystonia severity were found either