34 research outputs found

    Religion and spirituality in the travel and tourism sector : a study of lonely planet’s Indonesia and Thailand guidebooks

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    The distinction between religion and spirituality can be observed in the travel and tourism industry. The term "religion" is associated with institution, uniformity, and group. Spirituality, on the contrary, is individual, subjective, and experience-based. This opposition overlaps with the disparity between travelling and tourism. The content analysis was inspired by an article by Siv Ellen Kraft. My aim was to verify her statement in the contexts of Lonely Planet’s guidebooks to Indonesia and Thailand, Eastern countries popular among foreigners charmed by their religious and spiritual otherness. I examined the images of religions delivered by Lonely Planet and studied the context and the frequency of application of the following terms: "religion", "spirituality", "belief"

    Mythical universes of third-millennium religious movements : the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Matrixism

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    The article pertains to two third-millennium religious movements: the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Matrixism. There is no commonly agreed way of classifying these phenomena. They can be labelled as: invented religions, fiction-based religions, or joke religions. The analysis of Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Wachowskis’ trilogy together with the internet-based religious movement derived from it, provide explanations regarding cosmological questions. The aim of this text is to examine mythical cosmoses they created

    Elementy gnozy politycznej w orędziach Władimira Putina do Zgromadzenia Federalnego w latach 2014–2016

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    The article achieve two main goals, it research what elements of political gnosis were included in the Addresses of V. Putin to the Federal Assembly in (2014–2016) and explain, why precisely these elements were used. In research was used method of source analysis, which let on qualitative analise of three consecutive Addresses. As a result of the research, a new definition of political gnosis was proposed, and its ideal type and main materiality features were constructed. It was also shown how political thought distributed by V. Putin changed over the years (2014–2016).Artykuł realizuje dwa główne cele, bada jakie elementy gnozy politycznej zostały zawarte w orędziach W. Putina do Zgromadzenia Federalnego w latach 2014–2016 i określa, dlaczego akurat te elementy zostały wykorzystane. W pracy zastosowano metodę analizy źródeł, która pozwoliła na jakościową analizę trzech kolejnych orędzi. W wyniku badań zaproponowano nową definicję gnozy politycznej, a także skonstruowano jej typ idealny i główne cechy istotnościowe. Pokazane zostało też jak na przestrzeni lat (2014–2016) zmieniała się myśl polityczna dystrybuowana przez W. Putina

    Fotokast, czyli reportaż radiowy w nowej odsłonie. Prolegomena do przyszłej syntezy

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    Analizując współczesne media, trudno nie zauważyć postępującej konwergencji, wirtualizacji i wizualizacji. Wszędobylskie obrazy wkradły się nawet do radia, które jeszcze do niedawna było uznawane za medium całkowicie awizualne. Zmianie tej uległy nie tylko gatunki informacyjne, lecz także, a może przede wszystkim, artystyczne. Mogłoby się wydawać, że słuchowiska oraz reportaże posiadają pozycję na tyle mocną, gdyż zakorzenioną w świadomości twórców oraz słuchaczy od niemalże stu lat, że stworzenie ich obrazowych wariacji jest niemożliwe. Jednak z biegiem lat twierdzenie o całkowicie awizualnym charakterze przekazów radiowych przechodzi, a może nawet już przeszło, do historii, nawet w przypadku artystycznych gatunków radiowych. Niezwykle interesującym zjawiskiem, w kontekście wymienionych procesów, są fotokasty, stanowiące radiową hybrydę gatunkową, powstałą na bazie reportażu dźwiękowego. Artykuł stanowi próbę analizy fotokastu jako nowej formy radiowej wypowiedzi artystycznej.It is impossible not to spot the progressive convergence, virtualization and visualization in modern media. Images can be find even in the radio which until recently was considered as a completely non-visual medium. Not only the informational genres changed but also artistic ones. It might seem that pictorial forms of radio dramas and reportages can not be created. However, this has changed recently and the radio is no longer considered as a non-visual medium. In the context of these processes photocast is a very interesting phenomenon. It is a radio-based genre hybrid created on the basis of sound reportage. The article is an attempt to analyze photography podcast as a new form of radio artistic statement

    The sacred text experiment : images of religious others and their role in forming attitudes towards accepting muslim refugees in Poland

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    Contemporary discourse on refugees arriving from the Middle East to Poland revolves around two poles of the problem: the postulate of empathy towards people threatened by war and a danger that these people can supposedly impose on Poland and other EU countries. The religious factor seems to play a significant role in this discourse. Refugees who come from predominantly Muslim countries form a group of special interest for media, politicians and public opinion. In this context, it is important to examine how Poles perceive Islam, and how this image may be associated with attitudes towards accepting refugees. The aim of the study was to analyse narratives about Islam and the religious Other, emerging from partially structured interviews (N=31). The questionnaire, containing citations from the Bible, the Quran and holy scripture of new religious movements (the BhagavadGita) served as the trigger for interviews conducted after filling in the questionnaire. The respondents’ task in the questionnaire was to assign - based on their own knowledge of the subject - these quotes to one of the scriptures. Because of the small and non-representative research sample, the results obtained did not allow for generalizations. However, they provide an important indication (to be tested in future research) how the most frequent associations with Islam (aggression, violence, and the lack of respect for women’s rights) might translate into attitudes towards accepting Muslim refugees in Poland

    Kształtowanie postaw studentów jako przejaw społecznej odpowiedzialności uczelni w kształceniu kadr turystycznych

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    Modern universities, due to the changes in their environment more often become similar to business organizations in their activities. Just as businesses they are beginning to realize how important is the idea of social responsibility of their effective functioning. The most immediate stakeholders are college students and preparing them to find themselves in the labor market. The article made a brief analysis of the issues of university social responsibility and the results of research conducted among students of tourism and recreation and nature tourism from University of Life Sciences in Poznań. The study concerned the behavior of university staff that could affect the development of ethical and socially desirable attitudes of students

    Osvita is far from prospective: winter, technology, forecasts: collective monograph

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    У монографії розглядаються теорія і практика освіти дорослих та управління її якістю. Визначено нові моделі та форми професій- ного розвитку. Проаналізовано сучасні технології освіти дорослих. Окреслено професійні ролі та функції андрагогів. Видання адресоване науковцям, аспірантам, слухачам післядипломної педагогічної освіти, педагогічним працівникам, викладачам та студентам ВНЗ.The monograph looks at the theory and practice of sanctification and management of the English language. Introduced new models and forms of professional development. Analyzed today’s technology to improve the growth. Occupied by professional roles and functions andragogiv. Vidanna is addressed to science students, graduate students, students of postgraduate pedagogical education, pedagogical students, students and higher education students

    Where have all the "to mebalun" gone? : leaders of funeral services in Toraja, Indonesia

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    Toradżowie z Południowego Sulawesi tworzą stosunkowo niewielką, ale znaną grupę etniczną. Prowadziłam badania terenowe dotyczące pogrzebów toradżowskich - Rambu Solo. Tradycje pogrzebowe Toradżów wywodzą się z rdzennego systemu wierzeń, który jest zazwyczaj nazywany Aluk To Dolo. Rambu Solo są wciąż żywe, odprawia się je przeważnie w schrystianizowanych formach. Protestanci stanowią około 2/3 miejscowej ludności. Drugą co do wielkości religią regionu jest katolicyzm, natomiast muzułmanie stanowią znaczącą mniejszość. Tradycje Rambu Solo są kontynuowane w zmienionym krajobrazie religijnym. Jednak to samo nie dotyczy księży pogrzebowych. To mebalunowie zniknęli. Co się z nimi stało? Kto dzisiaj wykonuje ich obowiązki?Torajas from the highlands of South Sulawesi form a relatively small but widely recognizable ethnic group. I conducted field research in the context of well-known Toraja funerals - Rambu Solo’. Toraja funeral traditions originated from an indigenous belief system which is today commonly referred to as Aluk To Dolo. Rambu Solo’ are still vivid in predominately Christianized forms. Protestants make up around 2/3 of the local population, their largest and oldest church dates back to 1913. The second biggest religion of the region is Catholicism; moreover, Muslims form a significant minority. The Rambu Solo’ traditions have continued in the changed religious landscape. However, the same does not hold true for funeral priests. To mebalun have all gone. What happened to them? Who does perform their duties today

    From the diary of a young religious studies scholar : on defining religion and religious studies in Indonesia and on Islamophobia in Poland

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    Celem tego artykułu było podzielenie się moimi niekoniecznie naukowymi spostrzeżeniami na temat mojej akademickiej działalności w Polsce i w Indonezji. Poruszyłam tematy związane z moją religioznawczą tożsamością.The aim of this article was to share my not necessarily scientific insights about my academic activity in Poland and Indonesia. I raised issues related to my religious identity

    About the creation of the main character in the satirical radio drama

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    The dynamic development and diversity of modern radio dramaturgy allows for deeper reflection on its generic varieties. Over time, the term “radio play” has become too broad, which is why it seems appropriate to differentiate between specific varieties. Without a doubt, satirical radio plays with all their specificity are worth paying closer attention to. An element of the narration worthy of particular attention is the main character, since he/she determines the overall narration: who influences other characters and whose goals and ambitions determine the plot and the story’s ending. Through the main character, the listener learns about the world of narration and about other characters who are placed within it. The text: “About the creation of the main character in the satirical radio drama” is an attempt to present a sketch of the problems connected with the creation of the protagonist in radio plays. The hypotheses put forward in the text are explained on the basis of radio plays that form part of a series entitled “Malinówek”, by Marek Ławrynowicz