39 research outputs found

    Vascular regrowth following photodynamic therapy in the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) induces damage to the endothelium, which can lead to increased vascular permeability and, under intensive PDT conditions, even to platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction, and blood flow stasis. Eventually, ischemia, hypoxia, and inflammation can occur, resulting in angiogenesis. We studied the sequence of the vascular events after Visudyne®-PDT in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) at day 11 of development. Using epi-fluorescence microscopy, we monitored the regrowth of capillaries in the PDT treated area. Immediately after irradiation, the treatment resulted in blood flow arrest. And 24 h post PDT, sprouting of new blood vessels was observed at the edge of the PDT zone. Neovessels looping out from the edge of the PDT zone gave rise to specialized endothelial tip structures guiding the vessels towards the center of the treated area. At 48 h almost all of the treated area was repopulated with functional but morphologically altered vasculature. These observations also showed reperfusion of some of the vessels that had been closed by the PDT treatment. CAM samples were immunohistochemically stained for Ki-67 showing proliferation of endothelial cells in the PDT area. Also, several markers of immature and angiogenic blood vessels, such as αVβ3-integrin, vimentin and galectin-1, were found to be enhanced in the PDT area, while the endothelial maturation marker intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 was found to be suppressed. These results demonstrate that the new vascular bed is formed by both neo-angiogenesis and reperfusion of existing vessels. Both the quantitative real-time RT–PCR profile and the response to pharmacological treatment with Avastin®, an inhibitor of angiogenesis, suggest that angiogenesis occurs after PDT. The observed molecular profiling results and the kinetics of gene regulation may enable optimizing combination therapies involving PDT for treatment of cancer and other diseases

    Genome-wide examination of the transcriptional response to ecdysteroids 20-hydroxyecdysone and ponasterone A in Drosophila melanogaster

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) hierarchy of gene activation serves as an attractive model system for studying the mode of steroid hormone regulated gene expression and development. Many structural analogs of 20E exist in nature and among them the plant-derived ponasterone A (PoA) is the most potent. PoA has a higher affinity for the 20E nuclear receptor, composed of the ecysone receptor (EcR) and Ultraspiracle proteins, than 20E and a comparison of the genes regulated by these hormones has not been performed. Furthermore, in <it>Drosophila </it>different cell types elicit different morphological responses to 20E yet the cell type specificity of the 20E transcriptional response has not been examined on a genome-wide scale. We aim to characterize the transcriptional response to 20E and PoA in <it>Drosophila </it>Kc cells and to 20E in salivary glands and provide a robust comparison of genes involved in each response.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our genome-wide microarray analysis of Kc167 cells treated with 20E or PoA revealed that far more genes are regulated by PoA than by 20E (256 vs 148 respectively) and that there is very little overlap between the transcriptional responses to each hormone. Interestingly, genes induced by 20E relative to PoA are enriched in functions related to development. We also find that many genes regulated by 20E in Kc167 cells are not regulated by 20E in salivary glands of wandering 3<sup>rd </sup>instar larvae and we show that 20E-induced levels of <it>EcR </it>isoforms <it>EcR-RA, ER-RC</it>, and <it>EcR-RD/E </it>differ between Kc cells and salivary glands suggesting a possible cause for the observed differences in 20E-regulated gene transcription between the two cell types.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We report significant differences in the transcriptional responses of 20E and PoA, two steroid hormones that differ by only a single hydroxyl group. We also provide evidence that suggests that PoA induced death of non-adapted insects may be related to PoA regulating different set of genes when compared to 20E. In addition, we reveal large differences between Kc cells and salivary glands with regard to their genome-wide transcriptional response to 20E and show that the level of induction of certain EcR isoforms differ between Kc cells and salivary glands. We hypothesize that the differences in the transcriptional response may in part be due to differences in the EcR isoforms present in different cell types.</p

    Comprehensive in vivo Mapping of the Human Basal Ganglia and Thalamic Connectome in Individuals Using 7T MRI

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    Basal ganglia circuits are affected in neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD), essential tremor, dystonia and Tourette syndrome. Understanding the structural and functional connectivity of these circuits is critical for elucidating the mechanisms of the movement and neuropsychiatric disorders, and is vital for developing new therapeutic strategies such as deep brain stimulation (DBS). Knowledge about the connectivity of the human basal ganglia and thalamus has rapidly evolved over recent years through non-invasive imaging techniques, but has remained incomplete because of insufficient resolution and sensitivity of these techniques. Here, we present an imaging and computational protocol designed to generate a comprehensive in vivo and subject-specific, three-dimensional model of the structure and connections of the human basal ganglia. High-resolution structural and functional magnetic resonance images were acquired with a 7-Tesla magnet. Capitalizing on the enhanced signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and enriched contrast obtained at high-field MRI, detailed structural and connectivity representations of the human basal ganglia and thalamus were achieved. This unique combination of multiple imaging modalities enabled the in-vivo visualization of the individual human basal ganglia and thalamic nuclei, the reconstruction of seven white-matter pathways and their connectivity probability that, to date, have only been reported in animal studies, histologically, or group-averaged MRI population studies. Also described are subject-specific parcellations of the basal ganglia and thalamus into sub-territories based on their distinct connectivity patterns. These anatomical connectivity findings are supported by functional connectivity data derived from resting-state functional MRI (R-fMRI). This work demonstrates new capabilities for studying basal ganglia circuitry, and opens new avenues of investigation into the movement and neuropsychiatric disorders, in individual human subjects

    Molecular Evidence for a Functional Ecdysone Signaling System in Brugia malayi

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    Filarial parasites such as Brugia malayi and Onchocerca volvulus are the causative agents of the tropical diseases lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis, which infect 150 million people, mainly in Africa and Southeast Asia. Filarial nematodes have a complex life cycle that involves transmission and development within both mammalian and insect hosts. The successful completion of the life cycle includes four molts, two of which are triggered upon transmission from one host to the other, human and mosquito, respectively. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms involved in the molting processes in filarial nematodes may yield a new set of targets for drug intervention. In insects and other arthropods molting transitions are regulated by the steroid hormone ecdysone that interacts with a specialized hormone receptor composed of two different proteins belonging to the family of nuclear receptors. We have cloned from B. malayi two members of the nuclear receptor family that show many sequence and biochemical properties consistent with the ecdysone receptor of insects. This finding represents the first report of a functional ecdysone receptor homolog in nematodes. We have also established a transgenic hormone induction assay in B. malayi that can be used to discover ecdysone responsive genes and potentially lead to screening assays for active compounds for pharmaceutical development