1,798 research outputs found

    Collisions of low-energy antiprotons with molecular hydrogen: ionization, excitation and stopping power

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    A time-dependent coupled-channel approach was used to calculate ionization, excitation, and energy-loss cross sections as well as energy spectra for antiproton and proton collisions with molecular hydrogen for impact energies 8 keV < E < 4000 keV.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, conference LEAP0

    Structural equation model testing and the quality of natural killer cell activity measurements

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    BACKGROUND: Browne et al. [Browne, MacCallum, Kim, Andersen, Glaser: When fit indices and residuals are incompatible. Psychol Methods 2002] employed a structural equation model of measurements of target cell lysing by natural killer cells as an example purportedly demonstrating that small but statistically significant ill model fit can be dismissed as "negligible from a practical point of view". METHODS: Reanalysis of the natural killer cell data reveals that the supposedly negligible ill fit obscured important, systematic, and substantial causal misspecifications. RESULTS: A clean-fitting structural equation model indicates that measurements employing higher natural-killer-cell to target-cell ratios are more strongly influenced by a progressively intrusive factor, whether or not the natural killer cell activity is activated by recombinant interferon γ (rIFN γ). The progressive influence may reflect independent rate limiting steps in cell recognition and attachment, spatial competition for cell attachment points, or the simultaneous lysings of single target cells by multiple natural killer cells. CONCLUSIONS: If the progressively influential factor is ultimately identified as a mere procedural impediment, the substantive conclusion will be that measurements of natural killer cell activity made at lower effector to target ratios are more valid. Alternatively, if the individual variations in the progressively influential factor are modifiable, this may presage a new therapeutic route to enhancing natural killer cell activity. The methodological conclusion is that, when using structural equation models, researchers should attend to significant model ill fit even if the degree of covariance ill fit is small, because small covariance residuals do not imply that the underlying model misspecifications are correspondingly small or inconsequential

    Survey of the needs of patients with spinal cord injury: impact and priority for improvement in hand function in tetraplegics\ud

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    Objective: To investigate the impact of upper extremity deficit in subjects with tetraplegia.\ud \ud Setting: The United Kingdom and The Netherlands.\ud \ud Study design: Survey among the members of the Dutch and UK Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Associations.\ud \ud Main outcome parameter: Indication of expected improvement in quality of life (QOL) on a 5-point scale in relation to improvement in hand function and seven other SCI-related impairments.\ud \ud Results: In all, 565 subjects with tetraplegia returned the questionnaire (overall response of 42%). Results in the Dutch and the UK group were comparable. A total of 77% of the tetraplegics expected an important or very important improvement in QOL if their hand function improved. This is comparable to their expectations with regard to improvement in bladder and bowel function. All other items were scored lower.\ud \ud Conclusion: This is the first study in which the impact of upper extremity impairment has been assessed in a large sample of tetraplegic subjects and compared to other SCI-related impairments that have a major impact on the life of subjects with SCI. The present study indicates a high impact as well as a high priority for improvement in hand function in tetraplegics.\ud \u

    Accurate masses and radii of normal stars: modern results and applications

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    This paper presents and discusses a critical compilation of accurate, fundamental determinations of stellar masses and radii. We have identified 95 detached binary systems containing 190 stars (94 eclipsing systems, and alpha Centauri) that satisfy our criterion that the mass and radius of both stars be known to 3% or better. To these we add interstellar reddening, effective temperature, metal abundance, rotational velocity and apsidal motion determinations when available, and we compute a number of other physical parameters, notably luminosity and distance. We discuss the use of this information for testing models of stellar evolution. The amount and quality of the data also allow us to analyse the tidal evolution of the systems in considerable depth, testing prescriptions of rotational synchronisation and orbital circularisation in greater detail than possible before. The new data also enable us to derive empirical calibrations of M and R for single (post-) main-sequence stars above 0.6 M(Sun). Simple, polynomial functions of T(eff), log g and [Fe/H] yield M and R with errors of 6% and 3%, respectively. Excellent agreement is found with independent determinations for host stars of transiting extrasolar planets, and good agreement with determinations of M and R from stellar models as constrained by trigonometric parallaxes and spectroscopic values of T(eff) and [Fe/H]. Finally, we list a set of 23 interferometric binaries with masses known to better than 3%, but without fundamental radius determinations (except alpha Aur). We discuss the prospects for improving these and other stellar parameters in the near future.Comment: 56 pages including figures and tables. To appear in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. Ascii versions of the tables will appear in the online version of the articl

    Housekeeping genes for quantitative expression studies in the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus

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    Background During the last years the quantification of immune response under immunological challenges, e.g. parasitation, has been a major focus of research. In this context, the expression of immune response genes in teleost fish has been surveyed for scientific and commercial purposes. Despite the fact that it was shown in teleostei and other taxa that the gene for beta-actin is not the most stably expressed housekeeping gene (HKG), depending on the tissue and experimental treatment, the gene has been us Results To establish a reliable method for the measurement of immune gene expression in Gasterosteus aculeatus, sequences from the now available genome database and an EST library of the same species were used to select oligonucleotide primers for HKG, in order to perform quantitative reverse-transcription (RT) PCR. The expression stability of ten candidate reference genes was evaluated in three different tissues, and in five parasite treatment groups, using the three algorithms BestKeeper, geNorm and N Conclusion As they were the most stably expressed genes in all tissues examined, we suggest using the genes for the L13a ribosomal binding protein and ubiquitin as alternative or additional reference genes in expression analysis in Gasterosteus aculeatus.

    Expression stability of putative reference genes in equine endometrial, testicular, and conceptus tissues

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quantitative RT-PCR data are commonly normalized using a reference gene. A reference gene is a transcript which expression does not differ in the tissue of interest independent of the experimental condition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the stability of mRNA expression levels of putative reference genes in three different types of equine tissue, endometrial, testicular, and conceptus tissue.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The expression stability of four (uterine tissue) and six (testicular and conceptus tissue) was assessed using descriptive data analysis and the software programs Normfinder and geNorm. In uterine samples, <it>18S </it>showed the largest degree of variation in expression while <it>GAPDH</it>, <it>B2M</it>, and <it>ACTB </it>were stably expressed. <it>B2M </it>and <it>GAPDH </it>were identified as the most stably expressed genes in testicular samples, while <it>18S </it>showed some extent of regulation between samples. Conceptus tissue overall was characterized by very low variability of the transcripts analyzed with <it>GAPDH</it>, <it>YWHZ</it>, and 18S being the most stably expressed genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In equine endometrium, <it>GAPDH</it>, <it>B2M</it>, and <it>ACTB </it>transcript levels are equally stable, while <it>18S </it>is less stably expressed. In testes and associated structures, <it>B2M </it>and <it>GAPDH </it>are the transcripts showing the least amount of variation, while in conceptus tissue <it>GAPDH</it>, <it>YWHZ</it>, and <it>18S </it>were identified as the most suitable reference genes. Overall, transcripts analyzed in conceptus tissue were characterized by less variation than transcripts analyzed in uterine and testicular tissue.</p

    Validation of reference genes for quantitative RT-qPCR studies of gene expression in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua l.) during temperature stress

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One important physiological response to environmental stress in animals is change in gene expression. To obtain reliable data from gene expression studies using RT-qPCR it is important to evaluate a set of possible reference genes as normalizers for expression. The expression of these candidate genes should be analyzed in the relevant tissues during normal and stressed situations. To find suitable reference genes it was crucial that the genes were stably expressed also during a situation of physiological stress. For poikilotermic animals like cod, changes in temperature are normal, but if the changes are faster than physiological compensation, the animals respond with typical stress responses. It has previously been shown that Atlantic cod show stress responses when elevation of water temperature is faster than 1 degree/day, for this reason we chose hyperthermia as stress agent for this experiment.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We here describe the expression of eight candidate reference genes from Atlantic cod (<it>Gadus morhua l</it>.) and their stability during thermal stress (temperature elevation of one degree C/day for 5 days). The genes investigated were: Eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha, <it>ef1a</it>; 18s ribosomal RNA; <it>18s</it>, Ubiquitin conjugate protein; <it>ubiq</it>, cytoskeletal beta-actin; <it>actb</it>, major histcompatibility complex I; MHC-I light chain, beta-2 -microglobulin; <it>b2m</it>, cytoskeletal alpha-tubulin; <it>tba1c</it>, acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein; <it>rplp1</it>, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; <it>g6pd</it>. Their expression were analyzed in 6 tissues (liver, head kidney, intestine, spleen, heart and gills) from cods exposed to elevated temperature and compared to a control group. Although there were variations between tissues with respect to reference gene stability, four transcripts were more consistent than the others: <it>ubiq</it>, <it>ef1a</it>, <it>18s </it>and <it>rplp1</it>. We therefore used these to analyze the expression of stress related genes (heat shock proteins) induced during hyperthermia. We found that both transcripts were significantly upregulated in several tissues in fish exposed to increased temperature.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first study comparing reference genes for RT-qPCR analyses of expression during hyperthermia in Atlantic cod. <it>ef1a, 18s, rplp1 </it>and <it>ubiq </it>transcripts were found to be well suited as reference genes during these experimental conditions.</p

    Tuning ultrafast electron thermalization pathways in a van der Waals heterostructure

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    Ultrafast electron thermalization - the process leading to Auger recombination, carrier multiplication via impact ionization and hot carrier luminescence - occurs when optically excited electrons in a material undergo rapid electron-electron scattering to redistribute excess energy and reach electronic thermal equilibrium. Due to extremely short time and length scales, the measurement and manipulation of electron thermalization in nanoscale devices remains challenging even with the most advanced ultrafast laser techniques. Here, we overcome this challenge by leveraging the atomic thinness of two-dimensional van der Waals (vdW) materials in order to introduce a highly tunable electron transfer pathway that directly competes with electron thermalization. We realize this scheme in a graphene-boron nitride-graphene (G-BN-G) vdW heterostructure, through which optically excited carriers are transported from one graphene layer to the other. By applying an interlayer bias voltage or varying the excitation photon energy, interlayer carrier transport can be controlled to occur faster or slower than the intralayer scattering events, thus effectively tuning the electron thermalization pathways in graphene. Our findings, which demonstrate a novel means to probe and directly modulate electron energy transport in nanoscale materials, represent an important step toward designing and implementing novel optoelectronic and energy-harvesting devices with tailored microscopic properties.Comment: Accepted to Nature Physic

    Circulating microRNAs Reveal Time Course of Organ Injury in a Porcine Model of Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Failure

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    Acute liver failure is a rare but catastrophic condition which can progress rapidly to multi-organ failure. Studies investigating the onset of individual organ injury such as the liver, kidneys and brain during the evolution of acute liver failure, are lacking. MicroRNAs are short, non-coding strands of RNA that are released into the circulation following tissue injury. In this study, we have characterised the release of both global microRNA and specific microRNA species into the plasma using a porcine model of acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure. Pigs were induced to acute liver failure with oral acetaminophen over 19h±2h and death occurred 13h±3h thereafter. Global microRNA concentrations increased 4h prior to acute liver failure in plasma (P<0.0001) but not in isolated exosomes, and were associated with increasing plasma levels of the damage-associated molecular pattern molecule, genomic DNA (P<0.0001). MiR122 increased around the time of onset of acute liver failure (P<0.0001) and was associated with increasing international normalised ratio (P<0.0001). MiR192 increased 8h after acute liver failure (P<0.0001) and was associated with increasing creatinine (P<0.0001). The increase in miR124-1 occurred concurrent with the pre-terminal increase in intracranial pressure (P<0.0001) and was associated with decreasing cerebral perfusion pressure (P<0.002)

    Selection of optimal reference genes for normalization in quantitative RT-PCR

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Normalization in real-time qRT-PCR is necessary to compensate for experimental variation. A popular normalization strategy employs reference gene(s), which may introduce additional variability into normalized expression levels due to innate variation (between tissues, individuals, etc). To minimize this innate variability, multiple reference genes are used. Current methods of selecting reference genes make an assumption of independence in their innate variation. This assumption is not always justified, which may lead to selecting a suboptimal set of reference genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a robust approach for selecting optimal subset(s) of reference genes with the smallest variance of the corresponding normalizing factors. The normalizing factor variance estimates are based on the estimated unstructured covariance matrix of all available candidate reference genes, adjusting for all possible correlations. Robustness is achieved through bootstrapping all candidate reference gene data and obtaining the bootstrap upper confidence limits for the variances of the log-transformed normalizing factors. The selection of the reference gene subset is optimized with respect to one of the following criteria: (A) to minimize the variability of the normalizing factor; (B) to minimize the number of reference genes with acceptable upper limit on variability of the normalizing factor, (C) to minimize the average rank of the variance of the normalizing factor. The proposed approach evaluates all gene subsets of various sizes rather than ranking individual reference genes by their stability, as in the previous work. In two publicly available data sets and one new data set, our approach identified subset(s) of reference genes with smaller empirical variance of the normalizing factor than in subsets identified using previously published methods. A small simulation study indicated an advantage of the proposed approach in terms of sensitivity to identify the true optimal reference subset in the presence of even modest, especially negative correlation among the candidate reference genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The proposed approach performs comprehensive and robust evaluation of the variability of normalizing factors based on all possible subsets of candidate reference genes. The results of this evaluation provide flexibility to choose from important criteria for selecting the optimal subset(s) of reference genes, unless one subset meets all the criteria. This approach identifies gene subset(s) with smaller variability of normalizing factors than current standard approaches, particularly if there is some nontrivial innate correlation among the candidate genes.</p