17 research outputs found


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    A crescente inclusão da raça no debate público brasileiro, o aumento da sua disponibilidade em pesquisasde opinião e monitoramento e a facilidade de inclusão da variável em modelos estatísticos tem provocadoum paradoxo na importância da raça. Ao mesmo tempo em que a cor da pele vem ganhando relevância nodebate político, ela também vem perdendo a sua importância substantiva como um construto social complexoe dinâmico por ser utilizada de modo superficial, como uma categoria permanente e imutável em estudosquantitativos. Este ensaio bibliográfico discorre sobre os fatores que contribuem para essa tendêncialevando em conta a literatura nacional e internacional produzida nos últimos dez anos. Questiona-se o usoda raça em políticas públicas atentando-se para a sua confiabilidade, variabilidade e validade e discutemseas limitações e possibilidades de uso da raça como um demarcador de diferenças. O ensaio conclui-sesugerindo uma agenda de pesquisa para aprimorar o entendimento e reduzir as incertezas associadas aouso da variável "raça" em estudos quantitativos

    Antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of diplotropis incexis rizzini & a. Mattos seed oil in b16-f10 murine melanoma / Actividade antioxidantes e citóxicos de diplotropis incexis rizzini & a. Mattos semente de petróleo em b16-f10 murina melanoma

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    Introduction: Diplotropis incexis is popularly known as sucupira. To extract its oil, which is used for the treatment of eczema, inflammation, skin patches, rheumatism, and to treat hemorrhages, it is necessary to breakdown and decoct the seeds. The aim was to evaluate the antioxidant activity and cytotoxic effect of Diplotropis incexis oil (DIO) in B16-F10 murine melanoma cells. Materials and methods: DIO was obtained from the breakdown of seeds, Soxhlet extraction, and rotary evaporation. Antioxidant activity was measured by radical scavenging. Quantification of phenolic groups was performed using a standard curve of gallic acid and quercetin. DIO toxicity was determined between 0.01 – 100 µg/mL by photometry (MTT) and cytometry. Finally, cell morphology was examined by confocal microscopy. Results: The DIO showed antioxidant potential, being about 335x less potent than the gallic acid control. 109 mg of total phenols and 381 mg of flavonoids were found for every 100g of crude oil. The DIO showed high cytotoxicity against the B16-F10 line, presenting IC50 = 10 µg/mL for cells treated for 48 hours. The cells underwent drastic morphological changes, presenting changes in membrane structure and drastic changes in the cytoskeleton, due to F-actin filament disarrangement. Conclusions: The first reports of DIO activity showed that it has moderate antioxidant activity with the presence of phenolic groups in its composition. In addition to having cytotoxic activity in the B16-F10 cell lines, it is able to promote decreased cell viability and morphological changes depending on concentration and time spent in contact with oil

    Experimental infection parameters in Galea spixii (Rodentia: Caviidae) with Leishmania infantum chagasi

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    In order to better understand the epidemiological transmission network of leishmaniasis, an endemic disease in Northeast Brazil, we investigated the susceptibility of Spix yellow-toothed cavies (Galea spixii) to the Leishmania infantum chagasi parasite. Nine cavies were experimentally infected, separated into three groups and monitored at 30, 90 and 180 days, respectively. Amastigotes were identified in the spleen slides of two cavies killed 180 days after infection. Antibodies against the L. i. chagasi were identified in one of the cavies. This demonstrates that G. spixii is in fact capable of maintaining a stable infection by L. i. chagasi without alterations in biochemical and hematological parameters of the host and without perceivable micro and macroscopic lesions

    Iterative intercensal single-decrement life tables using Stata

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    One way to estimate mortality in countries with incomplete data is to utilize intercensal methods, which do not require model life tables and provide accurate results even in the presence of age distortions and death underregistration. In this article, I revisit three of these techniques (census based, death distribution, and an iterative procedure) and introduce ilt, a command to calculate singledecrement life tables and the net flow of migrants by age. The required inputs are two age-specific population distributions and the average number of deaths between them. The empirical example draws on data from Vietnam, but the methods are extendable to any context and period

    Iterative intercensal single-decrement life tables using Stata

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    One way to estimate mortality in countries with incomplete data is to utilize intercensal methods, which do not require model life tables and provide accurate results even in the presence of age distortions and death underregistration. In this article, I revisit three of these techniques (census based, death distribution, and an iterative procedure) and introduce ilt, a command to calculate singledecrement life tables and the net flow of migrants by age. The required inputs are two age-specific population distributions and the average number of deaths between them. The empirical example draws on data from Vietnam, but the methods are extendable to any context and period

    Does the habit make the nun? religious frequency and self-perception of religion in Brazil

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    Using the Brazilian Religion Survey (BRS), this article presents data on the frequency of religious activities and the religious self-perception of Catholics and Protestants. While Protestants are more involved with religion than Catholics, it is surprising that both are similarly devoted to prayer and that, among Protestants, Pentecostals and historical Protestants present almost identical percentages of religious participation. This article simulates the distribution of Brazilian religions based on a high-frequency filter, as well as the probability of affiliation based on observed religious practices. The results show a decrease in the number of Catholics and an increase in the number of Pentecostals in greater proportions than those of the 2010 Census and demonstrate that the probability of being Catholic in Brazil is independent of the intensity of religious practice adopted

    Volatilidade classificatória e a (in)consistência da desigualdade racial

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    O monitoramento de desigualdades raciais, seja num plano socioeconômico ou em termos de desfechos de saúde, pressupõe que a declaração da raça apresente estabilidade. Caso contrário, a dinâmica dessas desigualdades poderia resultar da reclassificação racial, e não de processos vinculados a iniquidades socioeconômicas e de saúde. Este estudo propõe uma tipologia da incerteza racial classificatória (contextual - temporal, geográfica, procedimental - e amostral) e discute, com base na literatura e dados secundários nacionalmente representativos, a magnitude da variabilidade racial segundo essas cinco dimensões. Os resultados demonstram que, pelo menos, duas dessas incertezas - geográfica e procedimental - são substanciais, mas têm pouca influência sobre o hiato racial de renda. Abordam-se os impactos desses resultados sobre a existência e a extensão das iniquidades raciais em saúde e conclui-se que a estrutura das desigualdades entre brancos e negros é consistente, ainda que a cor da pele seja volátil

    Variações intra e intermetropolitanas da desigualdade de renda racial

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    Qual é o diferencial de renda entre brancos e negros dentro de uma mesma região metropolitana? Qual situação coloca o indivíduo em maior desvantagem: a cor da pele ou o local de residência? Políticas de mitigação de desigualdades devem ser universais ou locais? Para responder esses questionamentos comparamos os salários de brancos e negros no centro e na periferia de seis regiões metropolitanas utilizando diferentes recortes geográficos. Os resultados obtidos a partir da PNAD (2008) demonstram que a cor da pele tem maior impacto no salário predito dos indivíduos do que a localização dentro da cidade e indicam substancial heterogeneidade espacial nos diferenciais raciais de rendimento

    Variações intra e intermetropolitanas da desigualdade de renda racial

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    What is the income gap between blacks and whites within the same metropolitan region? What variable puts individuals in greatest disadvantage: skin color or place of residence? Should mitigating policies against inequality be global or local? To answer these questions we compare the wages of blacks and whites living in the center and in the periphery of six Brazilian metropolitan regions. Results from the PNAD (2008) show that the impact of skin color on wages is larger than that of the geographic location within the city. We also show that there is substantial spatial heterogeneity in income differentials by race.Qual é o diferencial de renda entre brancos e negros dentro de uma mesma região metropolitana? Qual situação coloca o indivíduo em maior desvantagem: a cor da pele ou o local de residência? Políticas de mitigação de desigualdades devem ser universais ou locais? Para responder esses questionamentos comparamos os salários de brancos e negros no centro e na periferia de seis regiões metropolitanas utilizando diferentes recortes geográficos. Os resultados obtidos a partir da PNAD (2008) demonstram que a cor da pele tem maior impacto no salário predito dos indivíduos do que a localização dentro da cidade e indicam substancial heterogeneidade espacial nos diferenciais raciais de rendimento