322 research outputs found

    Development of an Intelligent System for IoT using Web Services and Cyber Physical Approaches

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the way we perceive information. It has inspired solutions for a variety of everyday problems. With the advent of IoT, the internet will house several ldquointelligent ldquoobjects capable of making their own decisions and communicate with each other in an efficient manner. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) represent a new paradigm of future intelligent systems. They consist of loosely coupled subsystems which interact with mechanisms of Service oriented Architecture (SoA). One of the most important goals for many organizations is to satisfy their clientsrsquo service level agreements with respect to the response time and throughput. Web services are one of the popular technologies to achieve SOA solutions.Web service is a very important candidate technology to achieve SOA requirements that allows the service providers to publish their services to many service consumers. nbs

    Local Anaesthesia in Plastic Surgery Procedures

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    A Novel Approach for Eye Tracking using Driver Fatigue Monitoring

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    System describes a real-time online trial product driver-fatigue monitor or driver tiredness is captured. It means to capture the current state or mode of tiredness of driver whether the driver is in sleeping state or in wakening state. It uses remotely located charge-coupled-device cameras able to with active infrared illumination to acquire video images of the driver. Various cues that typically stated the level of attentiveness of a person that how an person is attentive are removed or take out in real time and systematic combined to infer the tiredness level of the driver. The some cues employed stated eyelid movement, steady movement, head movement, and facial expression. This is developed to model human fatigue and to know about fatigue based on the visual cues obtained. The simultaneous use of multiple optical cues and their methodical combination yields a much more robust and accurate fatigue categorization than using a single visual cue. This system was valid as real-life fatigue conditions with human subjects of different cultural backgrounds, genders, and ages as with or without glasses, and under different illumination conditions. It was found to be sensibly robust, reliable, and accurate in fatigue categorization

    Aspect Mining for Drug Recommendation: A Survey

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    Now a days due to this computerized world all the information related to the patients queries are available on internet. This survey paper compares various research issues and few techniques related to the user query for their drug discovery. These reviews helps users to know more about the drug dosage, their side-effects and also specifications. Reviews provides positive as well as negative feedback, Hence these reviews also plays an important role for patients and pharmaceutical industries. The probabilistic aspect mining model (PAMM) identifies aspects according to the class labels. PAMM finds aspects related to one class instead of finding aspects for all classes simultaneously in each execution. PAMM also find aspects measured using the mean point wise mutual information .Hence mixing concepts of different class label gets avoided

    Crystallization of a nonreplicating rotavirus vaccine candidate.

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    Nonreplicating rotavirus vaccine (NRRV) candidates are being developed with the aim of serving the needs of developing countries. A significant proportion of the cost of manufacturing such vaccines is the purification in multiple chromatography steps. Crystallization has the potential to reduce purification costs and provide new product storage modality, improved operational flexibility, and reduced facility footprints. This communication describes a systematic approach for the design of the crystallization of an NRRV candidate, VP8 subunit proteins fused to the P2 epitope of tetanus toxin, using first-principles models and preliminary experimental data. The first-principles models are applied to literature data to obtain feasible crystallization conditions and lower bounds for nucleation and growth rates. Crystallization is then performed in a hanging-drop vapor diffusion system, resulting in the nucleation and growth of NRRV crystals. The crystals obtained in a scaled-up evaporative crystallization contain proteins truncated in the P2 region, but have no significant differences with the original samples in terms of antibody binding and overall conformational stability. These results demonstrate the promise of evaporative crystallization of the NRRV

    Role of School Library Committee in inculcating reading habit among the High School Students: A case study

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    The School Library Committee works with the librarian to create general library policies and regulations that govern the library\u27s operations. The Book Purchasing Policy is decided by the School Library Committee. It assists the library staff in running the library as efficiently as possible. The other staff provides assistance to the School Library Committee in carrying out Annual Stock – Verification of Library Books. It has taken steps to make the library more user-friendly by focusing on effective library policies in order to improve communication between readers and library staff. It makes sure that not only the staff but even the students avail the benefits of library facilities. The committee is responsible for providing proper documentation services as well as updating the library collection. It strives to modernize and improve library and documentation services. It develops policies and procedures for making the best use of library resources. It creates budgets and proposals for the library\u27s expansion. According to the findings, the unscheduled time has an impact on circulation and student access to materials. According to the findings of the study, book fairs encourage students to read by offering them a diverse selection of books to peruse before making a purchase decision. It is also revealed from the study that project work given during the holidays will keep them occupied as well as give them an opportunity to unleash their creative side and give their ideas a physical form. It is revealed from study that Display of library and reference collection, Quiz Competition, Writing a Book Review Competition, Book Exhibition, Organizes trips to popular libraries, Book Discussion, Innovative reading games help to inculcate the reading habits among the students in High School

    A novel application of motion analysis for detecting stress responses in embryos at different stages of development.

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    Motion analysis is one of the tools available to biologists to extract biologically relevant information from image datasets and has been applied to a diverse range of organisms. The application of motion analysis during early development presents a challenge, as embryos often exhibit complex, subtle and diverse movement patterns. A method of motion analysis able to holistically quantify complex embryonic movements could be a powerful tool for fields such as toxicology and developmental biology to investigate whole organism stress responses. Here we assessed whether motion analysis could be used to distinguish the effects of stressors on three early developmental stages of each of three species: (i) the zebrafish Danio rerio (stages 19 h, 21.5 h and 33 h exposed to 1.5% ethanol and a salinity of 5); (ii) the African clawed toad Xenopus laevis (stages 24, 32 and 34 exposed to a salinity of 20); and iii) the pond snail Radix balthica (stages E3, E4, E6, E9 and E11 exposed to salinities of 5, 10 and 15). Image sequences were analysed using Sparse Optic Flow and the resultant frame-to-frame motion parameters were analysed using Discrete Fourier Transform to quantify the distribution of energy at different frequencies. This spectral frequency dataset was then used to construct a Bray-Curtis similarity matrix and differences in movement patterns between embryos in this matrix were tested for using ANOSIM

    Low-level regulatory T-cell activity is essential for functional type-2 effector immunity to expel gastrointestinal helminths

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    Helminth infection is frequently associated with the expansion of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and suppression of immune responses to bystander antigens. We show that infection of mice with the chronic gastrointestinal helminth Heligmosomoides polygyrus drives rapid polyclonal expansion of Foxp3(+)Helios(+)CD4(+) thymic (t)Tregs in the lamina propria and mesenteric lymph nodes while Foxp3(+)Helios(-)CD4(+) peripheral (p)Treg expand more slowly. Notably, in partially resistant BALB/c mice parasite survival positively correlates with Foxp3(+)Helios(+)CD4(+) tTreg numbers. Boosting of Foxp3(+)Helios(+)CD4(+) tTreg populations by administration of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2):anti-IL-2 (IL-2C) complex increased worm persistence by diminishing type-2 responsiveness in vivo, including suppression of alternatively activated macrophage and granulomatous responses at the sites of infection. IL-2C also increased innate lymphoid cell (ILC) numbers, indicating that Treg functions dominate over ILC effects in this setting. Surprisingly, complete removal of Tregs in transgenic Foxp3-DTR mice also resulted in increased worm burdens, with "immunological chaos" evident in high levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and interferon-γ. In contrast, worm clearance could be induced by anti-CD25 antibody-mediated partial depletion of early Treg, alongside increased T helper type 2 responses and without incurring pathology. These findings highlight the overarching importance of the early Treg response to infection and the non-linear association between inflammation and the prevailing Treg frequency

    A structurally distinct TGF-β mimic from an intestinal helminth parasite potently induces regulatory T cells.

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    Helminth parasites defy immune exclusion through sophisticated evasion mechanisms, including activation of host immunosuppressive regulatory T (Treg) cells. The mouse parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus can expand the host Treg population by secreting products that activate TGF-β signalling, but the identity of the active molecule is unknown. Here we identify an H. polygyrus TGF-β mimic (Hp-TGM) that replicates the biological and functional properties of TGF-β, including binding to mammalian TGF-β receptors and inducing mouse and human Foxp3+ Treg cells. Hp-TGM has no homology with mammalian TGF-β or other members of the TGF-β family, but is a member of the complement control protein superfamily. Thus, our data indicate that through convergent evolution, the parasite has acquired a protein with cytokine-like function that is able to exploit an endogenous pathway of immunoregulation in the host

    Hypothyroidism attenuates protein tyrosine nitration, oxidative stress and renal damage induced by ischemia and reperfusion: effect unrelated to antioxidant enzymes activities

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    BACKGROUND: It has been established that hypothyroidism protects rats against renal ischemia and reperfusion (IR) oxidative damage. However, it is not clear if hypothyroidism is able to prevent protein tyrosine nitration, an index of nitrosative stress, induced by IR or if antioxidant enzymes have involved in this protective effect. In this work it was explored if hypothyroidism is able to prevent the increase in nitrosative and oxidative stress induced by IR. In addition the activity of the antioxidant enzymes catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase was studied. Control and thyroidectomized (HTX) rats were studied 24 h of reperfusion after 60 min ischemia. METHODS: Male Wistar rats weighing 380 ± 22 g were subjected to surgical thyroidectomy. Rats were studied 15 days after surgery. Euthyroid sham-operated rats were used as controls (CT). Both groups of rats underwent a right kidney nephrectomy and suffered a 60 min left renal ischemia with 24 h of reperfusion. Rats were divided in four groups: CT, HTX, IR and HTX+IR. Rats were sacrificed and samples of plasma and kidney were obtained. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine were measured in blood plasma. Kidney damage was evaluated by histological analysis. Oxidative stress was measured by immunohistochemical localization of protein carbonyls and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal modified proteins. The protein carbonyl content was measured using antibodies against dinitrophenol (DNP)-modified proteins. Nitrosative stress was measured by immunohistochemical analysis of 3-nitrotyrosine modified proteins. The activity of the antioxidant enzymes catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase was measured by spectrophotometric methods. Multiple comparisons were performed with ANOVA followed by Bonferroni t test. RESULTS: The histological damage and the rise in plasma creatinine and BUN induced by IR were significantly lower in HTX+IR group. The increase in protein carbonyls and in 3-nitrotyrosine and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal modified proteins was prevented in HTX+IR group. IR-induced decrease in renal antioxidant enzymes was essentially not prevented by HTX in HTX+IR group. CONCLUSION: Hypothyroidism was able to prevent not only oxidative but also nitrosative stress induced by IR. In addition, the antioxidant enzymes catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase seem not to play a protective role in this experimental model