40 research outputs found

    Traits associated with innate and adaptive immunity in pigs: heritability and associations with performance under different health status conditions

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    There is a need for genetic markers or biomarkers that can predict resistance towards a wide range of infectious diseases, especially within a health environment typical of commercial farms. Such markers also need to be heritable under these conditions and ideally correlate with commercial performance traits. In this study, we estimated the heritabilities of a wide range of immune traits, as potential biomarkers, and measured their relationship with performance within both specific pathogen-free (SPF) and non-SPF environments. Immune traits were measured in 674 SPF pigs and 606 non-SPF pigs, which were subsets of the populations for which we had performance measurements (average daily gain), viz. 1549 SPF pigs and 1093 non-SPF pigs. Immune traits measured included total and differential white blood cell counts, peripheral blood mononuclear leucocyte (PBML) subsets (CD4+ cells, total CD8α+ cells, classical CD8αβ+ cells, CD11R1+ cells (CD8α+ and CD8α-), B cells, monocytes and CD16+ cells) and acute phase proteins (alpha-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP), haptoglobin, C-reactive protein (CRP) and transthyretin). Nearly all traits tested were heritable regardless of health status, although the heritability estimate for average daily gain was lower under non-SPF conditions. There were also negative genetic correlations between performance and the following immune traits: CD11R1+ cells, monocytes and the acute phase protein AGP. The strength of the association between performance and AGP was not affected by health status. However, negative genetic correlations were only apparent between performance and monocytes under SPF conditions and between performance and CD11R1+ cells under non-SPF conditions. Although we cannot infer causality in these relationships, these results suggest a role for using some immune traits, particularly CD11R1+ cells or AGP concentrations, as predictors of pig performance under the lower health status conditions associated with commercial farms

    An ELISA for detection of antibodies against influenza A nucleoprotein in humans and various animal species.

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    A double antibody sandwich blocking ELISA, using a monoclonal antibody (MAb) against influenza A nucleoprotein (NP) was developed to detect antibodies against influenza. Collections of serum samples were obtained from human and various animal species. All influenza A subtypes induced antibodies against hemagglutinins and NP. A close correlation between titers of the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test and the NP-ELISA was seen. Antibodies against influenza NP were demonstrated in serum samples from humans, ferrets, swine, horses, chickens, ducks, guinea pigs, mice, and seals. The serum samples were collected at intervals during prospective epidemiological studies, from experimental and natural infections, and vaccination studies. The decline of maternal antibodies was studied in swine and horses. The NP-ELISA enables rapid serological diagnosis and is suited for influenza A antibody screening, especially in species which harbor several influenza subtypes. The HI and neuraminidase inhibition tests, however, must still be used for subtyping

    Uma análise do efeito do aquecimento global na produção de batata no Brasil An analysis of the potato production in Brazil upon global warming

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    Face às prováveis mudanças climáticas afetando as áreas agricultáveis do planeta, foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os efeitos do aumento da temperatura no metabolismo da planta de batata, enfatizando suas consequências no desenvolvimento vegetativo e na produtividade da cultura. Embora a ênfase maior desse artigo se prenda ao efeito do clima na redução de alimentos, alerta-se ainda para o risco de erosão genética pelo desaparecimento de espécies silvestres, de grande importância para programas de melhoramento genético. A partir dessas informações e de dados climáticos das regiões produtoras publicados em literatura nacional, foi realizada uma análise prospectiva da produção de batata no Brasil. Para tal, tomou-se como base o aumento da temperatura de até 5ºC até o final deste século e uma faixa ótima de produtividade da batata de 10ºC a 25ºC, conforme indicado em literatura especializada. Foram selecionados seis municípios representando as regiões geográficas onde se cultiva a batata: São Joaquim-SC; Guarapuava-PR; Cristalina-GO; Mucugê-BA; Vargem Grande do Sul-SP e Araxá-MG. Para municípios com prevalência de temperaturas mais baixas, como São Joaquim, o aumento de temperatura preconizado não deverá restringir a produção, porém serão necessárias adequações de épocas de plantio. Por outro lado, a situação é preocupante em regiões e épocas de cultivo sujeitas a temperaturas altas, como Mucugê e Cristalina, onde o cultivo deverá se restringir a poucos meses do ano, contrastando com o plantio contínuo, durante o ano todo, ora sendo realizado. O intuito deste artigo é alertar, e não alarmar, a cadeia produtiva de batata no sentido de se preparar para os ajustes fitotécnicos visando a preservar a bataticultura nacional face a um eventual aquecimento global. Considerações sobre o melhoramento genético para atenuar, pelo menos em parte, esta situação é discutida.<br>The future of the potato production in Brazil is discussed upon prediction of temperature rise due to global warming. A literature review was carried out on the effects of high temperatures on the potato plant metabolism, and their consequences upon vegetative development and yield. Although higher emphasis was devoted to the climate effect on food production, the risk of genetic erosion by disappearance of wild species is stressed, with consequences to the future of plant breeding. Based on this information and on climate data from the main growing regions published on Brazilian documents, we carried out a prospective analysis of the potato production in Brazil. For that, a temperature rise of up to 5ºC was considered to the end of the century, and the range of 10ºC to 25ºC as the optimum for potato growth, according to specialized literature. For the study, six counties, representative of the main growing regions, were selected: São Joaquim, Santa Catarina State; Guarapuava, Paraná State; Cristalina, Goiás State; Mucugê, Bahia State; Vargem Grande do Sul, São Paulo State and Araxá, Minas Gerais State. For cooler counties, such as São Joaquim, major drawbacks on potato production are not expected, even though adjustments in planting season should be required. However, cropping on those counties subject to high temperatures which today allow potato production all year round, like Mucugê, and Cristalina, is expected to be restricted to few months of the year. The aim of this article was to alert, not alarm, the Brazilian potato chain in order to promote the management changes to preserve the crop in case the expected temperature rise comes true. In addition, the role of plant breeding to counteract the negative effects of high temperature is discussed