1,666 research outputs found

    Deciphering interplay between Salmonella invasion effectors

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    Bacterial pathogens have evolved a specialized type III secretion system (T3SS) to translocate virulence effector proteins directly into eukaryotic target cells. Salmonellae deploy effectors that trigger localized actin reorganization to force their own entry into non-phagocytic host cells. Six effectors (SipC, SipA, SopE/2, SopB, SptP) can individually manipulate actin dynamics at the plasma membrane, which acts as a ‘signaling hub’ during Salmonella invasion. The extent of crosstalk between these spatially coincident effectors remains unknown. Here we describe trans and cis binary entry effector interplay (BENEFIT) screens that systematically examine functional associations between effectors following their delivery into the host cell. The results reveal extensive ordered synergistic and antagonistic relationships and their relative potency, and illuminate an unexpectedly sophisticated signaling network evolved through longstanding pathogen–host interaction

    Mangarara Formation: exhumed remnants of a middle Miocene, temperate carbonate, submarine channel-fan system on the eastern margin of Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

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    The middle Miocene Mangarara Formation is a thin (1–60 m), laterally discontinuous unit of moderately to highly calcareous (40–90%) facies of sandy to pure limestone, bioclastic sandstone, and conglomerate that crops out in a few valleys in North Taranaki across the transition from King Country Basin into offshore Taranaki Basin. The unit occurs within hemipelagic (slope) mudstone of Manganui Formation, is stratigraphically associated with redeposited sandstone of Moki Formation, and is overlain by redeposited volcaniclastic sandstone of Mohakatino Formation. The calcareous facies of the Mangarara Formation are interpreted to be mainly mass-emplaced deposits having channelised and sheet-like geometries, sedimentary structures supportive of redeposition, mixed environment fossil associations, and stratigraphic enclosure within bathyal mudrocks and flysch. The carbonate component of the deposits consists mainly of bivalves, larger benthic foraminifers (especially Amphistegina), coralline red algae including rhodoliths (Lithothamnion and Mesophyllum), and bryozoans, a warm-temperate, shallow marine skeletal association. While sediment derivation was partly from an eastern contemporary shelf, the bulk of the skeletal carbonate is inferred to have been sourced from shoal carbonate factories around and upon isolated basement highs (Patea-Tongaporutu High) to the south. The Mangarara sediments were redeposited within slope gullies and broad open submarine channels and lobes in the vicinity of the channel-lobe transition zone of a submarine fan system. Different phases of sediment transport and deposition (lateral-accretion and aggradation stages) are identified in the channel infilling. Dual fan systems likely co-existed, one dominating and predominantly siliciclastic in nature (Moki Formation), and the other infrequent and involving the temperate calcareous deposits of Mangarara Formation. The Mangarara Formation is an outcrop analogue for middle Miocene-age carbonate slope-fan deposits elsewhere in subsurface Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

    Genetic diversity of Brazilian isolates of feline immunodeficiency virus

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    We isolated Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) from three adult domestic cats, originating from two open shelters in Brazil. Viruses were isolated from PBMC following co-cultivation with the feline T-lymphoblastoid cell line MYA-1. All amplified env gene products were cloned directly into pGL8MYA. The nucleic acid sequences of seven clones were determined and then compared with those of previously described isolates. The sequences of all of the Brazilian virus clones were distinct and phylogenetic analysis revealed that all belong to subtype B. Three variants isolated from one cat and two variants were isolated from each of the two other cats, indicating that intrahost diversity has the potential to pose problems for the treatment and diagnosis of FIV infection

    Gravitational collapse with tachyon field and barotropic fluid

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    A particular class of space-time, with a tachyon field, \phi, and a barotropic fluid constituting the matter content, is considered herein as a model for gravitational collapse. For simplicity, the tachyon potential is assumed to be of inverse square form i.e., V(\phi) \sim \phi^{-2}. Our purpose, by making use of the specific kinematical features of the tachyon, which are rather different from a standard scalar field, is to establish the several types of asymptotic behavior that our matter content induces. Employing a dynamical system analysis, complemented by a thorough numerical study, we find classical solutions corresponding to a naked singularity or a black hole formation. In particular, there is a subset where the fluid and tachyon participate in an interesting tracking behaviour, depending sensitively on the initial conditions for the energy densities of the tachyon field and barotropic fluid. Two other classes of solutions are present, corresponding respectively, to either a tachyon or a barotropic fluid regime. Which of these emerges as dominant, will depend on the choice of the barotropic parameter, \gamma. Furthermore, these collapsing scenarios both have as final state the formation of a black hole.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. v3: minor changes. Final version to appear in GR

    "Resurrection of clinical efficacy" after resistance to endocrine therapy in metastatic breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: In a significant proportion of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients whose tumour has progressed within 6 months of endocrine therapy (de novo resistance), it is generally believed that the chance of achieving clinical benefit (CB) with further endocrine therapy is minimal. METHODS: Data was retrieved from a prospectively updated database of metastatic breast cancer. Relevant data was exported to SPSS™ software for statistical analysis. RESULTS: In oestrogen receptor (ER) positive MBC patients with assessable disease, CB was achieved in 159 (71.3%) (1(st )line) patients. When these patients were put on further endocrine therapy, the CB rates were 63.2% (on 2(nd )line), 46.1% (on 3(rd )line) and 20% (on 4(th )line) with a median duration of response (DOR) in those with CB of 22, 12, 11 and 15 months respectively. The remaining 64(28.7%) patients had de novo resistance on 1(st )line endocrine therapy. Seventeen of these patients were treated with further endocrine therapy. The CB rates were 29.4% (on 2(nd )line) and 22.2% (on 3(rd )line) with a median DOR in those with CB of 22.7 months and 14 months respectively. CONCLUSION: The chance of further endocrine response continues to decrease with each line of therapy, yet CB is still seen with reasonable duration even with a 4(th )line agent. In addition, further endocrine response, with long duration, can be seen in a significant proportion of patients who have developed de novo resistance to 1(st )line endocrine therapy. The use of further endocrine therapy should not be excluded under these circumstances

    Potentiation and overshadowing between landmarks and environmental geometric cues

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    Rats were required in three experiments to find one of two submerged platforms that were situated in the same pair of diagonally opposite corners of a rectangular grey swimming pool. The experimental groups were trained with landmarks, comprising A4 cards attached to the walls, located in the corners containing the platforms. For the control groups, the landmarks were situated in the corners containing the platforms for half of the trials, and in the other corners for the remaining trials. Learning about the positions of the platforms with reference to the shape of the pool was overshadowed in the experimental groups when the landmarks were white, and enhanced when the landmarks were black. A fourth experiment assessed whether geometric cues influenced the control acquired by the landmarks. As in the previous experiments, the presence of the geometric cues overshadowed learning about the landmarks when they were white, but enhanced learning when the landmarks were black

    Minimum length effects in black hole physics

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    We review the main consequences of the possible existence of a minimum measurable length, of the order of the Planck scale, on quantum effects occurring in black hole physics. In particular, we focus on the ensuing minimum mass for black holes and how modified dispersion relations affect the Hawking decay, both in four space-time dimensions and in models with extra spatial dimensions. In the latter case, we briefly discuss possible phenomenological signatures.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures. To be published in "Quantum Aspects of Black Holes", ed. X. Calmet (Springer, 2014

    Two naturally occurring insulin receptor tyrosine kinase domain mutants provide evidence that phosphoinositide 3-kinase activation alone is not sufficient for the mediation of insulin's metabolic and mitogenic effects

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    We have recently reported (1) that two naturally occurring mutants of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase domain, Arg-1174 --> Gln and Pro-1178 --> Leu (Gln-1174 and Leu1178, respectively), both found in patients with inherited severe insulin resistance, markedly impaired receptor tyrosine autophosphorylation, with both mutant receptors; being unable to mediate the stimulation of glycogen synthesis or mitogenesis by insulin when expressed hh Chinese hamster ovary cells, However, these mutations did not fully prevent IRS-1 phosphorylation in response to insulin in these cells, suggesting that IRS-1 alone may not be sufficient to mediate insulin's metabolic and mitogenic effects, In the present study, we have demonstrated that these mutations also impair the ability of the insulin receptor to activate the transcription factor Elk-1 and promote GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane, Although at law concentrations of insulin, the mutant receptors were impaired in their ability to stimulate the tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1, at higher insulin concentrations we confirmed that the cells expressing the mutant receptors showed significantly increased tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1 compared with parental nontransfected cells, In addition, at comparable insulin concentrations, the association of the p85 alpha subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) with IRS-1 and the enzymatic activity of IRS-1-associated PI3-kinase were significantly enhanced in cells expressing the mutant receptors, in contrast, no significant stimulation of the tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc, GTP loading of Ras, or mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation was seen in cell lines expressing these mutant receptors. Thus, no activation of any measurable mitogenic or metabolic response was detectable, despite significant insulin-induced phosphorylation of IRS-1 and its association with PI3-kinase in cells stably expressing the mutant insulin receptors, These findings suggest that PI3-kinase activation alone may be insufficient to mediate a wide range of the metabolic and mitogenic effects of insulin, Additionally, the data provide support for the notion that insulin activation of Ras is more closely linked with Shc, and not IRS-1, phosphorylation