11 research outputs found

    Processing of chloroplast ribosomal RNA transcripts in Euglena gracilis bacillaris

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    The ribosomal RNA operons ( rrn operons) of Euglena gracilis chloroplasts contain genes for (in order) 16S rRNA, tRNA Ile , tRNA Ala , 23S rRNA and 5S rRNA. Major sites of cleavage of the primary rrn transcript were identified by Northern blot hybridization and S1-mapping. The presumptive termini of all of the mature products have now been identified. During initial processing in the chloroplast, the primary transcript is cleaved between the two tRNAs and between the 23S and 5S rRNAs so as to separate the sequences found in the different mature rRNAs. Subsequently the tRNAs are separated from the rRNAs, further trimming provides the remaining proper ends, and the 3′-ends of the tRNAs are added.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46969/1/294_2004_Article_BF00419917.pd

    Initiation of rrn transcription in chloroplasts of Euglena gracilis bacillaris

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    The site of initiation of chloroplast rRNA synthesis was determined by Sl-mapping and by sequencing primary rRNA transcripts specifically labeled at their 5′-end. Transcription initiates at a single site 53 nucleotides upstream of the 5'-end of the mature 16S rRNA under all growth conditions examined. The initiation site is within a DNA sequence that is highly homologous to and probably derived from a tRNA gene-region located elsewhere in the chloroplast genome. A nearly identical sequence (102 of 103 nucleotides) is present near the replication origin. The near identity of the two sequences suggests a common mode for control of transcription of the rRNA genes and initiation of chloroplast DNA replication. The related sequence in the tRNA gene-region does not appear to serve as a transcript initiation site.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46967/1/294_2004_Article_BF00521275.pd

    A map of specific cleavage sites and tRNA genes in the chloroplast genome of Euglena gracilis bacillaris

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    A map showing locations of 22 of the 30 endonuclease EcoRI cleavage sites and 54 additional sites for eight other restriction endonucleases is presented. The regions of chloroplast DNA that hybridize with chloroplast tRNA are also shown.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47547/1/438_2004_Article_BF00425601.pd

    Localization of chromosomal DNA sequences homologous to ribosomal gene type I insertion DNA in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Chromosomal sites which have DNA homology to the 1 kb (kilobase pair) Bam HI restrictable fragment of the 5 kb type I insertion present in many ribosomal genes in Drosophila melanogaster , were identified by using in situ hybridization and autoradiography. XX and XY complements of polytene chromosomes showed the nucleolus and chromocenter to be heavily labeled. Of the light label over euchromatic regions, the 102C band of chromosome 4 labeled particularly intensely. In mitotic XX and XY complements, the NORs (nucleolus organizer regions) of both sex chromosomes labeled as did the centromeric heterochromatin of autosomes. Label also appeared less frequently over telomeric and euchromatic regions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47555/1/438_2004_Article_BF00328069.pd

    Determination of gender in cetaceans by the polymerase chain reaction

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    We determined the gender of a variety of cet can species, including both ondotocetes and mysticetes, using the polymerase chain reaction for amplification of the sex chromosome specific regions ZFY/ZFX and SRY. This quick and simple method requires extremely small amounts of tissue, and therefore allows gender to be determined from skin biopsies taken from free-ranging specimens. In the fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus, no gender-specific bands were observed when the ZFY/ZFX system was used, but when the SRY system was used, sex was accurately determined. Previous studies in other mammals have also shown the SRY system to be more reliable in sex determination. We therefore recommend amplification of the SRY region alone or in parallel with the ZFY/ZFX regions, as described here, as a test for gender in cetaceans and other mammals