109 research outputs found

    O impacto da psoríase na autoimagem e sua influência no trabalho

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    Psoriasis is a skin disease that affects the body in a systemic way of affected by it, may also affect the joints. Its impact goes beyond the skin, causing psychosocial damage and occupational arising from prejudice and social stigma. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of psoriasis on self-image and their influence on the work of the individuals affected. It is a qualitative study of the case study type with 7 patients in the Reference Center, Support and Treatment of Carriers of Paraiba State of psoriasis, installed at the Dermatology Clinic of the University Hospital Lauro Wanderley - HULW/UFPB - João Pessoa / PB. Data were collected through semi-structured interview, categorized and treated according to the Content Analysis. The results showed interference in the self-image of participants, mainly caused by situations involving prejudice, but there were few significant influences to the work of the respondents, only difficulties of functional performance in cases of arthropathic psoriasis. They also suggest that it is important to comprehensive care by multidisciplinary team and social support for individuals with psoriasis for good promotion of quality of life and are necessary awareness actions to society in order to reduce situations of prejudice and stigma.A psoríase é uma doença dermatológica que afeta de maneira sistêmica o organismo dos acometidos por ela, podendo afetar também as articulações. Seu impacto vai além da pele, ocasionando prejuízos psicossociais e ocupacionais, decorrentes do preconceito e estigma social. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o impacto da psoríase na autoimagem e sua influência no trabalho dos indivíduos acometidos. É um estudo qualitativo do tipo estudo de caso com 7 pacientes do Centro de Referência, Apoio e Tratamento aos Portadores da Psoríase do Estado da Paraíba, instalado no ambulatório de dermatologia do Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley – HULW/UFPB – João Pessoa/PB. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, categorizados e tratados de acordo com a Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados indicaram interferência na autoimagem dos participantes, causadas principalmente por situações que envolvem preconceito, porém houveram poucas influências significativas em relação ao trabalho dos entrevistados, apenas dificuldades de desempenho funcional nos casos de psoríase artropática. Também sugerem que é importante a assistência integral por equipe multiprofissional e o apoio social para os indivíduos com psoríase para a boa promoção da qualidade de vida, bem como são necessárias ações de conscientização para a sociedade, a fim de reduzir situações de preconceito e estigma

    LICAVAL: combination therapy in acute and maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The challenge of Bipolar Disorder (BD) treatment is due to the complexity of the disease. Current guidelines represent an effort to help clinicians in their everyday practice but still have limitations, specially concerning to long term treatment. LICAVAL (e<it>fficacy and tolerability of the combination of <b>LI</b>thium and <b>CA</b>rbamazepine compared to lithium and <b>VAL</b>proic acid in the treatment of young bipolar patients</it>) study aim to evaluate acute and maintenance phase of BD treatment with two combined drugs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>LICAVAL is a single site, parallel group, randomized, outcome assessor blinded trial. BD I patients according to the DSM-IV-TR, in depressive, manic,/hypomanic or mixed episode, aged 18 to 35 years are eligible. After the diagnostic assessments, the patients are allocated for one of the groups of treatment (lithium + valproic acid or lithium + carbamazepine). Patients will be followed up for 8 weeks in phase I (acute treatment), 6 months in phase II (continuation treatment) and 12 months in phase III (maintenance treatment). Outcome assessors are blind to the treatment. The main outcome is the evaluation of changes in mean scores on CGI-BP-M between baseline and endpoint at the end of each phase of the study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>LICAVAL is currently in progress, with patients in phase I, II or III. It will extended until august 2012.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Trials comparing specific treatments efficacy in BD (head to head) can show relevant information in clinical practice. Long term treatment is an issue of great important and should be evaluated carefully in more studies as long as BD is a chronic disease.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00976794</p