180 research outputs found

    Manual and automated tissue segmentation confirm the impact of thalamus atrophy on cognition in multiple sclerosis: A multicenter study

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    Background and rationale: Thalamus atrophy has been linked to cognitive decline in multiple sclerosis (MS) using various segmentation methods. We investigated the consistency of the association between thalamus volume and cognition in MS for two common automated segmentation approaches, as well as fully manual outlining. Methods: Standardized neuropsychological assessment and 3-Tesla 3D-T1-weighted brain MRI were collected (multi-center) from 57 MS patients and 17 healthy controls. Thalamus segmentations were generated manually and using five automated methods. Agreement between the algorithms and manual outlines was assessed with Bland-Altman plots; linear regression assessed the presence of proportional bias. The effect of segmentation method on the separation of cognitively impaired (CI) and preserved (CP) patients was investigated through Generalized Estimating Equations; associations with cognitive measures were investigated using linear mixed models, for each method and vendor. Results: In smaller thalami, automated methods systematically overestimated volumes compared to manual segmentations [ρ=(-0.42)-(-0.76); p-values < 0.001). All methods significantly distinguished CI from CP MS patients, except manual outlines of the left thalamus (p = 0.23). Poorer global neuropsychological test performance was significantly associated with smaller thalamus volumes bilaterally using all methods. Vendor significantly affected the findings. Conclusion: Automated and manual thalamus segmentation consistently demonstrated an association between thalamus atrophy and cognitive impairment in MS. However, a proportional bias in smaller thalami and choice of MRI acquisition system might impact the effect size of these findings

    Development and evaluation of a manual segmentation protocol for deep grey matter in multiple sclerosis: Towards accelerated semi-automated references

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    Background: Deep grey matter (dGM) structures, particularly the thalamus, are clinically relevant in multiple sclerosis (MS). However, segmentation of dGM in MS is challenging; labeled MS-specific reference sets are needed for objective evaluation and training of new methods. Objectives: This study aimed to (i) create a standardized protocol for manual delineations of dGM; (ii) evaluate the reliability of the protocol with multiple raters; and (iii) evaluate the accuracy of a fast-semi-automated segmentation approach (FASTSURF). Methods: A standardized manual segmentation protocol for caudate nucleus, putamen, and thalamus was created, and applied by three raters on multi-center 3D T1-weighted MRI scans of 23 MS patients and 12 controls. Intra- and inter-rater agreement was assessed through intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC); spatial overlap through Jaccard Index (JI) and generalized conformity index (CIgen). From sparse delineations, FASTSURF reconstructed full segmentations; accuracy was assessed both volumetrically and spatially. Results: All structures showed excellent agreement on expert manual outlines: intra-rater JI > 0.83; inter-rater ICC ≥ 0.76 and CIgen ≥ 0.74. FASTSURF reproduced manual references excellently, with ICC ≥ 0.97 and JI ≥ 0.92. Conclusions: The manual dGM segmentation protocol showed excellent reproducibility within and between raters. Moreover, combined with FASTSURF a reliable reference set of dGM segmentations can be produced with lower workload

    2021 MAGNIMS–CMSC–NAIMS consensus recommendations on the use of MRI in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    The 2015 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis and 2016 Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centres guidelines on the use of MRI in diagnosis and monitoring of multiple sclerosis made an important step towards appropriate use of MRI in routine clinical practice. Since their promulgation, there have been substantial relevant advances in knowledge, including the 2017 revisions of the McDonald diagnostic criteria, renewed safety concerns regarding intravenous gadolinium-based contrast agents, and the value of spinal cord MRI for diagnostic, prognostic, and monitoring purposes. These developments suggest a changing role of MRI for the management of patients with multiple sclerosis. This 2021 revision of the previous guidelines on MRI use for patients with multiple sclerosis merges recommendations from the Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis study group, Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centres, and North American Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis Cooperative, and translates research findings into clinical practice to improve the use of MRI for diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of individuals with multiple sclerosis. We recommend changes in MRI acquisition protocols, such as emphasising the value of three dimensional-fluid-attenuated inversion recovery as the core brain pulse sequence to improve diagnostic accuracy and ability to identify new lesions to monitor treatment effectiveness, and we provide recommendations for the judicious use of gadolinium-based contrast agents for specific clinical purposes. Additionally, we extend the recommendations to the use of MRI in patients with multiple sclerosis in childhood, during pregnancy, and in the post-partum period. Finally, we discuss promising MRI approaches that might deserve introduction into clinical practice in the near future

    Revisiting Brain Atrophy and Its Relationship to Disability in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Brain atrophy is a well-accepted imaging biomarker of multiple sclerosis (MS) that partially correlates with both physical disability and cognitive impairment.Based on MRI scans of 60 MS cases and 37 healthy volunteers, we measured the volumes of white matter (WM) lesions, cortical gray matter (GM), cerebral WM, caudate nucleus, putamen, thalamus, ventricles, and brainstem using a validated and completely automated segmentation method. We correlated these volumes with the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), MS Severity Scale (MSSS), MS Functional Composite (MSFC), and quantitative measures of ankle strength and toe sensation. Normalized volumes of both cortical and subcortical GM structures were abnormally low in the MS group, whereas no abnormality was found in the volume of the cerebral WM. High physical disability was associated with low cerebral WM, thalamus, and brainstem volumes (partial correlation coefficients ~0.3-0.4) but not with low cortical GM volume. Thalamus volumes were inversely correlated with lesion load (r = -0.36, p<0.005).The GM is atrophic in MS. Although lower WM volume is associated with greater disability, as might be expected, WM volume was on average in the normal range. This paradoxical result might be explained by the presence of coexisting pathological processes, such as tissue damage and repair, that cause both atrophy and hypertrophy and that underlie the observed disability

    Clinical correlates of grey matter pathology in multiple sclerosis

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    Traditionally, multiple sclerosis has been viewed as a disease predominantly affecting white matter. However, this view has lately been subject to numerous changes, as new evidence of anatomical and histological changes as well as of molecular targets within the grey matter has arisen. This advance was driven mainly by novel imaging techniques, however, these have not yet been implemented in routine clinical practice. The changes in the grey matter are related to physical and cognitive disability seen in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Furthermore, damage to several grey matter structures can be associated with impairment of specific functions. Therefore, we conclude that grey matter damage - global and regional - has the potential to become a marker of disease activity, complementary to the currently used magnetic resonance markers (global brain atrophy and T2 hyperintense lesions). Furthermore, it may improve the prediction of the future disease course and response to therapy in individual patients and may also become a reliable additional surrogate marker of treatment effect

    Interferon-β Pretreatment of Conventional and Plasmacytoid Human Dendritic Cells Enhances Their Activation by Influenza Virus

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    Influenza virus produces a protein, NS1, that inhibits infected cells from releasing type I interferon (IFN) and blocks maturation of conventional dendritic cells (DCs). As a result, influenza virus is a poor activator of both mouse and human DCs in vitro. However, in vivo a strong immune response to virus infection is generated in both species, suggesting that other factors may contribute to the maturation of DCs in vivo. It is likely that the environment in which a DC encounters a virus would contain multiple pro-inflammatory molecules, including type I IFN. Type I IFN is a critical component of the viral immune response that initiates an antiviral state in cells, primarily by triggering a broad transcriptional program that interferes with the ability of virus to establish infection in the cell. In this study, we have examined the activation profiles of both conventional and plasmacytoid dendritic cells (cDCs and pDCs) in response to an influenza virus infection in the context of a type I IFN-containing environment. We found that both cDCs and pDCs demonstrate a greater activation response to influenza virus when pre-exposed to IFN-β (IFN priming); although, the priming kinetics are different in these two cell types. This strongly suggests that type I IFN functions not only to reduce viral replication in these immune cells, but also to promote greater DC activation during influenza virus infections

    A novel outbred mouse model of 2009 pandemic influenza and bacterial co-infection severity

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    Influenza viruses pose a significant health risk and annually impose a great cost to patients and the health care system. The molecular determinants of influenza severity, often exacerbated by secondary bacterial infection, are largely unclear. We generated a novel outbred mouse model of influenza virus, Staphylococcus aureus, and coinfection utilizing influenza A/CA/07/2009 virus and S. aureus (USA300). Outbred mice displayed a wide range of pathologic phenotypes following influenza virus or co-infection ranging broadly in severity. Influenza viral burden positively correlated with weight loss although lung histopathology did not. Inflammatory cytokines including IL-6, TNF-α, G-CSF, and CXCL10 positively correlated with both weight loss and viral burden. In S. aureus infection, IL-1β, G-CSF, TNF-α, and IL-6 positively correlated with weight loss and bacterial burden. In co-infection, IL-1β production correlated with decreased weight loss suggesting a protective role. The data demonstrate an approach to identify biomarkers of severe disease and to understand pathogenic mechanisms in pneumonia. © 2013 McHugh et al

    Large Scale Comparison of Innate Responses to Viral and Bacterial Pathogens in Mouse and Macaque

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    Viral and bacterial infections of the lower respiratory tract are major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Alveolar macrophages line the alveolar spaces and are the first cells of the immune system to respond to invading pathogens. To determine the similarities and differences between the responses of mice and macaques to invading pathogens we profiled alveolar macrophages from these species following infection with two viral (PR8 and Fuj/02 influenza A) and two bacterial (Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Francisella tularensis Schu S4) pathogens. Cells were collected at 6 time points following each infection and expression profiles were compared across and between species. Our analyses identified a core set of genes, activated in both species and across all pathogens that were predominantly part of the interferon response pathway. In addition, we identified similarities across species in the way innate immune cells respond to lethal versus non-lethal pathogens. On the other hand we also found several species and pathogen specific response patterns. These results provide new insights into mechanisms by which the innate immune system responds to, and interacts with, invading pathogens