40 research outputs found

    Synergism between particle-based multiplexing and microfluidics technologies may bring diagnostics closer to the patient

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    In the field of medical diagnostics there is a growing need for inexpensive, accurate, and quick high-throughput assays. On the one hand, recent progress in microfluidics technologies is expected to strongly support the development of miniaturized analytical devices, which will speed up (bio)analytical assays. On the other hand, a higher throughput can be obtained by the simultaneous screening of one sample for multiple targets (multiplexing) by means of encoded particle-based assays. Multiplexing at the macro level is now common in research labs and is expected to become part of clinical diagnostics. This review aims to debate on the “added value” we can expect from (bio)analysis with particles in microfluidic devices. Technologies to (a) decode, (b) analyze, and (c) manipulate the particles are described. Special emphasis is placed on the challenges of integrating currently existing detection platforms for encoded microparticles into microdevices and on promising microtechnologies that could be used to down-scale the detection units in order to obtain compact miniaturized particle-based multiplexing platforms

    Short-Lived Trace Gases in the Surface Ocean and the Atmosphere

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    The two-way exchange of trace gases between the ocean and the atmosphere is important for both the chemistry and physics of the atmosphere and the biogeochemistry of the oceans, including the global cycling of elements. Here we review these exchanges and their importance for a range of gases whose lifetimes are generally short compared to the main greenhouse gases and which are, in most cases, more reactive than them. Gases considered include sulphur and related compounds, organohalogens, non-methane hydrocarbons, ozone, ammonia and related compounds, hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Finally, we stress the interactivity of the system, the importance of process understanding for modeling, the need for more extensive field measurements and their better seasonal coverage, the importance of inter-calibration exercises and finally the need to show the importance of air-sea exchanges for global cycling and how the field fits into the broader context of Earth System Science

    Effect of specific leaf nitrogen on radiation use efficiency and growth of sunflower

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    Specific leaf nitrogen (SLN, g/m(2)) is known to affect radiation use efficiency (RUE, g/MJ) in different crops, However, this association and importance have not been well established over a range of different nitrogen regimes for held-grown sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). An experiment was conducted to investigate different combinations and rates of applied nitrogen on SLN, RUE, and growth of sunflower, A fully irrigated crop was sown on an alluvial-prairie soil (Fluventic Haplustoll) and treated with five combinations of applied nitrogen, Greater nitrogen increased biomass, grain number, and yield, but did not affect harvest index energy-corrected for oil (0.4) or canopy extinction coefficient (0.88), Decreases in biomass accumulation under low nitrogen treatments were associated,vith reductions in leaf area index (LAI) and light interception, When SLN and RUE were examined together, both were less in the anthesis to physiological maturity period, but relatively stable between bud visible and anthesis, However, the effects of canopy SLN on RUE were confounded by high SLN in the top of the canopy and the crop maintaining SLN by reducing LAI, Measurements of leaf CO2 assimilation and theoretical analyses of RUE supported that RUE was related to SLN, The major effect of nitrogen on early growth of sunflower was mediated by leaf area and the distribution of SLN in the canopy rather than direct effects of canopy SLN on RUE alone. Greater responses of RUE to SLN are more evident later in growth, and may be related to the demand of nitrogen by the grain

    Environmental control of potential yield of sunflower in the subtropics

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    A simple framework was used to analyse the determinants of potential yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in a subtropical environment. The aim was to investigate the stability of the determinants crop duration, canopy light interception, radiation use efficiency (RUE), and harvest index (HI) at 2 sowing times and with 3 genotypes differing in crop maturity and stature. Crop growth, phenology, light interception, yield, prevailing temperature, and radiation were recorded and measured throughout the crop cycle. Significant differences in grain yield were found between the 2 sowings, but not among genotypes within each sowing. Mean yields (0% moisture) were 6 . 02 and 2 . 17 t/ha for the first sowing, on 13 September (S1), and the second sowing, on 5 March (S2), respectively. Exceptionally high yields in S1 were due to high biomass assimilation associated with the high radiation environment, high light interception owing to a greater leaf area index, and high RUE (1 . 47-1 . 62 g/MJ) across genotypes. It is proposed that the high RUE was caused by high levels of available nitrogen maintained during crop growth by frequent applications of fertiliser and sewage effluent as irrigation. In addition to differences in the radiation environment, the assimilate partitioned to grain was reduced in S2 associated with a reduction in the duration of grain-filling. Harvest index was 0 . 40 in S1 and 0 . 25 in S2. It is hypothesised that low minimum temperatures experienced in S2 reduced assimilate production and partitioning, causing premature maturation

    Temperature and sowing date affect the linear increase of sunflower harvest index

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    The linearity of daily linear harvest index (HI) increase can provide a simple means to predict grain growth and yield in field crops. However, the stability of the rate of increase across genotypes and environments is uncertain. Data from three field experiments were collated to investigate the phase of linear HI increase of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L,) across environments by changing genotypes, sowing time, N level, and solar irradiation level. Linear increase in HI was similar among different genotypes, N levels, and radiation treatments (mean 0.0125 d(-1)). but significant differences occurred between sowings, The linear increase in HI was not stable at very low temperatures (down to 9 degrees C) during grain filling, due to possible limitations to biomass accumulation and translocation (mean 0.0091 d(-1)). Using the linear increase in HI to predict grain yield requires predictions of the duration from anthesis to the onset of linear HI increase (lag phase) and the cessation of linear RT increase. These studies showed that the lag phase differed, and the linear HI increase ceased when 91% of the anthesis to physiological maturity period had been completed

    Radiation use efficiency increases when the diffuse component of incident radiation is enhanced under shade

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    Theoretical analyses have shown the radiation use efficiency of maize, soybean, and peanut to increase with a decrease in the level of incident radiation and an increase in the proportion of diffuse radiation. This study compared the growth and radiation use efficiency of Panicum maximum cv. Petrie (green panic) and Bothriochloa insculpta cv. Bisset (creeping bluegrass) beneath shading treatments (birdguard and solarweave shadecloths) with that in full sunlight. A level of incident radiation reduced by 25% under birdguard shadecloth decreased final yield and final leaf area index, but increased canopy leaf nitrogen concentration and radiation use efficiency (19-14%) (compared with the full sun treatment). A similar level of reduced incident radiation under solarweave shadecloth (which provided an increased proportion of diffuse radiation), increased final yield and radiation use efficiency (46-50%). An understanding of the effects of composition of incident radiation on radiation use efficiency of tropical grasses enables more accurate estimation of potential pasture growth in shaded environments. It also has impact upon crop production in glasshouses and greenhouses

    Exploring the wakes of large offshore wind farms

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    Offshore meteorological characteristics set specific conditions for the operation of offshore wind farms. One specific feature is low turbulence intensity which on the one hand reduces loads on turbines but on the other hand is the reason for much longer turbine and farm wakes than over land. The German Government is presently funding a research project called WIPAFF (Wind PArk Far Field) which heads for the analysis of properties and impacts of offshore wind park far fields. The focus is on the analysis of wind farm wakes, their interaction among each other and their regional climate impact. This is done by in-situ, extensive aircraft and satellite measurements and by operating meso-scale wind field models and an analytical wind farm model