1,642 research outputs found

    Swollen-Collapsed Transition in Random Hetero-Polymers

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    A lattice model of a hetero-polymer with random hydrophilic-hydrophobic charges interacting with the solvent is introduced, whose continnuum counterpart has been proposed by T. Garel, L. Leibler and H. Orland {J. Phys. II France 4, 2139 (1994)]. The transfer matrix technique is used to study various constrained annealed systems which approximate at various degrees of accuracy the original quenched model. For highly hydrophobic chains an ordinary θ\theta-point transition is found from a high temperature swollen phase to a low temperature compact phase. Depending on the type of constrained averages, at very low temperatures a swollen phase or a coexistence between compact and swollen phases are found. The results are carefully compared with the corresponding ones obtained in the continuum limit, and various improvements in the original calculations are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures; revised version with minor changes, accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Cluster Derivation of the Parisi Scheme for Disordered Systems

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    We propose a general quantitative scheme in which systems are given the freedom to sacrifice energy equi-partitioning on the relevant time-scales of observation, and have phase transitions by separating autonomously into ergodic sub-systems (clusters) with different characteristic time-scales and temperatures. The details of the break-up follow uniquely from the requirement of zero entropy for the slower cluster. Complex systems, such as the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, are found to minimise their free energy by spontaneously decomposing into a hierarchy of ergodically equilibrating degrees of freedom at different (effective) temperatures. This leads exactly and uniquely to Parisi's replica symmetry breaking scheme. Our approach, which is somewhat akin to an earlier one by Sompolinsky, gives new insight into the physical interpretation of the Parisi scheme and its relations with other approaches, numerical experiments, and short range models. Furthermore, our approach shows that the Parisi scheme can be derived quantitatively and uniquely from plausible physical principles.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of international conference on "Disordered And Complex Systems", 10-14 July 2000 King's College Londo

    Solvable Lattice Gas Models of Random Heteropolymers at Finite Density: II. Dynamics and Transitions to Compact States

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    In this paper we analyse both the dynamics and the high density physics of the infinite dimensional lattice gas model for random heteropolymers recently introduced in \cite{jort}. Restricting ourselves to site-disordered heteropolymers, we derive exact closed deterministic evolution equations for a suitable set of dynamic order parameters (in the thermodynamic limit), and use these to study the dynamics of the system for different choices of the monomer polarity parameters. We also study the equilibrium properties of the system in the high density limit, which leads to a phase diagram exhibiting transitions between swollen states, compact states, and regions with partial compactification. Our results find excellent verification in numerical simulations, and have a natural and appealing interpretation in terms of real heteropolymers.Comment: 12 pages, 8 eps figures, revised version (to be published in EPJ

    Magnetization enumerator of real-valued symmetric channels in Gallager error-correcting codes

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    Using the magnetization enumerator method, we evaluate the practical and theoretical limitations of symmetric channels with real outputs. Results are presented for several regular Gallager code constructions.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear as Brief Report in Physical Review

    Ultrafast electron diffraction using an ultracold source

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    We present diffraction patterns from micron-sized areas of mono-crystalline graphite obtained with an ultracold and ultrafast electron source. We show that high spatial coherence is manifest in the visibility of the patterns even for picosecond bunches of appreciable charge, enabled by the extremely low source temperature (~ 10 K). For a larger, ~ 100 um spot size on the sample, spatial coherence lengths > 10 nm result, sufficient to resolve diffraction patterns of complex protein crystals. This makes the source ideal for ultrafast electron diffraction of complex macromolecular structures such as membrane proteins, in a regime unattainable by conventional photocathode sources. By further reducing the source size, sub-um spot sizes on the sample become possible with spatial coherence lengths exceeding 1 nm, enabling ultrafast nano-diffraction for material science.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Determination of Interaction Potentials of Amino Acids from Native Protein Structures: Test on Simple Lattice Models

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    We propose a novel method for the determination of the effective interaction potential between the amino acids of a protein. The strategy is based on the combination of a new optimization procedure and a geometrical argument, which also uncovers the shortcomings of any optimization procedure. The strategy can be applied on any data set of native structures such as those available from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). In this work, however, we explain and test our approach on simple lattice models, where the true interactions are known a priori. Excellent agreement is obtained between the extracted and the true potentials even for modest numbers of protein structures in the PDB. Comparisons with other methods are also discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    A Solvable Model of Secondary Structure Formation in Random Hetero-Polymers

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    We propose and solve a simple model describing secondary structure formation in random hetero-polymers. It describes monomers with a combination of one-dimensional short-range interactions (representing steric forces and hydrogen bonds) and infinite range interactions (representing polarity forces). We solve our model using a combination of mean field and random field techniques, leading to phase diagrams exhibiting second-order transitions between folded, partially folded and unfolded states, including regions where folding depends on initial conditions. Our theoretical results, which are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations, lead to an appealing physical picture of the folding process: the polarity forces drive the transition to a collapsed state, the steric forces introduce monomer specificity, and the hydrogen bonds stabilise the conformation by damping the frustration-induced multiplicity of states.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure
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