4,885 research outputs found

    Determinants of risk reporting by portuguese and spanish non-finance companies

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    Purpose – The paper seeks to assess the risk reporting practices across two European Latin countries (Portugal and Spain). Moreover, drawn on elements of agency, legitimacy, resources-based perspectives, and institutional theory this study also intends to assess if the influence of corporate governance mechanisms on risk reporting is mediated by strategic/institutional legitimacy interests. Design/methodology/approach – From a sample of 60 non-finance Portuguese and Spanish companies with securities traded on the Euronext Lisbon stock exchange market and on the Madrid stock exchange market, respectively, at December, 2011, the Corporate Governance reports and the “risk/risk management” sections of the Management reports included on consolidated annual reports for 2011 were manually content analyzed, according to prior literature. Further, multiple linear regressions were used to assess the potential relationships between corporate governance mechanisms and risk reporting. Findings – Results indicate that visible companies, operating in a country with a weaker legal environment, and during periods of financial distress disclose more discretionary RRD, basically to contextualize their negative outcomes. Some corporate governance mechanisms were crucial to improve risk information. Originality – The paper goes beyond prior literature work and assesses if the theoretical framework grounded on agency, legitimacy, resources-based perspective, and institutional theory is suitable in explaining RRD in an under-researched setting (European Latin countries, such as Portugal and Spain with low agency costs and different corporate governance models). Moreover, the analysis embraces a wider and homogeneous range of internal and external corporate governance mechanisms and uses a period in which both countries were severely affected by a sovereign debt crisis with negative impacts on company’s liquidity and financial risks. A research setting like this has not been studied hitherto.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Análise da correlação entre dados de precipitação medidos em campo e estimados por sensoriamento remoto na bacia do rio Japaratuba/SE.

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    A precipitação é um fenômeno atmosférico caracterizado pela sua aleatoriedade e variabilidade espaço-temporal. O entendimento da variabilidade espacial da precipitação em uma região ou bacia hidrográfica tem grande importância para as ações ligadas ao planejamento e uso dos recursos hídricos. A baixa cobertura das bacias brasileiras com relação a estações pluviométricas com séries longas mostra-se como um problema para estudos hidrológicos. O sensoriamento remoto vem cada vez mais cobrindo esta lacuna, fornecendo valores de precipitação estimada em diferentes escalas temporal e espacial. Este estudo buscou realizar uma análise da correlação estatística entre os dados de precipitação medidos em um posto na bacia do rio Japaratuba e a informação fornecida pelo satélite TRMM em diferentes escalas temporais

    Postanesthetic Severe Oral Angioedema in Patient's Taking Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor

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    Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are the leading cause of a drug-induced angioedema. This occurrence is frequently underdiagnosed, but its relapse can be life-threatening. The authors' intention in reporting this clinical case is to sound a warning about reviewing attitudes and surveillance to try to improve patient perioperative safety

    Revealing the structure of the outer disks of Be stars

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    Context. The structure of the inner parts of Be star disks (20 stellar radii) is well explained by the viscous decretion disk (VDD) model, which is able to reproduce the observable properties of most of the objects studied so far. The outer parts, on the ther hand, are not observationally well-explored, as they are observable only at radio wavelengths. A steepening of the spectral slope somewhere between infrared and radio wavelengths was reported for several Be stars that were previously detected in the radio, but a convincing physical explanation for this trend has not yet been provided. Aims. We test the VDD model predictions for the extended parts of a sample of six Be disks that have been observed in the radio to address the question of whether the observed turndown in the spectral energy distribution (SED) can be explained in the framework of the VDD model, including recent theoretical development for truncated Be disks in binary systems. Methods. We combine new multi-wavelength radio observations from the Karl. G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) and Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) with previously published radio data and archival SED measurements at ultraviolet, visual, and infrared wavelengths. The density structure of the disks, including their outer parts, is constrained by radiative transfer modeling of the observed spectrum using VDD model predictions. In the VDD model we include the presumed effects of possible tidal influence from faint binary companions. Results. For 5 out of 6 studied stars, the observed SED shows strong signs of SED turndown between far-IR and radio wavelengths. A VDD model that extends to large distances closely reproduces the observed SEDs up to far IR wavelengths, but fails to reproduce the radio SED. ... (abstract continues but did not fit here)Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Prototype and methodology for the characterization of the polymer-calibrator interface heat transfer coefficient

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    The extrusion of technical thermoplastics profiles generally uses a dry calibration/cooling system, composed by one or several calibrators in series. One of the major difficulties to be faced when modelling this important stage is an adequate prescription of the heat transfer coefficient, hinterface, between the plastic profile surface and the cooling medium, which must include the effect of the interface contact resistance. This is the motivation that led the present research team to develop a prototype calibration system and respective methodology for the characterization of hinterface values which is able to consider a variety of conditions that can be found in extrusion practice. A modular construction was adopted for the calibration system, which allows studying easily the effect of several process parameters. In this work, the developed prototype system is described and its use is illustrated in the determination of hinterface for the production of a polystyrene tape, under specific processing conditions.The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, FCT (COMPETE Program) under the projects FCOMP-01-0124 - FEDER-010190 (Ref. PTDC/EME - MFE1102729/2008) and FCOMP-01-0124 - FEDER-015126 (Ref. FCT PEst-EME-MFE/113988/2009), and FEDER, via FCT, under the PEstC/CTM/LA0025/2011 (Strategic Project - LA 25 - 2011-2012)

    Estudo comparativo da qualidade do palmito de bacabinha com o do açaizeiro.

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