13 research outputs found

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    Algunos de los contaminantes atmosféricos más críticos en términos de efectos sobre la salud es el dióxido de nitrógeno -NO2, cuyos niveles exceden los estándares nacionales y de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en muchas áreas. El aumento de las concentraciones de NO2 no solo afecta gravemente la salud física humana debido a la función pulmonar reducida sino también a los ecosistemas acuáticos por deposición ácida y eutrofización del suelo y el agua. Este proyecto de investigación pretende comprender la distribución y variabilidad espacial del NO2 durante el periodo de estudio en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Atlántico. El método de muestreo a emplear es a través de muestradores pasivos de difusión durante un periodo de 2 a 3 semanas, esto en función de obtener la concentración del contaminante en una adecuada resolución; la gran ventaja es la medición simultanea de varios puntos de monitoreo al mismo tiempo del área de estudio en una amplia zona con un método costo efectivo. Los tubos serán preparados con trietanolamina al 20% / agua desionizada y se ubicaron en el borde de la carretera entre 1 y 5 metros del borde de la acera, posteriormente las muestras serán analizadas por espectrofotometria. Se realizaran mapas de isoconcentración con el software Arcgis 10.7 y mediante la aplicación de estadística espacial se establecerán modelos de predicción del comportamiento de la variable NO2 en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Los resultados esperados incluyen analizar las áreas de la ciudad con elevadas concentraciones de este contaminante que superan los límites permisibles, su relación con las condiciones meteorológicas de la ciudad, el trafico y fuentes fijas. También determinar los puntos críticos de la ciudad que pueden necesitar con urgencia de planes de gestión, y de esta forma subsidiar el conocimiento para servir de herramienta a las autoridades ambientales y de salud. De esta forma se pretende conocer los lugares en los cuales se recomiende la instalación de sistemas de control y medición de NO2 automáticos de mayor resolución temporal y en tiempo real

    Bioaerosoles bacterianos resistentes a antibióticos en Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo

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    En este espacio propiciado por el Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, se explora la opinión de expertos sobre los bioaerosoles y su nivel de concentración en las unidades de cuidado intensivo neonatal. Los métodos y campañas de monitoreo que se ejecutaron para evaluar los protocolos de limpieza y visitas a dichos lugares, como también los resultados obtenidos al implementar una instrumentación propicia.Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Exacta

    Multi-antibiotic resistant bacteria in landfill bioaerosols: environmental conditions and biological risk assessment

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    Landfills, as well as other waste management facilities are well-known bioaerosols sources. These places may foment antibiotic-resistance in bacterial bioaerosol (A.R.B.) due to inadequate pharmaceutical waste disposal. This issue may foster the necessity of using last-generation antibiotics with extra costs in the health care system, and deaths. The aim of this study was to reveal the multi-antibiotic resistant bacterial bioaerosol emitted by a sanitary landfill and the surrounding area. We evaluated the influence of environmental conditions in the occurrence of A.R.B. and biological risk assessment. Antibiotic resistance found in the bacteria aerosols was compared with the AWaRE consumption classification. We used the BIOGAVAL method to assess the workers' occupational exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacterial bioaerosols in the landfill. This study confirmed the multi-antibiotic resistant in bacterial bioaerosol in a landfill and in the surrounding area. Obtained mean concentrations of bacterial bioaerosols, as well as antibiotic-resistant in bacterial bioaerosol (A.R.B.), were high, especially for fine particles that may be a threat for human health. Results suggest the possible risk of antibiotic-resistance interchange between pathogenic and non-pathogenic species in the landfill facilities, thus promoting antibiotic multi-resistance genes spreading into the environment

    Evaluation of growth and co2 biofixation by spirulina platensis in different culture media using statistical models

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    This study was proposed for evaluating the CO2 fixation by Spirulina platensis in different media, in order to understand the growth dynamics of the photosynthetic microalgae, a useful resource for the mitigation of climate change. The percentage of CO2 fixation by the strain S. platensis UTEX LB 2340 was determined during 11 days of sampling, using four (4) culture media. According to the statistical models, spirulina medium represented the best option in terms of cell growth between the tested ones. In this model, the variable day had presented a significant difference, this could be related to the exponential phase of the microorganism used

    Evaluation of enzymatic extract with lipase activity of yarrowia lipolytica. An application of data mining for the food industry wastewater treatment

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    The object of this research was to obtain the Crude Enzymatic Extract (CEE) of Yarrowia lipolytica ATCC 9773, in the medium of 30% Water of Sales (SW) applying a biologically treatment to three different concentrations yeast inoculum food wastewater, collected from cheese and whey production. It was evaluated the behavior of the inoculum in a suitable medium that stimulates lipids biodegradation. The standard liquid-liquid partition method SM 5520 B was used to quantify fat and oil removal for each concentration of yeast, before treatment and post treatment. The Industrial Fat effluent was characterized by physical chemical patterns, and two treatments were evaluated; Treatment 1 consisted of pH 5.0 and treatment 2 with a pH of 6.5, both with the following characteristics; Concentration of inoculum 8% 12% and 16% at 27 °C temperature and evaluation time 32 h. The best results (2.702 mg/L fat and 83% degradation oil) were found to be pH 5.0, 16% concentration and 27 °C, BOD5, and COD decreased by 43.07% and 44.35%, respectively during the 32 h; For pH 6.5, 8% concentration at 32 h and at room temperature, degraded 2.177 mg/L fat and oil (67% degradation); The BOD5, and COD decreased by 37.93% and 39.19%, in the same time span. The treatment at pH 5.0 inoculum concentration of 16% was effective in removing 83% of the volume of fats and oil in the effluent, representing a useful tool for the wastewater treatment

    Assessment of the NO2 distribution and relationship with traffic load in the Caribbean coastal city

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    NO2 ambient concentrations were measured in a coastal Caribbean city. Barranquilla is a Caribbean city located in the North of Colombia that has approximately 1.200.000 inhabitants and possesses a warm, humid climate. In order to obtain the concentration of the contaminant in an adequate resolution, 137 passive diffusion tubes from Gradko© were installed. Diffusion passive tubes prepared with 20% TEA/water were located at the roadside between 1 and 5 m from the kerb edge. The sampling period was two weeks, from 3/16/2019 to 3/30/2019. Samples were analyzed on the UV CARY1 spectrophotometer by Gradko©. Results showed an average of 19.92 ±11.50 µg/m3 , with a maximum and minimum value of 70.27 and 0.57 µg/m3 , respectively. Spatial NO2 correlation with low traffic load was higher than with maximum traffic. The expected results include analyzing the areas of the city with high concentrations of this pollutant that exceed the WHO guidelines in six (6) points. Overall, the multiregression analysis is a very effective method to enrich the understanding of NO2 distributions. It can provide scientific evidence for the relationship between NO2 and traffic, beneficial for developing the targeted policies and measures to reduce NO2 pollution levels in hot spots. This research may subsidize knowledge to serve as a tool for environmental and health authorities

    A comprehensive study of biofilms growing on the built heritage of a caribbean industrial city in correlation with construction materials

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    Biodeteriogens growing on constructions belonging to the built heritage is one of the leading natural pathologies that cause aesthetical and in some cases, physical-geochemical problems in the materials. In this study, for the first time, the chemical composition of construction materials of the built heritage from an industrialized city (Barranquilla) of Colombia have been evaluated in correlation with the algal, cyanobacterial and fungal biodeteriogens present in biofilms by applying a multianalytical methodology. To achieve this objective, samples of biofilms and construction material were taken from different historical and modern constructions. For the mineralogical characterization of the construction materials, X-ray diffraction, Raman microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF) were used. In addition, microscopic observations and cultures were employed for the microbiological characterization. Most of the construction materials analyzed belong to calcareous mortars, and others to different types of cement (portlandite, ettringite and larnite identification). The EDXRF analysis through single point and imaging strategies allowed to identify differences in the elemental composition of the external and internal parts of the materials. The role of certain elements in the mortars, which will assist the growth of specific microorganisms, is also discussed in this work. The main biodeteriogens identified in the biofilms were cyanobacteria Oscillatoria sp., Lyngbya sp., Leptolyngbya sp. and Ascomycota Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium sp. and Fusarium sp fungi. These microorganisms promote biodeterioration processes causing aesthetic, physical and chemical damage to the façades of the studied buildings. The mineralogical composition of the construction material together with environmental conditions contributes to the development of biofilms on the constructions and monuments of Barranquilla city. The results obtained in this study will be used in the future to design and implement conservation protocols and strategies useful to preserve the built heritage of Caribbean cities with similar climate conditions, geographical position and kind of construction material

    Evaluación de la presencia de bioaerosoles en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales

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    En este estudio se evaluaron la inmisión de los bioaerosoles bacterianos en las diferentes del sistema respiratorio en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales (UCI). En este estudio, se utilizó un impactador Andersen de seis etapas para el muestreo de bioaerosoles con un caudal de 28,3 L/min. Las concentraciones obtenidas de bioaerosoles bacterianos oscilaron entre 67 y 423 UFC/m3, con un valor promedio de 110,13 UFC/m3, lo que puede representar una posible amenaza para la salud de los trabajadores y los neonatos en la UCI. Los resultados indicaron que Staphylococcus saprophyticus y Staphylococcus epidermidis habían predominado, especialmente en la quinta y sexta etapa, lo que significa segundos bronquios y alvéolos. Mientras que Staphylococcus fue el género de mayor prevalencia, Alloiococcus otitidis, Bacillus subtiles, Bacillus thuringiensis, Kocuria rosea y Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligene se presentaron en los alvéolo

    Antibiotic resistance of airborne viable bacteria and size distribution in neonatal intensive care units

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    Despite their significant impact on public health, antibiotic resistance and size distributions of airborne viable bacteria in indoor environments in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) remain understudied. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the antibiotic resistance of airborne viable bacteria for different sizes (0.65–7 µm) in private-style and public-style neonatal intensive care units (NICU). Airborne bacteria concentrations were assessed by a six-stage Andersen impactor, operating at 28.3 L/min. Public-style NICU revealed higher concentrations of airborne viable bacteria (53.00 to 214.37 CFU/m3) than private-style NICU (151.94–466.43), indicating a possible threat to health. In the public-style NICU, Staphylococcus was the highest bacterial genera identified in the present study, were Staphylococcus saprophyticus and Staphylococcus epidermidis predominated, especially in the second bronchi and alveoli size ranges. Alloiococcus otitidis, Bacillus subtiles, Bacillus thuringiensis, Kocuria rosea, and Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligene, were identified in the alveoli size range. In NICU#2, eight species were identified in the alveoli size range: Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Eikenella corrodens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Streptococcus gordoni. Multi-drug-resistant organisms (MDROs) were found in both of the NICUs. Bacillus cereus strains were resistant to Ampicillin, Cefoxitin, Ceftaroline, and Penicillin G. Staphylococcus cohnii ssp. cohnii was resistant in parallel to ampicillin and G penicillin. Staphylococcus saprophyticus strains were resistant to Ampicillin, Penicillin G, Oxaxilin, and Erythromycin. Results may indicate a potential threat to human health due to the airborne bacteria concentration and their antibiotic resistance ability. The results may provide evidence for the need of interventions to reduce indoor airborne particle concentrations and their transfer to premature infants with underdeveloped immune systems, even though protocols for visitors and cleaning are well-established

    Evaluación de bioaerosoles fungí asociados a un relleno sanitario ubicado en el municipio de Tubara, departamento del Atlántico

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    Tesis (Maestría en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Contables, Económicas y Administrativas. CIMAD, 2016El manejo de los residuos orgánicos en un relleno sanitario es una de las actividades antropogénicas que libera mayor cantidad de esporas de hongos a la atmósfera (Vélez y Camargo 2009); lo que implica una exposición derivada de una actividad laboral sin intención deliberada de utilizar o de manipular un agente biológico (Llorca, et. al., 2013). Dependiendo de su naturaleza, el agente etiológico puede generar distintos síndromes clínicos a quienes estén expuestos (Hurst et al., 2007), representando un riesgo potencial a la salud pública (Izzeddin A et. al., 2011; Vélez-Pereira, A., & Camargo, Y., 2014) de los operarios del relleno y la comunidad cercana. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el comportamiento de los bioaerosoles fungí durante 12 meses, en las etapas de tratamiento de un relleno sanitario ubicado en el departamento del Atlántico; para lo cual se utilizó un impactador por cascada de 6 etapas operado a 28,3 L/min por 5 min con Agar Sabouraud, para registrar las condiciones meteorológicas se utilizó un anemómetro KESTREL 4500. Adicionalmente, para la estimación del riesgo biológico se adoptó la metodología BIOGAVAL. Conforme al modelo de regresión lineal, los resultados indican que la estación con mayor concentraciones fue la celda activa, los aerosoles fungí tendieron a concentrarse en mayor medida en la etapas equipo correspondiente a los bronquios primarios, bronquios secundarios y terminales, siendo A. fumigatus, el taxón de mayor predominancia. En cuanto a la evaluación del riesgo biológico por exposición a a Aspergillus fumigatus y Penicillium sp, se obtuvo una valoración que sugiere adoptar medidas preventivas para reducir el riesgo de los operarios del relleno de adquirir infecciones respiratorias o afecciones de la piel