3,097 research outputs found

    Development of the correction procedure for High Volume Instrument elongation measurement.

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    Cotton spinning mills need high-quality fibers to maintain their manufacturing efficiency. Machinery throughput is increasing and it could translate into more processes with higher breaking stress. Consequently, more fibers are susceptible to breaking or damage. To face this problem, breeders must develop new varieties whose fibers can better withstand this mechanical stress. The main tool utilized in cotton breeding programs is the High Volume Instrument (HVI), which reports in a short time measurements such as micronaire, length, color, and strength. This instrument can also determine fiber elongation, but there is no current correction method for it. Both elongation and strength factor into the work-to-break of fibers, which plays a direct role in fiber breakage and spinning performance. The objective of this work was to develop cotton elongation standards, devise a correction procedure for HVI lines, evaluate measurement stability, and validate these results with a set of independent samples. Two commercial bales, one with low and one with high HVI elongation, were identified as potential elongation standards. The potential standards were produced and evaluated. After validation, they were used to correct HVI lines against Stelometer (STrength-ELOngation-METER) measurements. An independent set of samples was tested on corrected HVIs to confirm the effectiveness of the elongation corrected measurements. The HVI data were at least as good as the Stelometer data, with increased data acquisition speed and precision. This research can help cotton breeders to improve fiber elongation and strength at the same time, resulting in better fibers for yarn spinning

    Assessing binary mixture effects from genotoxic and endocrine disrupting environmental contaminants using infrared spectroscopy

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    Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are persistent contaminants and concern has arisen over co-exposure of organisms when the chemicals exist in mixtures. Herein, attenuated total reflection Fouriertransform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy was used to identify biochemical alterations induced in cells by single and binary mixtures of these environmental chemicals. It was also investigated as a method to identify if interactions are occurring in mixtures and as a possible tool to predict mixture effects. Mallard fibroblasts were treated with single and binary mixtures of B[a]P, PCB126, PCB153, BDE47 and BDE209. Comparison of observed spectra from cells treated with binary mixtures with expected additive spectra, which were created from individual exposure spectra, indicated that in many areas of the spectrum, less-than-additive binary mixture effects may occur. However, possible greater-than-additive alterations were identified in the 1650-1750 cm-1 lipid region and may demonstrate a common mechanism of B[a]P and PCBs or PBDEs, which can enhance toxicity in mixtures

    Thrombin Inhibitors from Different Animals

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    Venous and arterial thromboembolic diseases are still the most frequent causes of death and disability in high-income countries. Clinical anticoagulants are inhibitors of enzymes involved in the coagulation pathway, such as thrombin and factor Xa. Thrombin is a key enzyme of blood coagulation system, activating the platelets, converting the fibrinogen to the fibrin net, and amplifying its self-generation by the activation of factors V, VIII, and XI. Thrombin has long been a target for the development of oral anticoagulants. Furthermore, selective inhibitors of thrombin represent a new class of antithrombotic agents. For these reasons, a number of specific thrombin inhibitors are under evaluation for possible use as antithrombotic drugs. This paper summarizes old and new interests of specific thrombin inhibitors described in different animals

    Topological phase transitions between chiral and helical spin textures in a lattice with spin-orbit coupling and a magnetic field

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    We consider the combined effects of large spin-orbit couplings and a perpendicular magnetic field in a 2D honeycomb fermionic lattice. This system provides an elegant setup to generate versatile spin textures propagating along the edge of a sample. The spin-orbit coupling is shown to induce topological phase transitions between a helical quantum spin Hall phase and a chiral spin-imbalanced quantum Hall state. Besides, we find that the spin orientation of a single topological edge state can be tuned by a Rashba spin-orbit coupling, opening an interesting route towards quantum spin manipulation. We discuss the possible realization of our results using cold atoms trapped in optical lattices, where large synthetic magnetic fields and spin-orbit couplings can be engineered and finely tuned. In particular, this system would lead to the observation of a time-reversal-symmetry-broken quantum spin Hall phase.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Accepted in Europhys. Lett. (Dec 2011

    Feijão-caupi autoclavado na nutrição de juvenis de tambaqui.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito da inclusão de feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata) na ração sobre o desempenho de juvenis de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)

    Feijão-caupi Vigna unguiculata processado na nutrição de juvenis de tambaqui Colossoma macropomum.

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    Este trabalho avaliou o feijão-caupi como ingrediente alternativo na nutrição e alimentação do tambaqui

    Dissipative dynamics of topological defects in frustrated Heisenberg spin systems

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    We study the dynamics of topological defects of a frustrated spin system displaying spiral order. As a starting point we consider the SO(3) nonlinear sigma model to describe long-wavelength fluctuations around the noncollinear spiral state. Besides the usual spin-wave magnetic excitations, the model allows for topologically non-trivial static solutions of the equations of motion, associated with the change of chirality (clockwise or counterclockwise) of the spiral. We consider two types of these topological defects, single vortices and vortex-antivortex pairs, and quantize the corresponding solutions by generalizing the semiclassical approach to a non-Abelian field theory. The use of the collective coordinates allows us to represent the defect as a particle coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators, which can be integrated out employing the Feynman-Vernon path-integral formalism. The resulting effective action for the defect indicates that its motion is damped due to the scattering by the magnons. We derive a general expression for the damping coefficient of the defect, and evaluate its temperature dependence in both cases, for a single vortex and for a vortex-antivortex pair. Finally, we consider an application of the model for cuprates, where a spiral state has been argued to be realized in the spin-glass regime. By assuming that the defect motion contributes to the dissipative dynamics of the charges, we can compare our results with the measured inverse mobility in a wide range of temperature. The relatively good agreement between our calculations and the experiments confirms the possible relevance of an incommensurate spiral order for lightly doped cuprates.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, final published versio