37 research outputs found

    Phase sensitivity to axial strain of microstrustured optical silica fibers

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    International audienceWe compare, thanks to a Sagnac interferometer, the phase sensitivity to strain of different microstructured optical silica fibers (MSF) that we design and fabricate. Our results show that when a same elongation is applied to different MSF, the induced phase change is equal or lower than the one obtained for a standard fiber, showing no advantage on this parameter for sensing applications

    1.3 Octave Supercontinuum Generation in Highly Ge-doped Photonic Crystal Fiber

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    We present a flat, visible 1.3-octave supercontinuum generated in a GeO2-doped photonic crystal fiber owing to an overlap of the modulation instability and Raman gain regions resulting in efficient energy transfer to new frequency component


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    RENNES1-BU Sciences Philo (352382102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Realizing optical amplifiers with micro-sphere: A 15 dB gain, 2 dB noise-figure, tiny amplifier

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    CLEO-Europe topic CJ " Fibre and Guided Wave Lasers and Amplifiers ", oral session: CJ6 " Fibre gratings and waveguide lasers " [CJ6-6-THU]International audience600 ppm Er3+ Al-doped silica micro-spheres are fabricated in order to realize optical amplifiers. We demonstrate that it is possible to obtain component showing 15 dB gain with 2 dB noise figure

    Simultaneous measurement of anomalous group velocity dispersion and nonlinear coefficient in optical fibers using soliton effect compression

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    International audienceWe present a novel and simple method to measure both the value of the second-order dispersion coefficient and the nonlinear coefficient in optical fibers. This method is based on the higher-order soliton-effect pulse compression phenomenon and is valid for dispersion values greater than 0.5 ps/km/nm. A non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber, a standard single-mode fiber and a highly-dispersive highly-nonlinear fiber have been measured using this method

    Une nouvelle méthode pour mesurer simultanément la dispersion et le coefficient non-linéaire de fibres optiques à dispersion positive

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    session 9 « Effets non linéaires » [S9O1]National audienceNous proposons une méthode qui permet de mesurer simultanément la dispersion d'ordre deux et le coefficient non-linéaire de fibres optiques en régime de dispersion anormale. La méthode est basée sur le phénomène de compression soliton d'ordre supérieur

    Single mode holey fiber in GeGaSbS chalcogenide glass

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    oral session TuD "Continuum Generation and Photonic Crystal Fibers" [TuD3]International audienceWe present recent results on the fabrication of a single mode Holey Fiber in GeGaSbS chalcogenide glass using the “Stack&Draw” technique. We measure a Mode Field Diameter of 8,3 µm and we estimate at 200 W-1km-1 the γ value