9 research outputs found

    Simulation des grandes échelles de tourbillons longitudinaux soumis à une turbulence extérieure intense

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    Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier le comportement des tourbillons longitudinaux sous l'influence d'une turbulence extérieure. Les travaux portent tout d'abord sur les aspects théoriques concernant les tourbillons qui constituent le sillage des avions. On présente des aspects théoriques des principaux mécanismes d'instabilité qui sont à la base de destruction des tourbillons longitudinaux contrarotatifs. Pour les simulations réalisées on a choisi le logiciel JADIM développé à l'IMFT, adapté pour les Simulations des Grandes Echelles des écoulements turbulents. La validation des méthodes numériques utilisées est réalisée par comparaison entre les résultats théoriques et les résultats obtenus par simulation numérique d'un tourbillon longitudinal solitaire. De même, on a étudié le comportement d'un écoulement perturbé à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur d'un tourbillon isolé. L'étude de l'effet de la turbulence extérieure sur une paire des tourbillons longitudinaux contrarotatifs a mis en évidence la compétition entre l'instabilité elliptique et l'instabilité de Crow des tourbillons. Par l'étude des interactions d'une paire des tourbillons contrarotatifs au voisinage d'une paroi on a mis en évidence le mécanisme de génération d'une couche de vorticité puis le décollement des tourbillons secondaires. ABSTRACT : The aim of this thesis is to study the behaviour of the longitudinal vortices under the influence of an external turbulence. The theoretical and physical aspects concerning the trailing vortices include some classical vortex models. Here we present the main mechanism of instability of the longitudinal counter rotating vortices. The simulations are made using the JADIM software developed by IMFT and adapted for Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of turbulent flows. The validation of the numerical methods, of the mathematical models and of the software used is made by comparing the theoretical and the numerical results for a single longitudinal vortex in absence of external disturbances. We have studied the separate influence of superimposed perturbations inside and outside of the vortex core and evidenced the differences between both situations. We have studied the effect of an external turbulence on a counter rotating longitudinal vortex pair and observed the competition between elliptical and Crow instability that occurs. The simulation of a vortex pair interacting with a wall has highlighted the basic vorticity generation mechanism in ground effect characterized by secondary vortices interacting with the main vortice


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    The problem developed in this paper is encountered in airplane aerodynamics and concernsthe influence of long life longitudinal wake vortices generated by wing tips or by external obstaclessuch as reactors or landing gears. More generally it concerns 3D bodies of finite extension in crossflow. At the edge of such obstacles, longitudinal vortices are created by pressure differences inside theboundary layers and rotate in opposite senses. It can constitute a danger to another aircraft that fliesin this wake, especially during takeoff and landing. In this case the wake vortex trajectories andstrengths are altered by ground interactions. This study presents the results of a Large EddySimulation of wake vortex in ground effect providing the vorticity flux behavior


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    Abstract: The inaccuracy on the unguided rockets impact can be caused by many factors, like initial conditions perturbations as a small displacement of the firing pods between two launches due to its oscillations. As a consequence, all those parameters have to be taken into account in order to obtain an efficacy firing. This paper will focus on the unguided rocket effectiveness. Using the physical model for the trajectory, we will study the accuracy of the unguided rocket through a statistical analysis and several target models

    Simulation aux Grandes Échelles de tourbillons longitudinaux soumis à une turbulence extérieure intense

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    Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier le comportement des tourbillons sous l'influence d'une turbulence extérieure. Les travaux portent tout d'abord sur les aspects concernant les tourbillons qui constitutent le sillage des avions. La validation des méthodes numériques utilisées est réalisée par comparaison entre les résultats théoriques et les résultats obtenus par simulation numérique d'un tourbillon solitaire. On a étudié le comportement d'un écoulement perturbé à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur d'un tourbillon solitaire. L'étude de l'effet de la turbulence extérieure sur une paire de tourbillons longitudinaux contrarotatifs a mis en évidence la compétition entre l'instabilité elliptique et l'instabilité de Crow des tourbillons. Par l'étude des interactions d'une paire de tourbillons longitudinaux contrarotatifs au voisinage d'une paroi, on a mis en évidence le mécanisme de génération d'une couche de vorticité et le décollement des tourbillons au voisinage d'une paroi.The aim of this thesis is to study the behavior of the vortices under the influence of an external turbulence. We present the main mechanisms of instability, which is the basis of the counter-rotating vortices longitudinal decay. For the simulations we have selected the software JADIM developed by IMFT, adapted for Large Eddy Simulation of the turbulent flows. The validation of the numerical methods and of the software used, is made by comparing the theoretical and the numerical results of a single longitudinal vortex flow, in absence of external disturbances. We studied the behavior of a perturbed flow to the interior or to the exterior of a vortex. The study of the effect of the external turbulence on a counter-rotating longitudinal vortices pair highlighted the competition between elliptical and Crow instability. The simulation of the vortices pair in ground effect highlighted the generation mechanism of a vorticity layer and the generation of the secondary vortices.TOULOUSE-ENSEEIHT (315552331) / SudocSudocFranceRomaniaFRR

    Improvement of Hexacopter UAVs Attitude Parameters Employing Control and Decision Support Systems

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    Today, there is a conspicuous upward trend for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), especially in the field of multirotor drones. Their advantages over fixed-wing aircrafts are that they can hover, which allows their usage in a wide range of remote surveillance applications: industrial, strategic, governmental, public and homeland security. Moreover, because the component market for this type of vehicles is in continuous growth, new concepts have emerged to improve the stability and reliability of the multicopters, but efficient solutions with reduced costs are still expected. This work is focused on hexacopter UAV tests carried out on an original platform both within laboratory and on unrestricted open areas during the start–stop manoeuvres of the motors to verify the operational parameters, hover flight, the drone stability and reliability, as well as the aerodynamics and robustness at different wind speeds. The flight parameters extracted from the sensor systems’ comprising accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, barometers, GPS antenna and EO/IR cameras were analysed, and adjustments were performed accordingly, when needed. An FEM simulation approach allowed an additional decision support platform that expanded the experiments in the virtual environment. Finally, practical conclusions were drawn to enhance the hexacopter UAV stability, reliability and manoeuvrability