787 research outputs found

    Concert recording 2016-04-03

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    [Track 01]. Fanfare pour précéder \u27La Péri\u27 / Paul Dukas -- [Track 02]. French dances revisted. I ; [Track 03]. II ; [Track 04]. III ; [Track 05]. IV ; [Track 06]. V ; [Track 07]. VI / Adam Gorb -- [Track 08]. Danses sacrée et profane / Claude Debussy -- [Track 09]. Dance mix / Rob Smith

    An 18.9-minute Blue Large-Amplitude Pulsator Crossing the 'Hertzsprung Gap' of Hot Subdwarfs

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    Blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs) represent a new and rare class of hot pulsating stars with unusually large amplitudes and short periods. Up to now, only 24 confirmed BLAPs have been identified from more than one billion monitored stars, including a group with pulsation period longer than ∼20\sim 20 min (classical BLAPs, hereafter) and the other group with pulsation period below ∼8\sim 8 min. The evolutionary path that could give rise to such kinds of stellar configurations is unclear. Here we report on a comprehensive study of the peculiar BLAP discovered by the Tsinghua University - Ma Huateng Telescopes for Survey (TMTS), TMTS J035143.63+584504.2 (TMTS-BLAP-1). This new BLAP has an 18.9 min pulsation period and is similar to the BLAPs with a low surface gravity and an extended helium-enriched envelope, suggesting that it is a low-gravity BLAP at the shortest-period end. In particular, the long-term monitoring data reveal that this pulsating star has an unusually large rate of period change, P_dot/P=2.2e-6/yr. Such a significant and positive value challenges its origins from both helium-core pre-white-dwarfs and core helium-burning subdwarfs, but is consistent with that derived from shell helium-burning subdwarfs. The particular pulsation period and unusual rate of period change indicate that TMTS-BLAP-1 is at a short-lived (~10^6 yr) phase of shell-helium ignition before the stable shell-helium burning; in other words, TMTS-BLAP-1 is going through a "Hertzsprung gap" of hot subdwarfs.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables, published on Nature Astronomy, URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-022-01783-

    Definition and Characteristics of Behavioral Medicine, and Main Tasks and Goals of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine—an International Delphi Study

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Background: In the past decades, behavioral medicine has attained global recognition. Due to its global reach, a critical need has emerged to consider whether the original definition of behavioral medicine is still valid, comprehensive, and inclusive, and to reconsider the main tasks and goals of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM), as the umbrella organization in the field. The purpose of the present study was to (i) update the definition and scope of behavioral medicine and its defining characteristics; and (ii) develop a proposal on ISBM’s main tasks and goals. Method: Our study used the Delphi method. A core group prepared a discussion paper. An international Delphi panel rated questions and provided comments. The panel intended to reach an a priori defined level of consensus (i.e., 70%). Results: The international panel reached consensus on an updated definition and scope of behavioral medicine as a field of research and practice that builds on collaboration among multiple disciplines. These disciplines are concerned with development and application of behavioral and biomedical evidence across the disease continuum in clinical and public health domains. Consensus was reached on a proposal for ISBM’s main tasks and goals focused on supporting communication and collaboration across disciplines and participating organizations; stimulating research, education, and practice; and supporting individuals and organizations in the field. Conclusion: The consensus on definition and scope of behavioral medicine and ISBM’s tasks and goals provides a foundational step toward achieving these goals

    A spectral data release for 104 Type II Supernovae from the Tsinghua Supernova Group

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    We present 206 unpublished optical spectra of 104 type II supernovae obtained by the Xinglong 2.16m telescope and Lijiang 2.4m telescope during the period from 2011 to 2018, spanning the phases from about 1 to 200 days after the SN explosion. The spectral line identifications, evolution of line velocities and pseudo equivalent widths, as well as correlations between some important spectral parameters are presented. Our sample displays a large range in expansion velocities. For instance, the Fe~{\sc ii} 51695169 velocities measured from spectra at t∼50t\sim 50 days after the explosion vary from ${\rm 2000\ km\ s^{-1}}to to {\rm 5500\ km\ s^{-1}},withanaveragevalueof, with an average value of {\rm 3872 \pm 949\ km\ s^{-1}}.Power−lawfunctionscanbeusedtofitthevelocityevolution,withthepower−lawexponentquantifyingthevelocitydeclinerate.WefoundananticorrelationexistingbetweenH. Power-law functions can be used to fit the velocity evolution, with the power-law exponent quantifying the velocity decline rate. We found an anticorrelation existing between H\betavelocityatmid−plateauphaseanditsvelocitydecayexponent,SNeIIwithhighervelocitiestendingtohavesmallervelocitydecayrate.Moreover,wenoticedthatthevelocitydecayrateinferredfromtheBalmerlines(i.e.,H velocity at mid-plateau phase and its velocity decay exponent, SNe II with higher velocities tending to have smaller velocity decay rate. Moreover, we noticed that the velocity decay rate inferred from the Balmer lines (i.e., H\alphaandH and H\beta)havemoderatecorrelationswiththeratioofabsorptiontoemissionforH) have moderate correlations with the ratio of absorption to emission for H\alpha$ (a/e). In our sample, two objects show possibly flash-ionized features at early phases. Besides, we noticed that multiple high-velocity components may exist on the blue side of hydrogen lines of SN 2013ab, possibly suggesting that these features arise from complex line forming region. All our spectra can be found in WISeREP and Zenodo
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