50 research outputs found

    Attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and disorder (ADHD) among African children: a review of epidemiology and co-morbidities

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    Objective: To review literature from Africa on the epidemiology of ADHD as well attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and associated co-morbid conditions among African children.Method: A literature search was done through Pubmed/MEDLINE and Google Scholar using then following terms, “attention deficit”, “hyperactivity disorders”, “epidemiology”, “co-morbid conditions”, “Africa”. Nine studies met the inclusion criteria with four studies coming from South Africa, two each from Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria respectively and one from Ethiopia.Results: The prevalence of ADHD varied with rates of between 5.4%and 8.7%, amongst school children, 1.5% amongst children from the general population between 45.5% to 100.0% amongst special populations of children with possible organic brain pathology. Common associated co-morbid conditions were oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder as well as anxiety/depressive symptoms. Conclusion: Published data from Africa is limited. For effective healthcare policy further studies are needed to define the magnitude and burden of ADHD and other childhood neurodevelopmental disorders in Africa

    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in Africa: a perspective

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    Background: The universal occurrence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) was queried about twenty-six years ago. It was thought to occur only in western industrialized countries with high technological development. Over the last decade, knowledge about ASD and its prevalence has been documented as being on the rise in different regions of the world, with most literature coming from the western world – the situation in Africa on aspects of ASD remain unclear. Methods: Literature cited in Pubmed over the last decade on aspects of epidemiology, diagnosis, aetiology and knowledge of ASD in the African context were assessed. Keywords: autism, diagnosis, aetiology, knowledge and Africa were variously combined in the literature search. Results: No study specifically addressed the epidemiology of ASD in Africa. One of the two studies that were relevant addressed epidemiology of ASD in Arab countries, though included two Northern African countries. A higher proportion of non-verbal cases of ASD compared to verbal cases was documented in literature coming from Africa. Associated co-morbid disorders included intellectual disability, epilepsy and oculo-cutaneous albinism. Aetiological factors postulated included post-encephalitic infection, genetic and auto-immune factors, and vitamin D deficiency. Knowledge about ASD in Africa was noted to be low. Conclusion: There is a need for epidemiological studies in Africa to define the magnitude of the problem of ASD and the characteristics of children affected by ASD in this region. This would help in planning and might be helpful in answering the question of aetiology of ASD. Policy making needs to be directed at issues of childhood developmental disorders in Africa.Key Words: Epidemiology; Diagnosis; Aetiology; Knowledge; Autism; Afric

    Assessment of knowledge about childhood autism among paediatric and psychiatric nurses in Ebonyi state, Nigeria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is increasing public and professional awareness of autism spectrum disorders with early recognition, diagnosis and interventions that are known to improve prognosis. Poor knowledge about childhood autism among paediatric and psychiatric nurses who are members of multidisciplinary teams that care for such children may be a major barrier to early interventions that could improve quality of life and prognosis in childhood autism. Factors that influence knowledge about childhood autism among these nurses are not known. This study assessed knowledge about childhood autism among paediatric and psychiatric nurses in Ebonyi state, Nigeria and determined the factors that could be influencing such knowledge.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty specialist paediatric and forty psychiatric nurses, making a total sample of eighty, were randomly selected from all the health care facilities in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. A socio-demographic questionnaire and knowledge about childhood autism among health workers (KCAHW) questionnaire were administered to them and the study was a point survey.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The total mean score on the KCAHW questionnaire among the nurses that participated in the study was 12.56 Âą 3.23 out of a total of 19 possible. The mean score for the paediatric nurses was 11.78 Âą 3.64 while psychiatric nurses had mean score of 13.35 Âą 2.58. The mean scores in Domain 1 were 6.17 Âą 1.75 for the paediatric nurses and 6.52 Âą 1.43 for the psychiatric nurses. The mean scores in Domain 2 were 0.65 Âą 0.48 for the paediatric nurses and 0.80 Âą 0.41 for the psychiatric nurses. Domain 3 showed mean scores of 1.97 Âą 1.25 for the paediatric nurses while psychiatric nurses scored 2.62 Âą 1.23. Domain 4 yielded the mean scores of 2.97 Âą 1.54 and 3.42 Âą 0.98 for the paediatric and psychiatric nurses respectively.</p> <p>There was significant relationship between the total mean score on the KCAHW questionnaire for the two groups and the area of specialisation of the nurses (t = -2.23, df = 78, p = 0.03) and there was also significant relationship between previous involvement in managing children with childhood autism as a specialist paediatric or psychiatric nurse and the total mean score on the KCAHW questionnaire (t = 6.90, df = 78, p = 0.00).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The scores reflect deficits in knowledge about childhood autism among the study cohorts. Paediatric and psychiatric nurses as members of multidisciplinary teams that care for children with childhood autism are expected to provide holistic care and adequate counselling to the families of these children. Unfortunately in this environment, they are not fully equipped with enough knowledge about childhood autism. Education on childhood autism is therefore needed and can be provided through continuing medical education and emphasizing childhood autism in their training curriculum. This will enhance early identification and diagnosis of childhood autism with early interventions that are known to improve prognosis.</p

    Psychological complications of childhood chronic physical illness in Nigerian children and their mothers: the implication for developing pediatric liaison services

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pediatric liaison services attending to the psychological health needs of children with chronic physical illness are limited or virtually non-existent in Nigeria and most sub-Saharan African countries, and psychological problems complicate chronic physical illness in these children and their mothers. There exist needs to bring into focus the public health importance of developing liaison services to meet the psychological health needs of children who suffer from chronic physical illness in this environment. Sickle cell disease (SCD) and juvenile diabetes mellitus (JDM) are among the most common chronic physical health conditions in Nigerian children. This study compared the prevalence and pattern of emotional disorders and suicidal behavior among Nigerian children with SCD, JDM and a group of healthy children. Psychological distress in the mothers of these children that suffer chronic physical illness was also compared with psychological distress in mothers of healthy control children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-five children aged 9 to 17 years were selected for each group of SCD, JDM and controls. The SCD and JDM groups were selected by consecutive clinic attendance and the healthy children who met the inclusion criteria were selected from neighboring schools. The Youth version of the Computerized Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children, version IV (C- DISC- IV) was used to assess for diagnosis of emotional disorders in these children. Twelve-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ – 12) was used to assess for psychological distress in mothers of these children and healthy control children.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Children with JDM were significantly more likely to experience DSM – IV emotional disorders than children with SCD and the healthy group (p = 0.005), while children with JDM and SCD were more likely to have 'intermediate diagnoses' of emotional disorders (p = 0.0024). Children with SCD and JDM had higher rates of suicidal ideation when compared to healthy control children and a higher prevalence of maternal psychological distress was found in their mothers when compared to the mothers of healthy children (p = 0.035).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The higher prevalence of emotional disorders and suicidal ideation among children with SCD and JDM points to a need for development of liaison services in pediatric facilities caring for children with chronic physical illness to ensure holistic approach to their care. The proposed liaison services would also be able to provide family support interventions that would address the psychological distress experienced by the mothers of these children.</p

    A survey of Autism knowledge and attitudes among the healthcare professionals in Lahore, Pakistan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The diagnosis and treatment of Autism in Pakistan occurs in multiple settings and is provided by variety of health professionals. Unfortunately, knowledge and awareness about Autism is low among Pakistani healthcare professionals & the presence of inaccurate and outdated beliefs regarding this disorder may compromise early detection and timely referral for interventions. The study assessed the baseline knowledge and misconceptions regarding autism among healthcare professionals in Pakistan which can impact future awareness campaigns.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Physicians (psychiatrists, pediatricians, neurologists and family physicians) and non-physicians (psychologists and speech therapists) participated in this study. Knowledge of DSM-IV TR criteria for Autistic Disorder, beliefs about social, emotional, cognitive, treatment and prognosis of the disorder were assessed. Demographic information regarding the participants of the survey was also gathered.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two hundred and forty seven respondents (154 Physicians & 93 Non-physicians) participated in the study. Mean age of respondents was 33.2 years (S.D 11.63) with 53% being females. Reasonably accurate familiarity with the DSM IV-TR diagnostic criteria of Autistic Disorder was observed. However, within the professional groups, differences were found regarding the utilization of the DSM-IV-TR criteria when diagnosing Autistic Disorder. Non-Physicians were comparatively more likely to correctly identify diagnostic features of autism compared with Physicians (P-value <0.001). Significant misunderstandings of some of the salient features of autism were present in both professional groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results suggests that current professionals in the field have an unbalanced understanding of autism due to presence of several misconceptions regarding many of the salient features of autism including developmental, cognitive and emotional features. The study has clinical implications and calls for continued education for healthcare professionals across disciplines with regards to Autism in Pakistan.</p

    Probability of Major Depression Classification Based on the SCID, CIDI and MINI Diagnostic Interviews : A Synthesis of Three Individual Participant Data Meta-Analyses

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    Three previous individual participant data meta-analyses (IPDMAs) reported that, compared to the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM (SCID), alternative reference standards, primarily the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), tended to misclassify major depression status, when controlling for depression symptom severity. However, there was an important lack of precision in the results.To compare the odds of the major depression classification based on the SCID, CIDI, and MINI.We included and standardized data from 3 IPDMA databases. For each IPDMA, separately, we fitted binomial generalized linear mixed models to compare the adjusted odds ratios (aORs) of major depression classification, controlling for symptom severity and characteristics of participants, and the interaction between interview and symptom severity. Next, we synthesized results using a DerSimonian-Laird random-effects meta-analysis.In total, 69,405 participants (7,574 [11%] with major depression) from 212 studies were included. Controlling for symptom severity and participant characteristics, the MINI (74 studies; 25,749 participants) classified major depression more often than the SCID (108 studies; 21,953 participants; aOR 1.46; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.11-1.92]). Classification odds for the CIDI (30 studies; 21,703 participants) and the SCID did not differ overall (aOR 1.19; 95% CI 0.79-1.75); however, as screening scores increased, the aOR increased less for the CIDI than the SCID (interaction aOR 0.64; 95% CI 0.52-0.80).Compared to the SCID, the MINI classified major depression more often. The odds of the depression classification with the CIDI increased less as symptom levels increased. Interpretation of research that uses diagnostic interviews to classify depression should consider the interview characteristics

    Pathway to care: First points of contact and sources of referral among children and adolescent patients seen at neuropsychiatric hospital in south-eastern Nigeria

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    OBJECTIVE: Child and adolescents mental health services are at infancy stage of development in most Sub-Saharan African region. Little is known about help seeking behaviour for childhood neuropsychiatric disorders in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study was aimed at assessing first points of contact during help seeking and eventual sources of referral for a group of patients seen in a neuropsychiatric facility in south-eastern Nigeria. METHODS:At the point of presentation, information were obtained on where help was first sought before presenting at the hospital with the major aim of identifying other competing services. Other information obtained in addition to socio-demographic variables included information on source of referral or the source that initiated help seeking from Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Enugu, South-eastern Nigeria. RESULTS: Neuropsychiatric hospital, prayer houses/faith healing centres, other hospitals, traditional healers, patent medicine stores, roadside medical laboratories and specialized school were various first points of contact noted. Relatives, family and friends, other hospitals, prayer houses and specialized school constituted sources of referral. CONCLUSIONS: The need to incorporate all these sources with the aim of improving accessibility of neuropsychiatric services for children and adolescents in this environment is paramount. KEY WORDS: Help Seeking, Behaviour, Childhood, Psychiatry, Disorder