14 research outputs found

    Reasoning over Knowledge-based Generation of Situations in Context Spaces to Reduce Food Waste

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    Abstract. Situation awareness is a key feature of pervasive computing and requires external knowledge to interpret data. Ontology-based reasoning approaches allow for the reuse of predefined knowledge, but do not provide the best reasoning capabilities. To overcome this problem, a hybrid model for situation awareness is developed and presented in this paper, which integrates the Situation Theory Ontology into Context Space Theory for inference. Furthermore, in an effort to rely as much as possible on open IoT messaging standards, a domain-independent framework using the O-MI/O-DF standards for sensor data acquisition is developed. This framework is applied to a smart neighborhood use case to reduce food waste at the consumption stage

    Enriching a Situation Awareness Framework for IoT with Knowledge Base and Reasoning Components

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    Theimportanceofsystem-levelcontext-andsituationaware- ness increases with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT). This paper proposes an integrated approach to situation awareness by providing a semantically rich situation model together with reliable situation infer- ence based on Context Spaces Theory (CST) and Situation Theory (ST). The paper discusses benefits of integrating the proposed situation aware- ness framework with knowledge base and efficient reasoning techniques taking into account uncertainty and incomplete knowledge about situa- tions. The paper discusses advantages and impact of proposed context adaptation in dynamic IoT environments. Practical issues of two-way mapping between IoT messaging standards and CST are also discussed

    Who’s that? - Social situation awareness for behaviour support agents: A feasibility study

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    Behaviour support agents need to be aware of the social environment of the user in order to be able to provide comprehensive support. However, this is a feature that is currently lacking in existing systems. To tackle it, first of all we explore literature from social sciences in order to find which elements of the social environment need to be represented. We structure this knowledge as a two-level ontology that models social situations. We formalize the elements that are needed to model social situations, which consist of different types of meetings between two people. We conduct an experiment to evaluate the lower level of the ontology using feedback from the subjects, and to test whether we can use the data to reason about the priority of different situations. Subjects found our proposed features of social relationships to be understandable and representative. Furthermore, we show these features can be combined in a decision tree to predict the priority of social situations.Interactive Intelligenc