39 research outputs found

    Metabolic adaptation of two in silico mutants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis during infection

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    ABSTRACT: Background: Up to date, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) remains as the worst intracellular killer pathogen. To establish infection, inside the granuloma, Mtb reprograms its metabolism to support both growth and survival, keeping a balance between catabolism, anabolism and energy supply. Mtb knockouts with the faculty of being essential on a wide range of nutritional conditions are deemed as target candidates for tuberculosis (TB) treatment. Constraint-based genome-scale modeling is considered as a promising tool for evaluating genetic and nutritional perturbations on Mtb metabolic reprogramming. Nonetheless, few in silico assessments of the effect of nutritional conditions on Mtb’s vulnerability and metabolic adaptation have been carried out. Results: A genome-scale model (GEM) of Mtb, modified from the H37Rv iOSDD890, was used to explore the metabolic reprogramming of two Mtb knockout mutants (pfkA- and icl-mutants), lacking key enzymes of central carbon metabolism, while exposed to changing nutritional conditions (oxygen, and carbon and nitrogen sources). A combination of shadow pricing, sensitivity analysis, and flux distributions patterns allowed us to identify metabolic behaviors that are in agreement with phenotypes reported in the literature. During hypoxia, at high glucose consumption, the Mtb pfkA-mutant showed a detrimental growth effect derived from the accumulation of toxic sugar phosphate intermediates (glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate) along with an increment of carbon fluxes towards the reductive direction of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA). Furthermore, metabolic reprogramming of the icl-mutant (icl1&icl2) showed the importance of the methylmalonyl pathway for the detoxification of propionyl-CoA, during growth at high fatty acid consumption rates and aerobic conditions. At elevated levels of fatty acid uptake and hypoxia, we found a drop in TCA cycle intermediate accumulation that might create redox imbalance. Finally, findings regarding Mtb-mutant metabolic adaptation associated with asparagine consumption and acetate, succinate and alanine production, were in agreement with literature reports. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the potential application of genome-scale modeling, flux balance analysis (FBA), phenotypic phase plane (PhPP) analysis and shadow pricing to generate valuable insights about Mtb metabolic reprogramming in the context of human granulomas

    OptCom: A Multi-Level Optimization Framework for the Metabolic Modeling and Analysis of Microbial Communities

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    Microorganisms rarely live isolated in their natural environments but rather function in consolidated and socializing communities. Despite the growing availability of high-throughput sequencing and metagenomic data, we still know very little about the metabolic contributions of individual microbial players within an ecological niche and the extent and directionality of interactions among them. This calls for development of efficient modeling frameworks to shed light on less understood aspects of metabolism in microbial communities. Here, we introduce OptCom, a comprehensive flux balance analysis framework for microbial communities, which relies on a multi-level and multi-objective optimization formulation to properly describe trade-offs between individual vs. community level fitness criteria. In contrast to earlier approaches that rely on a single objective function, here, we consider species-level fitness criteria for the inner problems while relying on community-level objective maximization for the outer problem. OptCom is general enough to capture any type of interactions (positive, negative or combinations thereof) and is capable of accommodating any number of microbial species (or guilds) involved. We applied OptCom to quantify the syntrophic association in a well-characterized two-species microbial system, assess the level of sub-optimal growth in phototrophic microbial mats, and elucidate the extent and direction of inter-species metabolite and electron transfer in a model microbial community. We also used OptCom to examine addition of a new member to an existing community. Our study demonstrates the importance of trade-offs between species- and community-level fitness driving forces and lays the foundation for metabolic-driven analysis of various types of interactions in multi-species microbial systems using genome-scale metabolic models

    Medicinal plants – prophylactic and therapeutic options for gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases in calves and piglets? A systematic review

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