25 research outputs found

    Multiple evolutionary origins of Trypanosoma evansi in Kenya

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    Trypanosoma evansi is the parasite causing surra, a form of trypanosomiasis in camels and other livestock, and a serious economic burden in Kenya and many other parts of the world. Trypanosoma evansi transmission can be sustained mechanically by tabanid and Stomoxys biting flies, whereas the closely related African trypanosomes T. brucei brucei and T. b. rhodesiense require cyclical development in tsetse flies (genus Glossina) for transmission. In this study, we investigated the evolutionary origins of T. evansi. We used 15 polymorphic microsatellites to quantify levels and patterns of genetic diversity among 41 T. evansi isolates and 66 isolates of T. b. brucei (n = 51) and T. b. rhodesiense (n = 15), including many from Kenya, a region where T. evansi may have evolved from T. brucei. We found that T. evansi strains belong to at least two distinct T. brucei genetic units and contain genetic diversity that is similar to that in T. brucei strains. Results indicated that the 41 T. evansi isolates originated from multiple T. brucei strains from different genetic backgrounds, implying independent origins of T. evansi from T. brucei strains. This surprising finding further suggested that the acquisition of the ability of T. evansi to be transmitted mechanically, and thus the ability to escape the obligate link with the African tsetse fly vector, has occurred repeatedly. These findings, if confirmed, have epidemiological implications, as T. brucei strains from different genetic backgrounds can become either causative agents of a dangerous, cosmopolitan livestock disease or of a lethal human disease, like for T. b. rhodesiense

    Evaluating evolutionary history in the face of high gene tree discordance in Australian Gehyra (Reptilia: Gekkonidae)

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    Species tree methods have provided improvements for estimating species relationships and the timing of diversification in recent radiations by allowing for gene tree discordance. Although gene tree discordance is often observed, most discordance is attributed to incomplete lineage sorting rather than other biological phenomena, and the causes of discordance are rarely investigated. We use species trees from multi-locus data to estimate the species relationships, evolutionary history and timing of diversification among Australian Gehyra-a group renowned for taxonomic uncertainty and showing a large degree of gene tree discordance. We find support for a recent Asian origin and two major clades: a tropically adapted clade and an arid adapted clade, with some exceptions, but no support for allopatric speciation driven by chromosomal rearrangement in the group. Bayesian concordance analysis revealed high gene tree discordance and comparisons of Robinson-Foulds distances showed that discordance between gene trees was significantly higher than that generated by topological uncertainty within each gene. Analysis of gene tree discordance and incomplete taxon sampling revealed that gene tree discordance was high whether terminal taxon or gene sampling was maximized, indicating discordance is due to biological processes, which may be important in contributing to gene tree discordance in many recently diversified organisms.M Sistrom, M Hutchinson, T Bertozzi and S Donnella

    DNA barcoding in pencilfishes (lebiasinidae: nannostomus) reveals cryptic diversity across the brazilian Amazon

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    Nannostomus is comprised of 20 species. Popularly known as pencilfishes the vast majority of these species lives in the flooded forests of the Amazon basin and are popular in the ornamental trade. Among the lebiasinids, it is the only genus to have undergone more than one taxonomic revision. Even so, it still possesses poorly defined species. Here, we report the results of an application of DNA barcoding to the identification of pencilfishes and highlight the deeply divergent clades within four nominal species. We surveyed the sequence variation in the mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene among 110 individuals representing 14 nominal species that were collected from several rivers along the Amazon basin. The mean Kimura-2-parameter distances within species and genus were 2% and 19,0%, respectively. The deep lineage divergences detected in N. digrammus, N. trifasciatus, N. unifasciatus and N. eques suggest the existence of hidden diversity in Nannostomus species. For N. digrammus and N. trifasciatus, in particular, the estimated divergences in some lineages were so high that doubt about their conspecific status is raised.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES