779 research outputs found

    Diagnostic accuracy of Doppler ultrasound technique of the penile arteries in correlation to selective arteriography

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    In 63% of 265 patients with erectile dysfunction a relevant arterial inflow disturbance was found by Doppler ultrasound examination. Correlation between Doppler and arteriography in 58 patients showed an accuracy of 95% in detecting penile arteries and an accuracy of 91% in discovering a pathological arterial pattern (arterial anomaly or arteriosclerotic obstruction). In 15 patients the arterial inflow was measured additionally by Doppler ultrasound technique after intracavernosal injection of vasoactive drugs (IIVD) (7.5 mg papaverine and 0.25 mg phentolamine). This technique proved to be more reliable than in the flaccid state and markedly facilitated localization and assessment of pathological changes of the cavernosal arteries

    4-dimensional functional profiling in the convulsant-treated larval zebrafish brain

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Springer Nature via the DOI in this record.Functional neuroimaging, using genetically-encoded Ca(2+) sensors in larval zebrafish, offers a powerful combination of high spatiotemporal resolution and higher vertebrate relevance for quantitative neuropharmacological profiling. Here we use zebrafish larvae with pan-neuronal expression of GCaMP6s, combined with light sheet microscopy and a novel image processing pipeline, for the 4D profiling of chemoconvulsant action in multiple brain regions. In untreated larvae, regions associated with autonomic functionality, sensory processing and stress-responsiveness, consistently exhibited elevated spontaneous activity. The application of drugs targeting different convulsant mechanisms (4-Aminopyridine, Pentylenetetrazole, Pilocarpine and Strychnine) resulted in distinct spatiotemporal patterns of activity. These activity patterns showed some interesting parallels with what is known of the distribution of their respective molecular targets, but crucially also revealed system-wide neural circuit responses to stimulation or suppression. Drug concentration-response curves of neural activity were identified in a number of anatomically-defined zebrafish brain regions, and in vivo larval electrophysiology, also conducted in 4dpf larvae, provided additional measures of neural activity. Our quantification of network-wide chemoconvulsant drug activity in the whole zebrafish brain illustrates the power of this approach for neuropharmacological profiling in applications ranging from accelerating studies of drug safety and efficacy, to identifying pharmacologically-altered networks in zebrafish models of human neurological disorders.This work was funded by the Biological and Biotechnology Research Council (CASE studentship BB/L502510/1, with AstraZeneca Safety Health and Environment), and by the University of Exeter and AstraZeneca

    New insights into organ-specific oxidative stress mechanisms using a novel biosensor zebrafish

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    This is the final version. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record. Background: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) arise as a result from, and are essential in, numerous cellular processes. ROS, however, are highly reactive and if left unneutralised by endogenous antioxidant systems, can result in extensive cellular damage and/or pathogenesis. In addition, exposure to a wide range of environmental stressors can also result in surplus ROS production leading to oxidative stress (OS) and downstream tissue toxicity. Objectives: Our aim was to produce a stable transgenic zebrafish line, unrestricted by tissue-specific gene regulation, which was capable of providing a whole organismal, real-time read-out of tissue-specific OS following exposure to a wide range of OS-inducing environmental contaminants and conditions. This model could, therefore, serve as a sensitive and specific mechanistic in vivo biomarker for all environmental conditions that result in OS. Methods: To achieve this aim, we exploited the pivotal role of the electrophile response element (EpRE) as a globally-acting master regulator of the cellular response to OS. To test tissue specificity and quantitative capacity, we selected a range of chemical contaminants known to induce OS in specific organs or tissues, and assessed dose-responsiveness in each using microscopic measures of mCherry fluorescence intensity. Results: We produced the first stable transgenic zebrafish line Tg (3EpRE:hsp70:mCherry) with high sensitivity for the detection of cellular RedOx imbalances, in vivo in near-real time. We applied this new model to quantify OS after exposure to a range of environmental conditions with high resolution and provided quantification both of compound- and tissue-specific ROS-induced toxicity. Discussion: Our model has an extremely diverse range of potential applications not only for biomonitoring of toxicants in aqueous environments, but also in biomedicine for identifying ROS-mediated mechanisms involved in the progression of a number of important human diseases, including cancer.Natural Environmental Research CouncilEuropean Unio

    A perspective on using experiment and theory to identify design principles in dye-sensitized solar cells

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    Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) have been the subject of wide-ranging studies for many years because of their potential for large-scale manufacturing using roll-to-roll processing allied to their use of earth abundant raw materials. Two main challenges exist for DSC devices to achieve this goal; uplifting device efficiency from the 12 to 14% currently achieved for laboratory-scale ‘hero’ cells and replacement of the widely-used liquid electrolytes which can limit device lifetimes. To increase device efficiency requires optimized dye injection and regeneration, most likely from multiple dyes while replacement of liquid electrolytes requires solid charge transporters (most likely hole transport materials – HTMs). While theoretical and experimental work have both been widely applied to different aspects of DSC research, these approaches are most effective when working in tandem. In this context, this perspective paper considers the key parameters which influence electron transfer processes in DSC devices using one or more dye molecules and how modelling and experimental approaches can work together to optimize electron injection and dye regeneration. This paper provides a perspective that theory and experiment are best used in tandem to study DSC device

    A for-loop is all you need. For solving the inverse problem in the case of personalized tumor growth modeling

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    Solving the inverse problem is the key step in evaluating the capacity of a physical model to describe real phenomena. In medical image computing, it aligns with the classical theme of image-based model personalization. Traditionally, a solution to the problem is obtained by performing either sampling or variational inference based methods. Both approaches aim to identify a set of free physical model parameters that results in a simulation best matching an empirical observation. When applied to brain tumor modeling, one of the instances of image-based model personalization in medical image computing, the overarching drawback of the methods is the time complexity of finding such a set. In a clinical setting with limited time between imaging and diagnosis or even intervention, this time complexity may prove critical. As the history of quantitative science is the history of compression (Schmidhuber and Fridman, 2018), we align in this paper with the historical tendency and propose a method compressing complex traditional strategies for solving an inverse problem into a simple database query task. We evaluated different ways of performing the database query task assessing the trade-off between accuracy and execution time. On the exemplary task of brain tumor growth modeling, we prove that the proposed method achieves one order speed-up compared to existing approaches for solving the inverse problem. The resulting compute time offers critical means for relying on more complex and, hence, realistic models, for integrating image preprocessing and inverse modeling even deeper, or for implementing the current model into a clinical workflow. The code is available at https://github.com/IvanEz/for-loop-tumor

    Perceptions of graduating students from eight medical schools in Vietnam on acquisition of key skills identified by teachers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The eight main Vietnamese medical schools recently cooperated to produce a book listing the knowledge, attitudes and skills expected of a graduate, including specification of the required level for each skill. The teaching program should ensure that students can reach that level. The objective of this study was to determine the perception of graduating students on whether they had achieved the level set for a selection of clinical and public health skills as a guide for the schools to adjust either the levels or the teaching.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From all eight schools, 1136 of the 1528 final year students completed questionnaires just before completed all the requirements for graduation, a response rate of 87% overall (ranging from 74–99% per school). They rated their own competence on a scale of 0–5 for 129 skills selected from the 557 skills listed in the book, and reported where they thought they had learned them. The scores that the students gave themselves were then compared to the levels proposed by the teachers for each skill. The proportions of the self-assessed achievement to the levels expected by the teachers, means self-assessed scores and the coefficients of variation were calculated to make comparisons among disciplines, among schools and among learning sites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most students felt they had learned most of the skills for key clinical departments to the required level; this varied little among the schools. Self-assessed skill acquisition in public health and minor clinical disciplines was lower and varied more. Sites outside the classroom were especially important for learning skills. The results revealed key similarities and differences between the teachers and the students in their perception about what could be learned and where</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Revising a curriculum for medical schools demands inputs from all stakeholders. Graduating class students can provide valuable feedback on what they have learned in the existing system. Learning objectives should always be checked with students who have followed their study under existing teaching conditions. The information from the graduates helped to identify potential problem areas where either the objectives or the teaching need adjustment.</p

    Functional brain imaging in larval zebrafish for characterising the effects of seizurogenic compounds acting via a range of pharmacological mechanisms

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData availability statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. Some data may not be made available because of privacy or ethical restrictions.Background and Purpose Functional brain imaging using genetically encoded Ca2+ sensors in larval zebrafish is being developed for studying seizures and epilepsy as a more ethical alternative to rodent models. Despite this, few data have been generated on pharmacological mechanisms of action other than GABAA antagonism. Assessing larval responsiveness across multiple mechanisms is vital to test the translational power of this approach, as well as assessing its validity for detecting unwanted drug‐induced seizures and testing antiepileptic drug efficacy. Experimental Approach Using light‐sheet imaging, we systematically analysed the responsiveness of 4 days post fertilisation (dpf; which are not considered protected under European animal experiment legislation) transgenic larval zebrafish to treatment with 57 compounds spanning more than 12 drug classes with a link to seizure generation in mammals, alongside eight compounds with no such link. Key Results We show 4dpf zebrafish are responsive to a wide range of mechanisms implicated in seizure generation, with cerebellar circuitry activated regardless of the initiating pharmacology. Analysis of functional connectivity revealed compounds targeting cholinergic and monoaminergic reuptake, in particular, showed phenotypic consistency broadly mapping onto what is known about neurotransmitter‐specific circuitry in the larval zebrafish brain. Many seizure‐associated compounds also exhibited altered whole brain functional connectivity compared with controls. Conclusions and Implications This work represents a significant step forward in understanding the translational power of 4dpf larval zebrafish for use in neuropharmacological studies and for studying the events driving transition from small‐scale pharmacological activation of local circuits, to the large network‐wide abnormal synchronous activity associated with seizures.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)National Centre for the Replacement Refinement and Reduction of Animals in ResearchUniversity of ExeterMedical Research Council (MRC)AstraZenecaEuropean Unio

    Genomic and Epigenomic Responses to Chronic Stress Involve miRNA-Mediated Programming

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    Stress represents a critical influence on motor system function and has been shown to impair movement performance. We hypothesized that stress-induced motor impairments are due to brain-specific changes in miRNA and protein-encoding gene expression. Here we show a causal link between stress-induced motor impairment and associated genetic and epigenetic responses in relevant central motor areas in a rat model. Exposure to two weeks of mild restraint stress altered the expression of 39 genes and nine miRNAs in the cerebellum. In line with persistent behavioural impairments, some changes in gene and miRNA expression were resistant to recovery from stress. Interestingly, stress up-regulated the expression of Adipoq and prolactin receptor mRNAs in the cerebellum. Stress also altered the expression of Prlr, miR-186, and miR-709 in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. In addition, our findings demonstrate that miR-186 targets the gene Eps15. Furthermore, we found an age-dependent increase in EphrinB3 and GabaA4 receptors. These data show that even mild stress results in substantial genomic and epigenomic changes involving miRNA expression and associated gene targets in the motor system. These findings suggest a central role of miRNA-regulated gene expression in the stress response and in associated neurological function

    Gastrointestinal complaints in runners are not due to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gastrointestinal complaints are common among long distance runners. We hypothesised that small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is present in long distance runners frequently afflicted with gastrointestinal complaints.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Seven long distance runners (5 female, mean age 29.1 years) with gastrointestinal complaints during and immediately after exercise without known gastrointestinal diseases performed Glucose hydrogen breath tests for detection of SIBO one week after a lactose hydrogen breath test checking for lactose intolerance. The most frequent symptoms were diarrhea (5/7, 71%) and flatulence (6/7, 86%). The study was conducted at a laboratory.</p> <p>In none of the subjects a pathological hydrogen production was observed after the intake of glucose. Only in one athlete a pathological hydrogen production was measured after the intake of lactose suggesting lactose intolerance.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Gastrointestinal disorders in the examined long distance runners were not associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.</p

    Does Al4H14— cluster anion exist? High-level ab initio study

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    A comprehensive ab initio investigation using coupled cluster theory with the aug-cc-pVnZ, n = D,T basis sets is carried out to identify distinct structures of the Al4H14— cluster anion and to evaluate its fragmentation stability. Both thermodynamic and mechanistic aspects of the fragmentation reactions are studied. The observation of this so far the most hydrogenated aluminum tetramer was reported in the recent mass spectrometry study of Li et al. (2010) J Chem Phys 132:241103–241104. The four Al4H14— anion structures found are chain-like with the multiple-coordinate Al center and can be viewed approximately as comprising Al2H7— and Al2H7 moieties. Locating computationally some of the Al4H14— minima on the correlated ab initio potential energy surfaces required the triple-zeta quality basis set to describe adequately the Al multi-coordinate bonding. For the two most stable Al4H14— isomers, the mechanism of their low-barrier interconversion is described. The dissociation of Al4H14— into the Al2H7— and Al2H7 units is predicted to require 20-22 (10-13) kcal mol-1 in terms of ΔH (ΔG) estimated at T = 298.15 K and p = 1 atm. However, Al4H14— is found to be a metastable species in the gas phase: the H2 loss from the radical moiety of its most favorable isomer is exothermic by 18 kcal mol-1 in terms of ΔH (298.15 K) and by 25 kcal mol-1 in terms of ΔG(298.15 K), with the enthalpic/free energy barrier involved being less than 1 kcal mol-1. By contrast with alane Al4H14—, only a weakly bound complex between Ga4H12— and H2 has been identified for the gallium analogue using the relativistic effective core potential