96 research outputs found

    Low-excitation atomic gas around evolved stars: II. ISO observations of O-rich nebulae

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    We have observed atomic fine-structure lines in the far-infrared (FIR) from 12 oxygen-rich evolved stars. The sample is composed of mostly proto-planetary nebulae (PPNe) and some planetary nebulae (PNe) and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. ISO LWS and SWS observations of [O I], [C II], [N II], [Si I], [Si II], [S I], [Fe I], and [Fe II] lines were obtained. Taking into account also the sample presented by Fong et al. (Paper I) of carbon-rich evolved stars, we find that PPNe emit in these low-excitation atomic transitions only when the central star is hotter than ∼10 000 K. This result suggests that such lines predominantly arise from photodissociation regions (PDRs), and not from shocked regions. The line widths determined from our Fabry-Perot data also suggest that the FIR lines arise from relatively quiescent PDR gas, as opposed to shocked gas. Our results are in reasonable agreement with predictions from PDR emission models, allowing the estimation of the density of the emitting layers by comparison with the model results. On the other hand, the comparison with predictions of the emission from J-type and C-type shocked regions suggests that detected lines do not come from shocks. The [C II] line flux has been used to measure the mass of the low-excitation atomic component in PPNe, since this transition has been found to be a useful model-independent probe to estimate the total mass of these PDRs. The derivation of the mass formula and assumptions made are also discussed

    Co-production of bio-oil and propylene through the hydrothermal liquefaction of polyhydroxybutyrate producing cyanobacteria

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    A polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) producing cyanobacteria was converted through hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) into propylene and a bio-oil suitable for advanced biofuel production. HTL of model compounds demonstrated that in contrast to proteins and carbohydrates, no synergistic effects were detected when converting PHB in the presence of algae. Subsequently, Synechocystis cf. salina, which had accumulated 7.5wt% PHB was converted via HTL (15% dry weight loading, 340°C). The reaction gave an overall propylene yield of 2.6%, higher than that obtained from the model compounds, in addition to a bio-oil with a low nitrogen content of 4.6%. No propylene was recovered from the alternative non-PHB producing cyanobacterial strains screened, suggesting that PHB is the source of propylene. PHB producing microorganisms could therefore be used as a feedstock for a biorefinery to produce polypropylene and advanced biofuels, with the level of propylene being proportional to the accumulated amount of PHB

    The Dust Disk around the Vega-Excess Star SAO 26804

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    We present multiwaveband observations of the K2 Vega-excess star SAO 26804 (= HD 233517). These include James Clerk Maxwell Telescope millimeter-wave photometry, plus spectra in the 8-13 microns and 18-24 microns atmospheric windows, an image at a wavelength of 10 microns through a broadband N filter and near-IR (JHKLL'M) photometry all taken at the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope. The source is resolved at 10 microns, and we can confirm with these observations that the IR excess seen in IRAS observations of this source is associated with the optical star. The image is consistent with the dust being confined to a disk with Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) 1.5 sec on the major axis, with an inclination angle of less than 30 deg away from edge-on. This represents the first confirmation that the dust in a Vega-excess star other than beta Pic is confined to a disk geometry. We present models of the source which show that many of the properties of the disk and the dust in it are similar to those which we have previously derived for the disk around SAO 179815, but that there are some very small grains in the disk around the star which give around SAO 179815, but that there are some very small grains in the disk around the star which give rise to a very prominent and narrow silicate dust feature at 9.7 microns and to so-called unidentified infrared bands in the 10 micron region. The larger grains are composed of a mixture of amorphous carbon and silicate with an abundance ratio consistent with an interstellar origin. The total mass of dust in the disk is 3.0 x 10-7 solar mass. Finally, our model suggests that there may be a substantial UV and/or soft X-ray flux from SAO 26804, consistent with it being a very young and rather active star

    The remarkable asymmetric outflow from the Cygnus Egg Nebula

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    We present ground based continuum images in the infrared, from 1.2 to 19µm, and an H2 2.122µm line emission image of the post-AGB star AFGL2688, the Cygnus Egg Nebula. We show that the standard model of this source, comprising a fast wind focussed by a dense, equatorial, dusty torus into a bipolar flow at position angle 15∘^\circ and close to the plane of the sky, cannot explain the combination of kinematic information from previous studies and morphological information in our own observations. Nor are the images consistent with a classical bipolar flow, since the apex of the two lobes observed in scattered light in the visible and near-IR are offset in R.A. with respect to one another. We suggest a model which is physically similar, but substantially different geometrically, in which there is a bipolar flow at a position angle closer to 60∘^\circ, rather than 15∘^\circ, still collimated by a dense, equatorial, dusty torus, but the opening angle of the cones out of which the fast bipolar flow is directed is closer to 90∘^\circ, rather than 20∘^\circ or so as previously suggested. The bipolar flow axis is inclined by about 20-30∘^\circ, rather than in the plane of the sky as in previous models. The dust distribution in the nebula has to be extremely clumpy, and there is evidence that large scale mass loss from the progenitor AGB star occurred in discrete phases, recurring on a timescale of ∼\sim750 years. This model implies a much lower velocity for the 'fast' bipolar outflow than does the standard model, which is consistent with very recent Nobeyama Millimetre Array images in 13CO emission. In support of our new model, we present a full radiative transfer model for the source, in axial symmetry, which reveals that the final phase of heavy mass loss included a superwind phase which lasted about two hundred years and removed about 0.7 M⊙_{\odot} from the envelope of the progenitor AGB star. Our results imply that the progenitor star must have been a relatively high mass AGB star. Our radiative transfer model also demonstrates convincingly that, in contrast with previous models, the core of the nebula has to be exceptionally optically thick, with an optical depth greater than unity even at 10µm

    Photometric and spectroscopic evolution of the IIP SN 2007it to day 944

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    SN 2007it is a bright, Type IIP supernova which shows indications of both pre-existing and newly formed dust. The visible photometry shows a bright late-time luminosity, powered by the 0.09 M ☉ of 56Ni present in the ejecta. There is also a sudden drop in optical brightness after day 339, and a corresponding brightening in the IR due to new dust forming in the ejecta. CO and SiO emission, generally thought to be precursors to dust formation, may have been detected in the mid-IR photometry of SN 2007it. The optical spectra show stronger than average [O I] emission lines and weaker than average [Ca II] lines, which may indicate a 16-27 M ☉ progenitor, on the higher end of expected Type IIP masses. Multi-component [O I] lines are also seen in the optical spectra, most likely caused by an asymmetric blob or a torus of oxygen core material being ejected during the SN explosion. Interaction with circumstellar material prior to day 540 may have created a cool dense shell between the forward and reverse shocks where new dust is condensing. At late times there is also a flattening of the visible light curve as the ejecta luminosity fades and a surrounding light echo becomes visible. Radiative transfer models of SN 2007it spectral energy distributions indicate that up to 10–4 M ☉ of new dust has formed in the ejecta, which is consistent with the amount of dust formed in other core-collapse supernovae

    Massive-star supernovae as major dust factories

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    We present late-time optical and mid-infrared observations of the Type II supernova 2003gd in the galaxy NGC 628. Mid-infrared excesses consistent with cooling dust in the ejecta are observed 499 to 678 days after outburst and are accompanied by increasing optical extinction and growing asymmetries in the emission-line profiles. Radiative-transfer models show that up to 0.02 solar masses of dust has formed within the ejecta, beginning as early as 250 days after outburst. These observations show that dust formation in supernova ejecta can be efficient and that massive-star supernovae could have been major dust producers throughout the history of the universe

    SOFIA mid-infrared observations of Supernova 1987A in 2016 - Forward shocks and possible dust re-formation in the post-shocked region

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    The equatorial ring of Supernova (SN) 1987A has been exposed to forward shocks from the SN blast wave, and it has been suggested that these forward shocks have been causing ongoing destruction of dust in the ring.We obtained Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy The Faint Object InfraRed CAmera for the SOFIA Telescope (FORCAST) 11.1, 19.7, and 31.5 μmphotometry of SN 1987A in 2016. Compared with Spitzer measurements 10 yr earlier, the 31.5 μm flux has significantly increased. The excess at 31.5 μm appears to be related to the Herschel 70 μm excess, which was detected 5 yr earlier. The dust mass needed to account for the 31.5-70 μm excess is 3-7 × 10-4M⊙, more than 10 times larger than the ring dust mass (~1 × 10-5M⊙) estimate from the data 10 yr earlier. We argue that dust grains are re-formed or grown in the post-shock regions in the ring after forward shocks have destroyed pre-existing dust grains in the ring and released refractory elements into gas. In the post-shock region, atoms can stick to surviving dust grains, and the dust mass may have increased (grain growth), or dust grains might have condensed directly from the gas. An alternative possibility is that the outer part of the expanding ejecta dust might have been heated by X-ray emission from the circumstellar ring. The future development of this excess could reveal whether grains are reformed in the post-shocked region of the ring or eject dust is heated by X-ray

    ALMA spectral survey of Supernova 1987A-molecular inventory, chemistry, dynamics and explosive nucleosynthesis

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    We report the first molecular line survey of Supernova 1987A in the millimetre wavelength range. In the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) 210–300 and 340–360 GHz spectra, we detected cold (20–170 K) CO, 28SiO, HCO+ and SO, with weaker lines of 29SiO from ejecta. This is the first identification of HCO+ and SO in a young supernova remnant. We find a dip in the J = 6–5 and 5–4 SiO line profiles, suggesting that the ejecta morphology is likely elongated. The difference of the CO and SiO line profiles is consistent with hydrodynamic simulations, which show that Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities cause mixing of gas, with heavier elements much more disturbed, making more elongated structure. We obtained isotopologue ratios of 28SiO/29SiO > 13, 28SiO/30SiO > 14 and 12CO/13CO > 21, with the most likely limits of 28SiO/29SiO >128, 28SiO/30SiO >189. Low 29Si and 30Si abundances in SN 1987A are consistent with nucleosynthesis models that show inefficient formation of neutron-rich isotopes in a low-metallicity environment, such as the Large Magellanic Cloud. The deduced large mass of HCO+ (∼5 × 10−6 M⊙) and small SiS mass (<6 × 10−5 M⊙) might be explained by some mixing of elements immediately after the explosion. The mixing might have caused some hydrogen from the envelope to sink into carbon- and oxygen-rich zones after the explosion, enabling the formation of a substantial mass of HCO+. Oxygen atoms may have penetrated into silicon and sulphur zones, suppressing formation of SiS. Our ALMA observations open up a new window to investigate chemistry, dynamics and explosive nucleosynthesis in supernovae
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