45 research outputs found

    Protección contra la humedad en pacientes incontinentes encamados

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    Se pretende conocer la efectividad de los (Molicare air active, pañal) pañales absorbentes para la prevención de dermatitis del pañaly lesiones por incontinencia. En pacientes atendidos en la Unidad de hospitalización de Medicina Interna y Angiología y cirugía vascular, junto con la Unidad de Enfermería Dermatológica, úlceras y heridas del Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia durante el periodo de tiempo de enero y febrero del 2007.Enfermerí

    Retrospective examination of the healthcare 'journey' of chronic orofacial pain patients referred to oral and maxillofacial surgery

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    Objective To gain a deeper understanding of the clinical journey taken by orofacial pain patients from initial presentation in primary care to treatment by oral and maxillofacial surgery.Design Retrospective audit.Sample and methods Data were collected from 101 consecutive patients suffering from chronic orofacial pain, attending oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics between 2009 and 2010. Once the patients were identified, information was drawn from their hospital records and referral letters, and a predesigned proforma was completed by a single examiner (EVB). Basic descriptive statistics and non-parametric inferential statistical techniques (Krushal-Wallis) were used to analyse the data.Data and discussion Six definitive orofacial pain conditions were represented in the data set, 75% of which were temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Individuals within our study were treated in nine different hospital settings and were referred to 15 distinct specialties. The mean number of consultations received by the patients in our study across all care settings is seven (SD 5). The mean number of specialities that the subjects were assessed by was three (SD 1). The sample set had a total of 341 treatment attempts to manage their chronic orofacial pain conditions, of which only 83 (24%) of all the treatments attempted yielded a successful outcome.Conclusion Improved education and remuneration for primary care practitioners as well as clear care pathways for patients with chronic orofacial pain should be established to reduce multiple re-referrals and improve efficiency of care. The creation of specialist regional centres for chronic orofacial pain may be considered to manage severe cases and drive evidence-based practice

    New insights into the evolutionary history of plant sorbitol dehydrogenase

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    Background: Sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH, EC is the key enzyme involved in sorbitol metabolism in higher plants. SDH genes in some Rosaceae species could be divided into two groups. L-idonate-5-dehydrogenase (LIDH, EC is involved in tartaric acid (TA) synthesis in Vitis vinifera and is highly homologous to plant SDHs. Despite efforts to understand the biological functions of plant SDH, the evolutionary history of plant SDH genes and their phylogenetic relationship with the V. vinifera LIDH gene have not been characterized. Results A total of 92 SDH genes were identified from 42 angiosperm species. SDH genes have been highly duplicated within the Rosaceae family while monocot, Brassicaceae and most Asterid species exhibit singleton SDH genes. Core Eudicot SDHs have diverged into two phylogenetic lineages, now classified as SDH Class I and SDH Class II. V. vinifera LIDH was identified as a Class II SDH. Tandem duplication played a dominant role in the expansion of plant SDH family and Class II SDH genes were positioned in tandem with Class I SDH genes in several plant genomes. Protein modelling analyses of V. vinifera SDHs revealed 19 putative active site residues, three of which exhibited amino acid substitutions between Class I and Class II SDHs and were influenced by positive natural selection in the SDH Class II lineage. Gene expression analyses also demonstrated a clear transcriptional divergence between Class I and Class II SDH genes in V. vinifera and Citrus sinensis (orange). Conclusions Phylogenetic, natural selection and synteny analyses provided strong support for the emergence of SDH Class II by positive natural selection after tandem duplication in the common ancestor of core Eudicot plants. The substitutions of three putative active site residues might be responsible for the unique enzyme activity of V. vinifera LIDH, which belongs to SDH Class II and represents a novel function of SDH in V. vinifera that may be true also of other Class II SDHs. Gene expression analyses also supported the divergence of SDH Class II at the expression level. This study will facilitate future research into understanding the biological functions of plant SDHs.Other UBCReviewedFacult

    Divide and conquer! Data-mining tools and sequential multivariate analysis to search for diagnostic morphological characters within a plant polyploid complex (Veronica subsect. Pentasepalae, Plantaginaceae)

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    Long-lived coupled peeling ballooning modes preceding ELMs on JET

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    In some JET discharges, type-I edge localised modes (ELMs) are preceded by a class of low-frequency oscillations (Perez et al 2004 Nucl. Fusion 44 609). While in many cases the ELM is triggered during the growth phase of this oscillation, it is also observed that this type of oscillation can saturate and last for several tens of ms until an ELM occurs. In order to identify the nature of these modes, a wide pre-ELM oscillation database, including detailed pedestal profile information, has been assembled and analysed in terms of MHD stability parameters. The existence domain of these pre-ELM oscillations and the statistical distribution of toroidal mode numbers (n) up to n = 16 have been mapped in ballooning alpha (alpha(ball)) and either edge current density (J(edge)) or pedestal collisionality (nu(ee,ped)*) coordinates and compared to linear MHD stability predictions. The pre-ELM oscillations are reliably observed when the J/alpha ratio is high enough for the pedestal to access the coupled peeling-ballooning (PB) domain (aka stability nose). Conversely, when the pedestal is found to be in or near the high-n ballooning domain (which is at low J/alpha ratio), ELMs are usually triggered promptly, i.e. with no detectable pre-ELM oscillations, or with pre-ELM oscillations only observable on ECE whose n appears to be too high to be resolved by the magnetics. Individual discharges can sometimes exhibit a fairly wide range of pre-ELM mode numbers, but for a wider database, the statistical n-number domains are found to be well ordered along the J - alpha stability boundary and behave as expected from PB theory: the higher the J/alpha ratio, the lower the mode's measured n tends to be. Within the measurement uncertainties, the measured n is usually found to be compatible with the most unstable n predicted by the linear stability code MISHKA1. These results confirm the earlier hypothesis that these modes are coupled peeling-ballooning modes, and extend and generalise to higher-mode numbers the work by Huysmans et al (1998 Nucl. Fusion 38 179), who identified the lowest n modes as pure external kink modes. Since the destabilisation of PB modes is widely accepted to give rise to ELMs, the mode saturation and delayed ELM triggering that is sometimes observed is rather unexpected. Possibilities to reconcile the extended lifetime of these modes with current ELM models are briefly discussed, but will require further investigation

    Diagnostic of fast-ion energy spectra and densities in magnetized plasmas

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    The measurement of the energy spectra and densities of alpha-particles and other fast ions are part of the ITER measurement requirements, highlighting the importance of energy-resolved energetic-particle measurements for the mission of ITER. However, it has been found in recent years that the velocity-space interrogation regions of the foreseen energetic-particle diagnostics do not allow these measurements directly. We will demonstrate this for gamma-ray spectroscopy (GRS), collective Thomson scattering (CTS), neutron emission spectroscopy and fast-ion D-alpha spectroscopy by invoking energy and momentum conservation in each case, highlighting analogies and differences between the different diagnostic velocity-space sensitivities. Nevertheless, energy spectra and densities can be inferred by velocity-space tomography which we demonstrate using measurements at JET and ASDEX Upgrade. The measured energy spectra agree well with corresponding simulations. At ITER, alpha-particle energy spectra and densities can be inferred for energies larger than 1.7 MeV by velocity-space tomography based on GRS and CTS. Further, assuming isotropy of the alpha-particles in velocity space, their energy spectra and densities can be inferred by 1D inversion of spectral single-detector measurements down to about 300 keV by CTS. The alpha-particle density can also be found by fitting a model to the CTS measurements assuming the alpha-particle distribution to be an isotropic slowing-down distribution