190 research outputs found

    Buenos Aires, entre Eros y Tánatos. La prostitución como amenaza disgénica (1930-1955)

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    El presente trabajo explora el discurso médico-legal construido en Buenos Aires durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX en torno a la prostitución femenina. A partir de los significativos paralelismos entablados por entonces entre cuerpos prostituidos, enfermedad y delito, se ahonda sobre los diversos recursos ideológicos que sustentaron las, a veces disímiles, políticas articuladas en pos del control del comercio sexual, haciendo particular hincapié en el análisis de la estigmatización sociocultural y, en consecuencia, también jurídica, de las mujeres «de mala vida» de la cual, claro está, quedaban empero exentos los hombres que utilizaban sus servicios. En este orden, cabe recordar que la emblemática capital de Argentina se había constituido ya hacia fines del siglo XIX en un polo de trata de blancas con reconocimiento internacional. Sobre esta circunstancia, evidentemente cierta, se estructuraron planteos xenófobos vinculados a la participación judía en las organizaciones de proxenetas que resultaron funcionales al fortalecimiento de actitudes hostiles hacia lo «diverso»; y donde la medicina y el derecho aportaron insumos fundamentales para un enfoque hipersimplificado de la compleja problemática de la servidumbre sexual

    Buenos Aires, entre Eros y Tánatos. La prostitución como amenaza disgénica (1930-1955)

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    El presente trabajo explora el discurso médico-legal construido en Buenos Aires durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX en torno a la prostitución femenina. A partir de los significativos paralelismos entablados por entonces entre cuerpos prostituidos, enfermedad y delito, se ahonda sobre los diversos recursos ideológicos que sustentaron las, a veces disímiles, políticas articuladas en pos del control del comercio sexual, haciendo particular hincapié en el análisis de la estigmatización sociocultural y, en consecuencia, también jurídica, de las mujeres «de mala vida» de la cual, claro está, quedaban empero exentos los hombres que utilizaban sus servicios. En este orden, cabe recordar que la emblemática capital de Argentina se había constituido ya hacia fines del siglo XIX en un polo de trata de blancas con reconocimiento internacional. Sobre esta circunstancia, evidentemente cierta, se estructuraron planteos xenófobos vinculados a la participación judía en las organizaciones de proxenetas que resultaron funcionales al fortalecimiento de actitudes hostiles hacia lo «diverso»; y donde la medicina y el derecho aportaron insumos fundamentales para un enfoque hipersimplificado de la compleja problemática de la servidumbre sexual.ANPCyT (PICT-2007-01559)CONICET (PIP 114-200801-00065)HAR2010-21333-C03-CO3, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España

    La biotipología en el pronatalismo argentino (1930-1983)

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    The goal of this paper consists in the revision of argentinean pronatalist ideas of the period 1930-1983 and so doing, in evaluating the influences that they received from Nicola Pende's Biotypology. This subject, derived from Francis Galton's Eugenics, was usefull to autoritarian systems so it was very well accepted for the eugenic orthodoxy of Mussolini's Italy, Franco's Spain and the Argentina of those years. Around it, politics and demographers articu-lated a thomist speech with prominent emphasis in the promotion of a "selected natality".El objetivo central del presente trabajo consiste en revisar las propuestas pronatalistas argentinas del período 1930-1983 y evaluar las influencias que recibieran de la Biotipología de Nicola Pende. Esta disciplina, derivada de la Eugenesia de Francis Galton y funcional a regímenes autoritarios, tuvo gran aceptación en la ortodoxia eugénica de la Italia de Mussolini, la España de Franco y la Argentina de aquellos años. En torno a ella se articuló un discurso demográfico de claro sesgo tomista en el cual el fomento de la "natalidad seleccionada" fue, como veremos, uno de sus aspectos más destacados

    La antorcha de Cupido: eugenesia, biotipología y eugamia en Argentina, 1930-1970

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    The goal of this work is to prove —through the legal analyse of matrimonial institution— the coercitivity that characterized to Argentine Eugenics and its reformulation «from the left to the right» from 1930, with the appointment of its more influential intellectuals to Biotipology. This «science» was systematized by the fascist Italian physician, Nicola Pende, and it was adopted, too, in the «Spain of Franco» by the military psychiatrist, Antonio Vallejo Nágera. That coercitivity was instrumented for legitimate classification, hierarchization and exclusion politics but it’s ignored, yet, by local historiography. It says that the catholic influence had a moderating function of «authoritarian » or «Anglo-Saxon» Eugenics. We’ll see, on the contrary, that the «Latin Eugenics» didn’t represent a soft modality of the politics of «betterment of race» orchestrated at the beginning of the XX century in the United States of America and in Germany, but it was the theoretical reason of a similar pseudoscientific delirium headed by Mussolini and quickly accepted in a country of South America.El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar, valiéndonos del análisis de la regulación normativa de la institución matrimonial, la fuerte carga de coercitividad que caracterizó a la Eugenesia argentina y a su reformulación «derechizada», hacia los años 30, mediante la adscripción de intelectuales fuertemente influyentes en la política local a la Biotipología, «ciencia» sistematizada por el médico fascista italiano Nicola Pende y adoptada también en la España franquista por el psiquiatra militar Antonio Vallejo Nágera. Coercitividad que siendo legalmente instrumentada para legitimar políticas de clasificación, jerarquización y exclusión es historiográficamente relativizada, al atribuirse a la influencia católica una función moderadora de las formulaciones eugénicas autoritarias, normalmente identificadas bajo el rótulo de «anglosajonas». Veremos, por el contrario, que la «Eugenesia latina» no representó una modalidad suavizada de las políticas de «mejora de la raza» orquestadas desde comienzos del siglo XX en Estados Unidos y luego en la Alemania nazi, sino que constituyó el fundamento teórico de un análogo delirio pseudocientífico encabezado por Mussolini y rápidamente institucionalizado en un país de Sudamérica

    Sobre consejos y decálogos: homologías discursivas entre la eugenesia prematrimonial argentina y la estadounidense

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    The fundamental objective of this paper is to disinter —as a contribution to the history of ideas— unpublished homologies between American and Argentine eugenic discourses, through two emblematic figures in two contexts: the biologist Paul Bowman Popenoe (in the United States) and the lawyer Carlos Hermenegildo Bernaldo de Quirós (in Argentina). It seeks to give visibility to certain ideological confluences between “hard” and “soft” eugenics from the analysis of the linked biopolitical strategies of partner choice and family preservation devised by these representatives of the scientific elite in their respective countries.El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo consiste en exhumar —desde un aporte de la historia de las ideas— homologías inéditas entre discursos eugénicos estadounidenses y argentinos, a través de dos figuras emblemáticas en sendos contextos: el biólogo Paul Bowman Popenoe (por Estados Unidos) y el abogado Carlos Hermenegildo Bernaldo de Quirós (por Argentina). Se propone, así, dar visibilidad a ciertas confluencias ideológicas entre la hardeugenics y la soft-eugenics, a partir del análisis de las estrategias biopolíticas vinculadas de elección de pareja y conservación de la familia, ideadas por aquellos referentes de la elite científica de sus respectivos países

    Boreholes plans optimization methodology combining geostatistical simulation and simulated annealing

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    Nowadays, the prospection plans have the difficult task of ensuring a more complete and rich characterization of the rock mass for the purpose of optimizing costs and increasing safety in geotechnical projects. Currently, boreholes location and depth are mainly defined based on experience and know-how of professionals, as such, it is user-dependent. Hence, there is a lack of methodologies to help the decision-makers in defining the optimal location of boreholes (with relevant information). Therefore, this paper presents a methodology based on the use of geostatistical conditional simulation allied to a stochastic global optimization algorithm (Simulated Annealing) to develop optimized boreholes plans comparing a uni-objective and a multi-criteria optimization approaches. In this work, the optimized location is considered the one that minimizes uncertainty translated by either the average local variance or the average width of 95% probability intervals of simulated values at unsampled locations. This methodology was applied using preliminary information obtained from previously executed boreholes using as variable the empirical rock mass classification system, Rock Mass Rating, in a Chilean deposit.This research is inserted in LNEC project named P2I-RockGeoStat and was partially funded by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal) in the scope of project PEst-UID/CEC/00319/2013, included in ISISE project UID/ECl/04029/2013 as well as the PhD grant SFRH/BD/89627/2012, and by the Chilean Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, through Project CONICYT PIA Anillo ACT1407.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Borehole plan optimization in rock masses using geostatistical simulation

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    The economical and safety aspects related with geotechnical engineering, in detail with prospecting works, are significant and increasingly complex. Therefore, optimizing costs that simultaneously guarantee the quantity and quality of information to characterize the rock mass are, nowadays, one of the most important factors in underground works. The borehole plans, normally defined using the knowhow of a professional, imply large costs in the geotechnical industry, thus this paper presents a new methodology allowing the optimization of such plans. This methodology allies geostatistical techniques (turning bands simulation to model rock mass properties like the Rock Mass Rating or RMR) with a stochastic global optimization algorithm, Simulated Annealing (SA). It relies on sparse information about RMR and randomly generates new points that intend to represent possible locations for additional boreholes. Furthermore, SA is adapted to perform the optimization of a set of points with different depth coordinates in order to represent the reality of the mechanical boreholes, where the information is obtained along the hole. Considering the number of additional boreholes to drill, SA finds a global solution minimizing an objective function, which aims at quantifying the uncertainty on RMR at locations without information. An application to a gold mine deposit located in Chile is finally presented in order to illustrate and validate the methodology.Agência de Desenvolvimento Económico do Chile através do projeto Innova Chile-CORFO 11IDL2-10630Comissão Científica e Tecnológica de Investigação chilena através dos projetos CONICYT / FONDECYT / REGULAR / N°1130085 e CONICYT PIA Anillo ACT 1407P2I-RockGeoStat do LNE

    SQI – Indice d’évaluation des talus rocheux

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    In this work, an empirical system was developed to obtain a quality index for rock slopes in road infrastructures, named Slope Quality Index (SQI), and it was applied to a set of real slopes. The SQI is supported in nine factors affecting slope stability that contemplate the evaluation of different parameters. Consequently, each factor is classified by degree of importance and influence by assigned weights. These weights were established through a statistical analysis of replies to a survey that was distributed to several experienced professionals in the field. The proposed SQI varies between 1 and 5, corresponding to slopes in very good and very bad condition state, respectively. Besides the advantage linked to a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of slopes, the SQI also allows identifying the most critical factors on the slope stability, which is a fundamental issue for an efficient management of the slope network in the road infrastructure, namely in the planning of conservation and maintenance operations.Dans ce travail, un système empirique a été développé pour obtenir un indice de qualité pour des talus rocheux dans les infrastructures routières, nommée Indice de la qualité de talus (SQI), et il a été appliqué à un talus réel. L'SQI est pris en charge par neuf facteurs qui influent la stabilité des talus qui envisagent l'évaluation des paramètres différents. Par conséquent, chaque facteur est classé par degré d'importance et d'influence au travers des poids. Ces pondérations ont été établies par une analyse statistique des réponses à un sondage qui a été distribué à plusieurs professionnels du domaine scientifique. L'SQI varie entre 1 et 5, correspondant à talus en très bon et très mauvais état de condition, respectivement. Plus de l'avantage lié à une évaluation quantitative et qualitative des talus, l'SQI permet également d'identifier les facteurs les plus critiques sur la stabilité des talus, ce qui est une question fondamentale pour une gestion efficace du réseau des talus dans l'infrastructure routière, notamment dans la planification de les opérations de conservation et d'entretien.(undefined

    Use of markov chain in slope degradation prediction

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    Neste trabalho é apresentada uma proposta de modelo para a previsão da degradação de taludes de escavação em rocha. O modelo proposto foi desenvolvido recorrendo a cadeias de Markov, em particular a uma abordagem Markoviana sem memória. O modelo parte de um índice de qualidade que é atribuído ao talude em fase de exploração, o qual varia entre 1 e 5, e prevê a sua evolução ao longo do tempo. O modelo proposto caracteriza-se pela não necessidade do conhecimento do historial do talude, permitindo, assim, estimar o estado de condição de um dado talude ao longo do tempo, conhecendo apenas o seu estado atual. Esta característica representa uma mais-valia nas atuais condições de historial disponível sobre o estado de condição de taludes ao longo do tempo. De facto, o modelo proposto foi desenvolvido sobre uma base de dados sintética, a qual procurou refletir o mais fielmente possível a realidade. Os resultados obtidos, os quais representam a primeira iteração no desenvolvimento de um modelo de previsão do estado de condição de taludes durante a sua fase de exploração, mostram que será possível modelar o processo de degradação de taludes de escavação em rocha com relativa fiabilidade utilizando uma abordagem Markoviana.In this paper, a novel approach for rock slope degradation prediction is proposed based on a continuetime Markov chain. The proposed model is based on a quality index determined during a field inspection, which range between 1 and 5, and then predict the slope degradation over time. Taking advantage of the Markov property, that is the memoryless, the proposed model is able to predict the next state only based on the current state, not depending on the sequence of events that preceded it. This feature represents an important issue in the actual conditions, since currently there is no information related to the slope degradation process. Indeed, the proposed model is supported on a synthetic database that tried to simulate as well as possible the real slope degradation process over time. The achieved results, which represent a first iteration towards the development of a predictive model for rock slope degradation process during its exploration phase, show that the use of Markov chains can lead to reliable results.AdI – Innovation Agenc