585 research outputs found


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    Nanoparticle bound nucleic acid probes for DNA detection and gene inactivation

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    In this project, a gold nanoparticle system has been developed that is able to detect SNP variations through a DNA based anthracene probe. A second probe is bound to the gold nanoparticle which allows the fluorescent output of the anthracene probe to be normalized. This allows the detection of SNP variations without the need for an initial reading, opening the possibility for using this system for cellular SNP identification. Through this work a new method for coating gold nanoparticles in oligonucleotides has been developed. In further work, the use of gold nanoparticles to deliver siRNA into cells and induce gene inactivation was investigated. Efforts to improve the knockdown efficiency of these siRNA-gold nanoparticles were made by integrating a second probe onto the nanoparticle surface, non-specific effects were observed upon addition of this second probe

    Targeted disruption of melanin biosynthesis genes in the human pathogenic fungus Lomentospora prolificans and its consequences for pathogen survival

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    PublishedArticleThe dematiaceous (melanised) fungus Lomentospora (Scedosporium) prolificans is a life-threatening opportunistic pathogen of immunocompromised humans, resistant to anti-fungal drugs. Melanin has been shown to protect human pathogenic fungi against antifungal drugs, oxidative killing and environmental stresses. To determine the protective role of melanin in L. prolificans to oxidative killing (H2O2), UV radiation and the polyene anti-fungal drug amphotericin B, targeted gene disruption was used to generate mutants of the pathogen lacking the dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN)-melanin biosynthetic enzymes polyketide synthase (PKS1), tetrahydroxynapthalene reductase (4HNR) and scytalone dehydratase (SCD1). Infectious propagules (spores) of the wild-type strain 3.1 were black/brown, whereas spores of the PKS-deficient mutant ΔLppks1::hph were white. Complementation of the albino mutant ΔLppks1::hph restored the black-brown spore pigmentation, while the 4HNR-deficient mutant ΔLp4hnr::hph and SCD-deficient mutant ΔLpscd1::hph both produced orange-yellow spores. The mutants ΔLppks1::hph and ΔLp4hnr::hph showed significant reductions in spore survival following H2O2 treatment, while spores of ΔLpscd1::hph and the ΔLppks1::hph complemented strain ΔLppks1::hph:PKS showed spore survivals similar to strain 3.1. Spores of the mutants ΔLp4hnr::hph and ΔLpscd1::hph and complemented strain ΔLppks1::hph:PKS showed spore survivals similar to 3.1 following exposure to UV radiation, but survival of ΔLppks1::hph spores was significantly reduced compared to the wild-type strain. Strain 3.1 and mutants ΔLp4hnr::hph and ΔLppks1::hph:PKS were resistant to amphotericin B while, paradoxically, the PKS1- and SCD1-deficient mutants showed significant increases in growth in the presence of the antifungal drug. Taken together, these results show that while melanin plays a protective role in the survival of the pathogen to oxidative killing and UV radiation, melanin does not contribute to its resistance to amphotericin B

    A lichen protected by a super-hydrophobic and breathable structure

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    A species of lichen, Lecanora conizaeoides, is shown to be super-hydrophobic. It uses a combination of hydrophobic compounds and multi-layered roughness to shed water effectively. This is combined with gas channels to produce a biological analogue of a waterproof, breathable garment. The particular lichen grows mostly during wet seasons and is unusually resistant to acid rain [Hauck, M., 2003. The Bryotogist 106(2), 257-269; Honegger, R., 1998. Lichenologist 30(3),193-212]. The waterproof, breathable surface allows this lichen to photosynthesise when other species are covered with a layer of water. In addition, rainwater runs off the surface of the organism, reducing its intake of water from above and probably contributing to its resistance to acid rain

    Gene Modification Strategies to Induce Tumor Immunity

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    The immune system provides an attractive option for use in cancer therapy. Our increasing understanding of the molecular events important in the generation of an effective immune response presents us with the opportunity to manipulate key genes to boost the immune response against cancer. Genetic modification is being employed to enhance a range of immune processes including antigen presentation, activation of specific T cells, and localization of immune effectors to tumors. In this review, we describe how many diverse cell types, including dendritic cells, T cells, and tumor cells, are being modified with a variety of genes, including those encoding antigens, cytokines, and chemokines, in order to enhance tumor immunity

    Equipment for tunnel installation of main and insertion LHC cryo-magnet

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    The installation of about 1700 superconducting dipoles and quadrupoles in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is now well underway. The transport and installation of the LHC cryo-magnets in the LEP tunnels originally designed for smaller, lighter LEP magnets have required development of completely new handling solutions. The severe space constraints combined with the long, heavy loads have meant that solutions had to be very sophisticated. The paper describes the procedure of the installation of the main cryo-magnets in the arc as well as the more specific insertion cryo-magnets. The logistics for the handling and transport are monitored with tri-axial acceleration monitoring devices that are installed on each cryo-magnet to ensure their mechanical and geometric integrity. These dynamic results are commented. The paper includes conclusions and some lessons learne

    A Review of Current and Future Weather Data for Building Simulation

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    This article provides the first comprehensive assessment of methods for the creation of weather variables for use in building simulation. We undertake a critical analysis of the fundamental issues and limitations of each methodology and discusses new challenges, such as how to deal with uncertainty, the urban heat island, climate change and extreme events. Proposals for the next generation of weather files for building simulation are made based on this analysis. A seven-point list of requirements for weather files is introduced and the state-of-the-art compared to this via a mapping exercise. It is found that there are various issues with all current and suggested approaches, but the two areas most requiring attention are the production of weather files for the urban landscape and files specifically designed to test buildings against the criteria of morbidity, mortality and building services system failure

    Conidial Morphogenesis and Septin-Mediated Plant Infection Require Smo1, a Ras GTPase-Activating Protein in Magnaporthe oryzae

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    The pathogenic life cycle of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae involves a series of morphogenetic changes, essential for its ability to cause disease. The smo mutation was identified > 25 years ago, and affects the shape and development of diverse cell types in M. oryzae, including conidia, appressoria, and asci. All attempts to clone the SMO1 gene by map-based cloning or complementation have failed over many years. Here, we report the identification of SMO1 by a combination of bulk segregant analysis and comparative genome analysis. SMO1 encodes a GTPase-activating protein, which regulates Ras signaling during infection-related development. Targeted deletion of SMO1 results in abnormal, nonadherent conidia, impaired in their production of spore tip mucilage. Smo1 mutants also develop smaller appressoria, with a severely reduced capacity to infect rice plants. SMO1 is necessary for the organization of microtubules and for septin-dependent remodeling of the F-actin cytoskeleton at the appressorium pore. Smol physically interacts with components of the Ras2 signaling complex, and a range of other signaling and cytoskeletal components, including the four core septins. SMO1 is therefore necessary for the regulation of RAS activation required for conidial morphogenesis and septin-mediated plant infection

    Three agonist antibodies in combination with high-dose IL-2 eradicate orthotopic kidney cancer in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Combination immunotherapies can be effective against subcutaneous tumors in mice but the effect against orthotopic malignant disease is less well characterized. In particular, a combination of three agonist antibodies, termed Tri-mAb, consisting of anti-DR5, anti-CD40 and anti-CD137 has previously been demonstrated to eradicate a large proportion of subcutaneous renal cell carcinoma (Renca) tumors (75% long-term survival), but the effect against orthotopic disease is not known.</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>To determine the relative response of orthotopic tumors, we inoculated Renca into the kidney followed by treatment with Tri-mAb.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that orthotopic tumors responded much less to treatment (~13% survival), but a significant improvement in survival was achieved through the addition of IL-2 to the treatment regimen (55% survival). All three agonist antibodies and high dose IL-2, 100,000 IU for up to six doses, were required. CD8<sup>+ </sup>T cells were also required for optimal anti-tumor responses. Coadministration of IL-2 led to enhanced T cell activity as demonstrated by an increased frequency of IFN-gamma-producing T cells in tumor-draining lymph nodes, which may have contributed to the observed improvement of therapy against kidney tumors.</p> <p>Implications</p> <p>Responses of subcutaneous tumors to immunotherapy do not necessarily reflect how orthotopic tumors respond. The use of combination immunotherapy stimulating multiple facets of immunity and including cytokine support for T cells can induce effective anti-tumor responses against orthotopic and metastatic tumors.</p
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