390 research outputs found

    Improving inpatient postnatal services: midwives views and perspectives of engagement in a quality improvement initiative

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    Background: despite major policy initiatives in the United Kingdom to enhance women's experiences of maternity care, improving in-patient postnatal care remains a low priority, although it is an aspect of care consistently rated as poor by women. As part of a systems and process approach to improving care at one maternity unit in the South of England, the views and perspectives of midwives responsible for implementing change were sought. Methods: a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) approach was adopted to support a systems and process change to in-patient care and care on transfer home in a large district general hospital with around 6000 births a year. The CQI approach included an initial assessment to identify where revisions to routine systems and processes were required, developing, implementing and evaluating revisions to the content and documentation of care in hospital and on transfer home, and training workshops for midwives and other maternity staff responsible for implementing changes. To assess midwifery views of the quality improvement process and their engagement with this, questionnaires were sent to those who had participated at the outset. Results: questionnaires were received from 68 (46%) of the estimated 149 midwives eligible to complete the questionnaire. All midwives were aware of the revisions introduced, and two-thirds felt these were more appropriate to meet the women's physical and emotional health, information and support needs. Some midwives considered that the introduction of new maternal postnatal records increased their workload, mainly as a consequence of colleagues not completing documentation as required. Conclusions: this was the first UK study to undertake a review of in-patient postnatal services. Involvement of midwives at the outset was essential to the success of the initiative. Midwives play a lead role in the planning and organisation of in-patient postnatal care and it was important to obtain their feedback on whether revisions were pragmatic and achieved anticipated improvements in care quality. Their initial involvement ensured priority areas for change were identified and implemented. Their subsequent feedback highlighted further important areas to address as part of CQI to ensure best quality care continues to be implemented. Our findings could support other maternity service organisations to optimise in-patient postnatal services

    Lack of efficacy of blueberry in nutritional prevention of azoxymethane-initiated cancers of rat small intestine and colon

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Blueberries may lower relative risk for cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. Previous work indicated an inhibitory effect of consumed blueberry (BB) on formation of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in colons of male Fisher F344 rats (inbred strain). However, effects of BB on colon tumors and in both genders are unknown.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined efficacy of BB in inhibition of azoxymethane (AOM)-induced colon ACF and intestine tumors in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats (outbred strain). Pregnant rats were fed a diet with or without 10% BB powder; progeny were weaned to the same diet as their dam and received AOM as young adults.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Male and female rats on control diet had similar numbers of ACF at 6 weeks after AOM administration. BB increased (<it>P </it>< 0.05) ACF numbers within the distal colon of female but not male rats. There was a significant (<it>P </it>< 0.05) diet by gender interaction with respect to total colon ACF number. Colon and duodenum tumor incidences were less in females than males at 17 weeks after AOM. BB tended (0.1 > <it>P </it>> 0.05) to reduce overall gastrointestinal tract tumor incidence in males, however, tumor incidence in females was unaffected (<it>P </it>> 0.1) by BB. There was a tendency (0.1 > <it>P </it>> 0.05) for fewer adenocarcinomas (relative to total of adenomatous polyps plus adenocarcinomas) in colons of female than male tumor-bearing rats; in small intestine, this gender difference was significant (<it>P </it>< 0.05). BB favored (<it>P </it>< 0.05) fewer adenocarcinomas and more adenomatous polyps (as a proportion of total tumor number) in female rat small intestine.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results did not indicate robust cancer-preventive effects of BB. Blueberry influenced ACF occurrence in distal colon and tumor progression in duodenum, in gender-specific fashion. Data indicate the potential for slowing tumor progression (adenomatous polyp to adenocarcinoma) by BB.</p

    Parents’ experiences of caring for a young person with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1): a qualitative study

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    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a variable and unpredictable genetic condition that can lead to changes to an individual’s appearance. Research has started to explore children’s and young people’s experiences of living with the condition; however, there is a lack of research with parents. This exploratory qualitative study set out to examine parents’ experiences of caring for a young person with NF1. Seven parents took part in semi structured interviews which were subjected to a thematic analysis. Three key themes were identified which related to managing the uncertainty of the condition, the impact of an altered appearance, and others’ awareness and understanding of NF1. Parents felt that understanding NF1 themselves in order to support their child was beneficial whilst a perceived lack of understanding by others was cited as a significant challenge. Parents require trustworthy information and also more widely call for greater understanding and awareness of the condition

    An audit and feedback intervention for reducing antibiotic prescribing in general dental practice:the RAPiD Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Acknowledgments: We thank the TRiaDS Research Methodology Group, including Irene Black, Debbie Bonetti, Heather Cassie, Martin Eccles, Sandra Eldridge, Jill J. Francis, Jeremy M. Grimshaw, Lorna Macpherson, Lorna McKee, Susan Michie, Nigel Pitts, Derek Richards, Douglas Stirling, Colin Tilley, Carole Torgerson, Shaun Treweek, Luke Vale, and Alan Walker for their guidance and contribution to the design and development of the study. We also thank Maria Prior for overseeing the running of the study, drafting of the published protocol, and her contribution to the design and analysis of the process evaluation. Thanks are also extended to Jill Farnham, Jenny Eades, Sarah Blackburn, and Lorna Barnsley for providing invaluable administrative support for this study. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and may not reflect those of the funder. Funding: This study was conducted as part of the TRiaDS programme of implementation research which is funded by NHS Education for Scotland (NES). The Health Services Research Unit which is funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates supported the study. The funder had no influence over the design, conduct, analysis and write up of the study. Data Availability: Researchers can request to access the data from the Information Services Division of NHS National Services Scotland http://www.isdscotland.org/. Some restrictions may apply for the protection of privacy and appropriate usage of the data.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Barnase as a New Therapeutic Agent Triggering Apoptosis in Human Cancer Cells

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    RNases are currently studied as non-mutagenic alternatives to the harmful DNA-damaging anticancer drugs commonly used in clinical practice. Many mammalian RNases are not potent toxins due to the strong inhibition by ribonuclease inhibitor (RI) presented in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells.In search of new effective anticancer RNases we studied the effects of barnase, a ribonuclease from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, on human cancer cells. We found that barnase is resistant to RI. In MTT cell viability assay, barnase was cytotoxic to human carcinoma cell lines with half-inhibitory concentrations (IC(50)) ranging from 0.2 to 13 microM and to leukemia cell lines with IC(50) values ranging from 2.4 to 82 microM. Also, we characterized the cytotoxic effects of barnase-based immunoRNase scFv 4D5-dibarnase, which consists of two barnase molecules serially fused to the single-chain variable fragment (scFv) of humanized antibody 4D5 that recognizes the extracellular domain of cancer marker HER2. The scFv 4D5-dibarnase specifically bound to HER2-positive cells and was internalized via receptor-mediated endocytosis. The intracellular localization of internalized scFv 4D5-dibarnase was determined by electronic microscopy. The cytotoxic effect of scFv 4D5-dibarnase on HER2-positive human ovarian carcinoma SKOV-3 cells (IC(50) = 1.8 nM) was three orders of magnitude greater than that of barnase alone. Both barnase and scFv 4D5-dibarnase induced apoptosis in SKOV-3 cells accompanied by internucleosomal chromatin fragmentation, membrane blebbing, the appearance of phosphatidylserine on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, and the activation of caspase-3.These results demonstrate that barnase is a potent toxic agent for targeting to cancer cells

    Second primary malignancies after treatment for malignant lymphoma

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    To determine the incidence and possible causes of second primary malignancies after treatment for Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL and NHL). A cohort of 3764 consecutive patients diagnosed with HL or NHL between January 1970 and July 2001 was identified using the Sheffield Lymphoma Group database. A search was undertaken for all patients diagnosed with a subsequent primary malignancy. Two matched controls were identified for each case. Odds ratios were calculated to detect and quantify any risk factors in the cases compared to their matched controls. Mean follow-up for the cohort was 5.2 years. A total of 68 patients who developed second cancers at least 6 months after their primary diagnosis were identified, giving a crude incidence of 1.89% overall: 3.21% among the patients treated for HL, 1.32% in those treated for NHL. Most common were bronchial, breast, colorectal and haematological malignancies. High stage at diagnosis almost reached statistical significance in the analysis of just the NHL patients (odds ratio=3.48; P=0.068) after adjustment for other factors. Treatment modality was not statistically significant in any analysis. High stage at diagnosis of NHL may be a risk factor for developing a second primary cancer

    What is psychiatry? Co-producing complexity in mental health

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    What is psychiatry? Such a question is increasingly important to engage with in light of the development of new diagnostic frameworks that have wide-ranging and international clinical and societal implications. I suggest in this reflective essay that β€˜psychiatry' is not a singular entity that enjoins consistent forms of critique along familiar axes; rather, it is a heterogeneous assemblage of interacting material and symbolic elements (some of which endure, and some of which are subject to innovation). In underscoring the diversity of psychiatry, I seek to move towards further sociological purchase on what remains a contested and influential set of discourses and practices. This approach foregrounds the relationships between scientific knowledge, biomedical institutions, social action and subjective experience; these articulations co-produce both psychiatry and each other. One corollary of this emphasis on multiplicity and incoherence within psychiatric theory, research and practice, is that critiques which elide this complexity are rendered problematic. Engagements with psychiatry are, I argue, best furthered by recognising its multifaceted nature

    Increased Membrane Cholesterol in Lymphocytes Diverts T-Cells toward an Inflammatory Response

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    Cell signaling for T-cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis is initiated in the cholesterol-rich microdomains of the plasma membrane known as lipid rafts. Herein, we investigated whether enrichment of membrane cholesterol in lipid rafts affects antigen-specific CD4 T-helper cell functions. Enrichment of membrane cholesterol by 40–50% following squalene administration in mice was paralleled by an increased number of resting CD4 T helper cells in periphery. We also observed sensitization of the Th1 differentiation machinery through co-localization of IL-2RΞ±, IL-4RΞ±, and IL-12RΞ²2 subunits with GM1 positive lipid rafts, and increased STAT-4 and STAT-5 phosphorylation following membrane cholesterol enrichment. Antigen stimulation or CD3/CD28 polyclonal stimulation of membrane cholesterol-enriched, resting CD4 T-cells followed a path of Th1 differentiation, which was more vigorous in the presence of increased IL-12 secretion by APCs enriched in membrane cholesterol. Enrichment of membrane cholesterol in antigen-specific, autoimmune Th1 cells fostered their organ-specific reactivity, as confirmed in an autoimmune mouse model for diabetes. However, membrane cholesterol enrichment in CD4+ Foxp3+ T-reg cells did not alter their suppressogenic function. These findings revealed a differential regulatory effect of membrane cholesterol on the function of CD4 T-cell subsets. This first suggests that membrane cholesterol could be a new therapeutic target to modulate the immune functions, and second that increased membrane cholesterol in various physiopathological conditions may bias the immune system toward an inflammatory Th1 type response

    A Kinome-wide screen identifies a CDKL5-SOX9 regulatory axis in epithelial cell death and kidney injury

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    Β© 2020, The Author(s). Renal tubular epithelial cells (RTECs) perform the essential function of maintaining the constancy of body fluid composition and volume. Toxic, inflammatory, or hypoxic-insults to RTECs can cause systemic fluid imbalance, electrolyte abnormalities and metabolic waste accumulation- manifesting as acute kidney injury (AKI), a common disorder associated with adverse long-term sequelae and high mortality. Here we report the results of a kinome-wide RNAi screen for cellular pathways involved in AKI-associated RTEC-dysfunction and cell death. Our screen and validation studies reveal an essential role of Cdkl5-kinase in RTEC cell death. In mouse models, genetic or pharmacological Cdkl5 inhibition mitigates nephrotoxic and ischemia-associated AKI. We propose that Cdkl5 is a stress-responsive kinase that promotes renal injury in part through phosphorylation-dependent suppression of pro-survival transcription regulator Sox9. These findings reveal a surprising non-neuronal function of Cdkl5, identify a pathogenic Cdkl5-Sox9 axis in epithelial cell-death, and support CDKL5 antagonism as a therapeutic approach for AKI
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