4,040 research outputs found

    High-efficiency transduction of spinal cord motor neurons by intrauterine delivery of integration-deficient lentiviral vectors

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    Integration-deficient lentiviral vectors (IDLVs) are promising gene delivery tools that retain the high transduction efficiency of standard lentiviral vectors, yet fail to integrate as proviruses and are instead converted into episomal circles. These episomes are metabolically stable and support long-term expression of transgenes in non-dividing cells, exhibiting a decreased risk of insertional mutagenesis. We have embarked on an extensive study to compare the transduction efficiency of IDLVs pseudotyped with different envelopes (vesicular stomatitis, Rabies, Mokola and Ross River viral envelopes) and self-complementary adeno-associated viral vectors, serotype-9 (scAAV-9) in spinal cord tissues after intraspinal injection of mouse embryos (E16). Our results indicate that IDLVs can transduce motor neurons (MNs) at extremely high efficiency regardless of the envelope pseudotype while scAAV9 mediates gene delivery to ~40% of spinal cord motor neurons, with other non-neuronal cells also transduced. Long-term expression studies revealed stable gene expression at 7months post-injection. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that IDLVs may be efficient tools for in utero cord transduction in therapeutic strategies such as for treatment of inherited early childhood neurodegenerative diseases

    Role of IL-28B polymorphisms in virologic response to combined pegylated interferon and ribavirin therapy in genotype 4 chronic HCV infected patients with and without cirrhosis

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    Background: Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) represents one of the common causes of chronic liver disease worldwide with Egypt having the highest prevalence, namely genotype 4. The rs12979860 CC genotype of the interleukin 28B (IL28B) polymorphisms is associated with high rates of sustained virological response to pegylated interferon and ribavirin in HCV genotype-1 patients. Data on other genotypes are more limited.Objective: We aim to evaluate the predictive power of the rs12979860 IL28B single nucleotide  polymorphisms for treatment response at 3 and 6 months in chronic HCV genotype 4 Egyptian patients in relation to other predictors.Patients and methods: The study included 60 chronic HCV Egyptian patients receiving pegylated interferon and ribavirin therapy. Patients were classified into 2 groups; 30 patients with compensated cirrhosis, and 30 patients without cirrhosis. We analyzed selected pretreatment factors such as age, sex, HCV viral load, anti-schistosomal antibodies, insulin resistance, alpha fetoprotein, low and high density lipoproteins and single nucleotide polymorphisms of IL28B and tried to find out which of them influence sustained virological response.Results: In univariate analysis, CC genotype showed a significant association with sustained virological response at 6 months among the cirrhotic patients (81.8% responders had the CC genotype, 58.3% had the CT/TT genotype) (p= 0.009). While in multivariate analysis, the presenceKEYWORDS: HCV; IL28B; Polymorphism; Interferon; Schistosomiasis; Respons

    Knowledge, attitudes, and willingness of healthcare workers in Iraq’s Kurdistan region to vaccinate against human monkeypox: a nationwide cross-sectional study

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    Although human monkeypox infections had not been recorded in the Kurdistan region of Iraq as of August 2023, the rapid growth of cases worldwide and the detection of monkeypox in neighboring Middle Eastern nations call for careful planning and timely response measures. Educating and empowering frontline healthcare workers (HCWs) so that they can act to curb the spread of monkeypox infections are core elements of primary prevention and protecting public health. Therefore, this study aimed to assess HCWs’ knowledge and attitudes about monkeypox and their willingness to vaccinate against monkeypox. By employing a convenience sampling method, an online survey was disseminated via Google Forms between 1 November 2022 and 15 January 2023. The researchers utilized regression analyses to ascertain the factors associated with the three parameters: knowledge, attitude, and the willingness to vaccinate. A total of 637 HCWs were included in the analysis (ages ranged between 21 and 51 years). The mean overall scores were 8.18 of a max score of 16 (SD 3.37), 3.4 of 5 (SD 1.37), and 2.41 of 5 (SD 1.25) for knowledge, attitude, and willingness to vaccinate, respectively. A multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that HCWs who had heard about monkeypox before 2022 rather than later had a higher level of knowledge (AOR: 4.85; 95% CI: 2.81–8.36; p < 0.001). In addition, those who had newly joined the workforce or had less than 1 year experience in practice had more positive attitudes about curbing monkeypox (AOR: 0.35; 95% CI: 0.20–0.59; p < 0.01) than those who practiced for longer. No significant predictors of willingness to vaccinate against monkeypox were identified. The research revealed that HCWs exhibited a relatively low level of monkeypox knowledge. They also had poor attitudes towards monkeypox vaccination and were therefore reluctant to receive the vaccines. Imparting knowledge about the infectious disease can cultivate better awareness and attitudes among HCWs as to their roles in mitigating the spread of an epidemic in the foreseeable future

    Turbulent energy motion of fiber suspensions in a rotating frame

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    Turbulent flows play a major role in many fields of science and industry. Noticeable attention is seen on turbulent flows of suspending fibers because of the sensitivity of the electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of the connecting fiber composites to the spatial configuration and orientation of fibers. The involvement of fibers in the turbulent flow greatly affects the turbulent energy. It is more influenced when the turbulent flow occurs in a rotating system. The effect of fibers on the turbulent energy in the rotating frame must therefore be investigated. For turbulent energy with fiber suspension, a mathematical model can be built in a rotating system that is very important to enhance the quality of industrial goods. This paper, therefore, develops a mathematical model for turbulent energy motion in a rotating frame with a fiber suspension. The model was formulated using the averaging procedure. The momentum equation for incompressible and viscous fluid turbulent flow was considered to develop the model. The turbulent energy motion of the fiber suspensions was presented in the rotating frame in second-order correlation tensors,, and, where all the tensors are the function of time, distance, and space coordinates

    A large-scale study of a poultry trading network in Bangladesh: implications for control and surveillance of avian influenza viruses

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    Since its first report in 2007, avian influenza (AI) has been endemic in Bangladesh. While live poultry marketing is widespread throughout the country and known to influence AI dissemination and persistence, trading patterns have not been described. The aim of this study is to assess poultry trading practices and features of the poultry trading networks which could promote AI spread, and their potential implications for disease control and surveillance. Data on poultry trading practices was collected from 849 poultry traders during a cross-sectional survey in 138 live bird markets (LBMs) across 17 different districts of Bangladesh. The quantity and origins of traded poultry were assessed for each poultry type in surveyed LBMs. The network of contacts between farms and LBMs resulting from commercial movements of live poultry was constructed to assess its connectivity and to identify the key premises influencing it

    Isothermal Recombinase Polymerase amplification (RPA) of Schistosoma haematobium DNA and oligochromatographic lateral flow detection

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    © 2015 Rosser et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. The attached file is the published version of the article

    Fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (FAFLP) genotyping demonstrates the role of biofilm-producing methicillin-resistant periocular Staphylococcus epidermidis strains in postoperative endophthalmitis

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    BACKGROUND: An observational case series was used to study the virulence characteristics and genotypes of paired Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates cultured from intraocular samples and from periocular environment of patients with postcataract surgery endophthalmitis. METHODS: Eight S. epidermidis isolates were obtained from three patients (2 from patients #1 and 2 and 4 from patient #3) whose vitreous and/or anterior chamber (AC) specimens and preoperative lid/conjunctiva samples were culture positive. Cultures were identified by API-Staph phenotypic identification system and genotypically characterized by Fluorescent Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (FAFLP) and checked for their antimicrobial susceptibility. The isolates were tested for biofilm-production and methicillin-resistance (MR) by PCR amplification of icaAB and mecA gene respectively. RESULTS: Four out of eight S. epidermidis strains showed multiple drug resistance (MDR). All the eight strains were PCR positive for mecA gene whereas seven out of eight strains were positive for icaAB genes. In all three patients FAFLP typing established vitreous isolates of S. epidermidis strains to be indistinguishable from the strains isolated from the patient's conjunctival swabs. However, from patient number three there was one isolate (1030b from lid swab), which appeared to be nonpathogenic and ancestral having minor but significant differences from other three strains from the same patient. This strain also lacked icaAB gene. In silico analysis indicated possible evolution of other strains from this strain in the patient. CONCLUSION: Methicillin-resistant biofilm positive S. epidermidis strains colonizing the conjunctiva and eyelid were responsible for postoperative endophthalmitis (POE)
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