3 research outputs found


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    The modernist architecture is strongly presented in the urban scenery of Irati-PR. Such movement arrived to this town from 1950`s, what indicates a certain temporal delay, considering that this movement was booming in 1920`s in large urban centers. The base of this research is the dialectic relationship between local and global scales, in order to show the ways that a globalized movement wields local influence, mixing to individuals` life and establishing a glocal culture. The focus of this research is the modernist living space in which are analyzed twelve single-familiy residences built from 1950s to 1970s, that was projected by Eduardo Posfaldo, a local professional that strongly presented lecorbusioan influence. In these are observed modernist architectonic elements, such as pans de verre, platibands and pilotis. The living machine, that was largely discussed in the modernist movement, has its space linked to practicality, and the beauty of its frontages is allied to the functionality of the interior rooms. Based on the analysis of these habitations, it is possible to establish that they follow a pattern in the distribution of the intern spaces, privileging the private spaces followed by the social ones. Furthermore, it was found singularities in the modernist architecture of Irati-Pr, such as the use of wood in frontage details, and the presence of integrated professional spaces in some cases

    O “espaço de morar” na arquitetura moderna: reflexões a partir de quatro residências de Irati – PR / The “dwelling space” in modern architecture: reflections on four residential buildings in Irati – Paraná (Brazil)

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    Este artigo analisa o 'espaço de morar' influenciado pelo movimento modernista na cidade de Irati – PR, enfatizando seu aspecto espacial. A análise ocorre a partir de quatro residências unifamiliares construídas durante a década de 1950, projetadas por Eduardo Posfaldo, profissional local. Nestas são observados elementos arquitetônicos característicos do modernismo, como os pans de verr e pilotis. Valorizando-se as linhas retas, o 'espaço de morar' é concebido de forma racionalista. A partir da análise destas habitações, foi constatado que estas ocupam um percentual relativamente pequeno (31%) de seus lotes, o que permite inferir a importância das áreas verdes e jardins nesta modalidade de 'espaço de morar'. No interior das habitações, a ênfase em termos de área está nos espaços íntimos (28,5%), seguidos dos espaços sociais (26%). Um aspecto singular encontrado em Irati é o compartilhamento do 'espaço de morar' com o 'espaço profissional'