756 research outputs found

    Produção sazonal de óleo essencial em uma população natural de Piper aduncum L. em Adrianópolis - PR.

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a produção sazonal de óleo essencial em uma população natural de Piper aduncum L. no município de Adrianópolis - PR

    Optimization and economic evaluation of pressurized liquid extraction of phenolic compounds from jabuticaba skins

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    AbstractThe optimization of the extraction of anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds from jabuticaba skins, a promising Brazilian source of these compounds, was studied using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE). An optimization study was performed using ethanol as a solvent and with extraction pressure (5–10MPa), temperature (313–393K) and static extraction time (3–15min) as independent variables. The optimum PLE conditions for all response variables were estimated; however, PLE conditions resulting in the highest recovery of anthocyanins (5MPa, 553K and 9min of static extraction time) were chosen for comparison with a conventional low-pressure solvent extraction (LPSE). The attributes compared were yield, content of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds and economic feasibility. Similar extraction yields were obtained by LPSE and PLE under optimized conditions; however 2.15 and 1.66-fold more anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds, respectively, were extracted using PLE, while the cost of manufacturing (COM) obtained for the PLE extract was 40-fold lower

    Teores e conteúdo de NPK em folhas de alfavaca-cravo em função da adubação orgânica e épocas de corte.

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    Estudou-se o efeito da adubação orgânica e épocas de corte nos teores e extração de NPK em alfavaca-cravo nas condições de Botucatu - SP. Utilizou-se 04 doses de esterco de poedeira curtido (tratamentos principais) e 04 épocas de corte (outono, inverno e primavera do ano de 2001 e verão de 2002)

    Produção de biomassa, rendimento de óleo essencial e teor de timol em alecrim - pimenta, em função da adubação orgânica.

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    O objetivo deste foi avaliar cinco doses de esterco de galinha curtido (0; 1,5; 3,0; 4,5 e 6,0 kg/m2) na produção de biomassa, rendimento de óleo essencial e constituintes químicos deste óleo

    Análise Retrospetiva Sobre a Utilização em Contexto Real do Ranibizumab em Doentes com Degenerescência Macular da Idade Exsudativa em Portugal

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    INTRODUCTION: Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy has revolutionized the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration; however, it is important to monitor actual use of ranibizumab and related treatment outcomes in routine practice. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a retrospective, observational study to monitor the 2-year outcomes following ranibizumab treatment for wet age-related macular degeneration in Portugal. Patients treated between January 2009 and December 2009 were retrospectively evaluated. All decisions were made by the treating physician in accordance with their usual routine clinical practice. The primary assessment was mean change in visual acuity score using Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study or Snellen equivalent. RESULTS: A total of 128 patients with wet age-related macular degeneration were analyzed (mean age 79.4 years; mean visual acuity score 54.2 letters). Mean change in visual acuity score from baseline was -1.6 letters (n = 82) at year one and -5.1 letters (n = 72) at year two. The mean number of ranibizumab injections was 3.8 (year one) and 1.6 (year two). On average, patients attended 8.6 and 5.0 visits and optical coherence tomography was used in 75.0% of patients in year one and in 56.3% of patients in year two, respectively. DISCUSSION: Despite a relatively high number of visits, including monitoring visits and use of optical coherence tomography - guided therapy, few injections were administered and visual acuity was not improved. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that as-needed treatment resulted in under-dosing in a real-life setting in Portugal. Such limitations may also be related to increasing numbers of patients, resulting in clinic saturation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Caracterização geoquímica e isotópica de depósitos sedimentares vulcanogénicos do Ordovícico Inferior do Sinclinal de Moncorvo, Nordeste de Portugal

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    Os ambientes geodinâmicos extensionais na Zona Centro Ibérica, durante o Ordovícico Inferior, favoreceram a ocorrência de episódios vulcânicos. No sinclinal de Moncorvo há evidências desses episódios, preservados sob a forma de depósitos sedimentares vulcanogénicos intercalados em metassedimentos da Formação Marão. Estes depósitos são essencialmente constituídos por quartzo, mas também contêm moscovite, fosfatos da série lazulite - scorzalite, zircão, monazite, raros opacos e turmalina. Embora os depósitos se apresentem recristalizados e com foliação metamórfica penetrativa, a sua granulometria fina, espessura (< 40 cm) e mineralogia sugerem que corresponderiam a depósitos de cinzas distais, com afinidade riodacítica, envolvendo a mistura com materiais detríticos. A datação U-Pb, obtida por ID-TIMS em zircão, indica uma idade preliminar de formação de 484.5 ± 3.0 Ma. Os elevados teores em alguns elementos incompatíveis, a razão CaO/Na2O de 0.33 a 1.77, perfis de REE com (La/Lu)N = 3.37 a 7.96 e discreta anomalia negativa de Eu, valores de (87Sr/86Sr)i t variáveis entre 0.71156 e 0.71304 e -10.8 e -10.0, respectivamente, indicam que os materiais vulcânicos teriam resultado da fusão parcial de metassedimentos semelhantes aos do Grupo do Douro e equivalentes do n orte da Zona Centro Ibérica. Porém, o envolvimento de processos sedimentares terá tido uma influência significativa na geoquímica elementar e isotópica destas rochas.The extensional geodynamic conditions in the Central Iberian Zone, during Lower Ordovician, were favorable to the occurrence of volcanic episodes. At the syncline of Moncorvo there are evidences of those episodes, which occur in the form of volcanogenic sedimentary deposits interbedded in the metasediments of Marão Formation. These deposits are mainly composed of quartz, but also contain muscovite, phosphates of the lazulite-scorzalite series, zircon, monazite, rare opaques and tourmaline. Despite the recrystallization and metamorphic foliation overprint, the fine -grained texture, the thickness (< 40 cm) and mineralogy of the deposits suggest that they correspond to distal ash -fall layers, with rhyodacitic to dacitic affinity, involving mixing with detrital materials. The U-Pb zircon dating, obtained by ID-TIMS, indicates a preliminary formation age of 484.5 ± 3.0 Ma. The high contents of some incompatible elements, the CaO/Na2O ratio between 0.33 and 1.77, the REE pattern with (La / Lu)N = 3.37 to 7.96 and slight negative Eu anomaly,(87Sr/86Sr)i and Ndt values variable between 0.71156 and 0.71304 and -10.8 and -10.0, respectively, indicate that the volcanogenic materials were derived from partial melting of metasediments similar to those of Douro Group and equivalents from northern Central Iberian Zone. However, the involvement of sedimentary processes may have had significant influence on elemental and isotopic geochemistry of these rocks

    Community structure informs species geographic distributions

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Public Library of Science via the DOI in this recordUnderstanding what determines species’ geographic distributions is crucial for assessing global change threats to biodiversity. Measuring limits on distributions is usually, and necessarily, done with data at large geographic extents and coarse spatial resolution. However, survival of individuals is determined by processes that happen at small spatial assembly processes occurring at small scales, and are often available for relatively extensive areas, so could be useful for explaining species distributions. We demonstrate that Bayesian Network Inference (BNI) can overcome several challenges to including community structure into studies of species distributions, despite having been little used to date. We hypothesized that the relative abundance of coexisting species can improve predictions of species distributions. In 1570 assemblages of 68 Mediterranean woody plant species we used BNI to incorporate community structure into Species Distribution Models (SDMs), alongside environmental information. Information on species associations improved SDM predictions of community structure and species distributions moderately, though for some habitat specialists the deviance explained increased by up to 15%. We demonstrate that most species associations (95%) were positive and occurred between species with ecologically similar traits. This suggests that SDM improvement could be because species co-occurrences are a proxy for local ecological processes. Our study shows that Bayesian Networks, when interpreted carefully, can be used to include local conditions into measurements of species’ large-scale distributions, and this information can improve the predictions of species distributionsThis work was funded by FCT Project “QuerCom” (EXPL/AAG-GLO/2488/2013) and the ERA-Net BiodivERsA project “EC21C” (BIODIVERSA/0003/2011). A.M.N. was supported by a Bolsa de Investigacao de Pos-doutoramento (BI_Pos-Doc_UEvora_Catedra Rui Nabeiro_EXPL_AAG-GLO_2488_2013) and postdoctoral fellowships from the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (FPDI-2013-16266 and IJCI‐2015‐23498). MGM acknowledges support by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme (FORECOMM). J. Vicente is supported by POPH/FSE funds and by National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology under the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) through Post-doctoral grant SFRH/BPD/84044/2012. AE has a postdoctoral contract funded by the project CN-17-022 (Principado de Asturias, Spain). We are grateful to OneGeology for providing the geological data