369 research outputs found

    Half-BPS quotients in M-theory: ADE with a twist

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    We classify Freund-Rubin backgrounds of eleven-dimensional supergravity of the form AdS_4 x X^7 which are at least half BPS; equivalently, smooth quotients of the round 7-sphere by finite subgroups of SO(8) which admit an (N>3)-dimensional subspace of Killing spinors. The classification is given in terms of pairs consisting of an ADE subgroup of SU(2) and an automorphism defining its embedding in SO(8). In particular we find novel half-BPS quotients associated with the subgroups of type D_n (for n>5), E_7 and E_8 and their outer automorphisms.Comment: 16 pages; V2: notational inconsistencies addressed, final version to be published in JHE

    Evaluation of the cardiovascular effects of vasicine, an alkaloid isolated from the leaves of Sida cordifolia L. (Malvaceae)

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    The cardiovascular effects of vasicine, an alkaloid isolated from the leaves of Sida cordifolia L., were evaluated in this work. In non-anaesthetized rats (n=6), vasicine (1, 2.5, 5 and 10 mg/kg; i.v., randomly) induced hypotension associated with an intense bradycardia. Both responses were completely abolished after atropine (2mg/Kg; i.v.) and attenuated after hexamethonium (20 mg/Kg; i.v.). In isolated rat mesenteric artery rings, vasicine (0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100 and 300 μg/mL, cumulatively) induced concentration-dependent relaxation of phenylephrine-induced tone (IC50= 3.8±0.9 μg/mL; n = 6). In conclusion, the results show that vasicine produce hypotension and bradycardia which appears to be due to the stimulation of cardiac muscarinic receptors (directly and/or indirectly), and by a decrease of the peripheral resistances

    Conformal topological Yang-Mills theory and de Sitter holography

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    A new topological conformal field theory in four Euclidean dimensions is constructed from N=4 super Yang-Mills theory by twisting the whole of the conformal group with the whole of the R-symmetry group, resulting in a theory that is conformally invariant and has two conformally invariant BRST operators. A curved space generalisation is found on any Riemannian 4-fold. This formulation has local Weyl invariance and two Weyl-invariant BRST symmetries, with an action and energy-momentum tensor that are BRST-exact. This theory is expected to have a holographic dual in 5-dimensional de Sitter space.Comment: 34 pages, AMSTex, Reference adde

    Spacetime Virasoro algebra from strings on zero radius AdS_3

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    We study bosonic string theory in the light-cone gauge on AdS_3 spacetime with zero radius of curvature (in string units) R/\sqrt{\alpha^\prime}=0. We find that the worldsheet theory admits an infinite number of conserved quantities which are naturally interpreted as spacetime charges and which form a representation of (two commuting copies of) a Virasoro algebra. Near the boundary of AdS_3 these charges are found to be isomorphic to the infinite set of asymptotic Killing vectors of AdS_3 found originally by Brown and Henneaux. In addition to the spacetime Virasoro algebra, there is a worldsheet Virasoro algebra that generates diffeomorphisms of the spatial coordinate of the string worldsheet. We find that if the worldsheet Virasoro algebra has a central extension then the spacetime Virasoro algebra acquires a central extension via a mechanism similar to that encountered in the context of the SL(2,R) WZW model.Our observations are consistent with a recently proposed duality between bosonic strings on zero radius AdS_d+1 and free field theory in d dimensions.Comment: 23 pages, uses JHEP.cls. References adde

    Metric 3-Lie algebras for unitary Bagger-Lambert theories

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    We prove a structure theorem for finite-dimensional indefinite-signature metric 3-Lie algebras admitting a maximally isotropic centre. This algebraic condition indicates that all the negative-norm states in the associated Bagger-Lambert theory can be consistently decoupled from the physical Hilbert space. As an immediate application of the theorem, new examples beyond index 2 are constructed. The lagrangian for the Bagger-Lambert theory based on a general physically admissible 3-Lie algebra of this kind is obtained. Following an expansion around a suitable vacuum, the precise relationship between such theories and certain more conventional maximally supersymmetric gauge theories is found. These typically involve particular combinations of N=8 super Yang-Mills and massive vector supermultiplets. A dictionary between the 3-Lie algebraic data and the physical parameters in the resulting gauge theories will thereby be provided.Comment: 38 page

    On the spectrum of AdS/CFT beyond supergravity

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    We test the spectrum of string theory on AdS_5 x S^5 derived in hep-th/0305052 against that of single-trace gauge invariant operators in free N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. Masses of string excitations at critical tension are derived by extrapolating plane-wave frequencies at g_{YM}=0 down to finite J. On the SYM side, we present a systematic description of the spectrum of single-trace operators and its reduction to PSU(2,2|4) superconformal primaries via a refined Eratostenes' supersieve. We perform the comparison of the resulting SYM/string spectra of charges and multiplicities order by order in the conformal dimension \Delta up to \Delta=10 and find perfect agreement. Interestingly, the SYM/string massive spectrum exhibits a hidden symmetry structure larger than expected, with bosonic subgroup SO(10,2) and thirty-two supercharges.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX2

    BRST approach to Lagrangian formulation for mixed-symmetry fermionic higher-spin fields

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    We construct a Lagrangian description of irreducible half-integer higher-spin representations of the Poincare group with the corresponding Young tableaux having two rows, on a basis of the BRST approach. Starting with a description of fermionic higher-spin fields in a flat space of any dimension in terms of an auxiliary Fock space, we realize a conversion of the initial operator constraint system (constructed with respect to the relations extracting irreducible Poincare-group representations) into a first-class constraint system. For this purpose, we find auxiliary representations of the constraint subsuperalgebra containing the subsystem of second-class constraints in terms of Verma modules. We propose a universal procedure of constructing gauge-invariant Lagrangians with reducible gauge symmetries describing the dynamics of both massless and massive fermionic fields of any spin. No off-shell constraints for the fields and gauge parameters are used from the very beginning. It is shown that the space of BRST cohomologies with a vanishing ghost number is determined only by the constraints corresponding to an irreducible Poincare-group representation. To illustrate the general construction, we obtain a Lagrangian description of fermionic fields with generalized spin (3/2,1/2) and (3/2,3/2) on a flat background containing the complete set of auxiliary fields and gauge symmetries.Comment: 41 pages, no figures, corrected typos, updated introduction, sections 5, 7.1, 7.2 with examples, conclusion with all basic results unchanged, corrected formulae (3.27), (7.138), (7.140), added dimensional reduction part with formulae (5.34)-(5.48), (7.8)-(7.10), (7.131)-(7.136), (7.143)-(7.164), added Refs. 52, 53, 54, examples for massive fields developed by 2 way

    Consistent interactions of dual linearized gravity in D=5: couplings with a topological BF model

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    Under some plausible assumptions, we find that the dual formulation of linearized gravity in D=5 can be nontrivially coupled to the topological BF model in such a way that the interacting theory exhibits a deformed gauge algebra and some deformed, on-shell reducibility relations. Moreover, the tensor field with the mixed symmetry (2,1) gains some shift gauge transformations with parameters from the BF sector.Comment: 63 pages, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    A New Three-Algebra Representation for the {\cal N}=6 su(N)Xsu(N) Superconformal Chern-Simons Theory

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    Based on the realization of three-algebras in terms of algebra of matrices and four-brackets [arXiv:0807.1570] we present the notion of u(N)-based extended three-algebras, which for N=2 reproduces the Bagger-Lambert three-algebra. Using these extended three-algebras we construct an su(N)\times su(N) Chern-Simons action with explicit SO(8) invariance. The dynamical fields of this theory are eight complex valued bosonic and fermionic fields in the bi-fundamental representation of the su(N)\times su(N). For generic N the fermionic transformations, however, close only on a subclass of the states of this theory onto the 3d, {\cal N}=6 superalgebra. In this sector we deal with four complex valued scalars and fermions, our theory is closely related to the ABJM model [arXiv:0806.1218], and hence it can be viewed as the (low energy effective) theory of N M2-branes. We discuss that our three-algebra structure suggests a picture of open M2-brane stretched between any two pairs of M2-branes. We also analyze the BPS configurations of our model.Comment: 39 pages, 3 .eps figures, v2: References added, typos corrected, v3: typos corrected, an appendix added, the version to appear in JHE

    Higher Spin Symmetry and N=4 SYM

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    We assemble the spectrum of single-trace operators in free N=4 SU(N) SYM theory into irreducible representations of the Higher Spin symmetry algebra hs(2,2|4). Higher Spin representations or YT-pletons are associated to Young tableaux (YT) corresponding to representations of the symmetric group compatible with the cyclicity of color traces. After turning on interactions, YT-pletons decompose into infinite towers of representations of the superconformal algebra PSU(2,2|4) and anomalous dimensions are generated. We work out the decompositions of tripletons with respect to the N=4 superconformal algebra PSU(2,2|4) and compute their one anomalous dimensions at large N. We then focus on operators/states sitting in semishort superconformal multiplets. By passing them through a semishort-sieve that removes superdescendants, we derive compact expressions for the partition function of semishort primaries.Comment: 38 pages, no figures. v2: references adde
