22 research outputs found

    A gene-based SNP resource and linkage map for the copepod Tigriopus californicus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As yet, few genomic resources have been developed in crustaceans. This lack is particularly evident in Copepoda, given the extraordinary numerical abundance, and taxonomic and ecological diversity of this group. <it>Tigriopus californicus </it>is ideally suited to serve as a genetic model copepod and has been the subject of extensive work in environmental stress and reproductive isolation. Accordingly, we set out to develop a broadly-useful panel of genetic markers and to construct a linkage map dense enough for quantitative trait locus detection in an interval mapping framework for <it>T. californicus--</it>a first for copepods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>One hundred and ninety Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) were used to genotype our mapping population of 250 F<sub>2 </sub>larvae. We were able to construct a linkage map with an average intermarker distance of 1.8 cM, and a maximum intermarker distance of 10.3 cM. All markers were assembled into linkage groups, and the 12 linkage groups corresponded to the 12 known chromosomes of <it>T. californicus</it>. We estimate a total genome size of 401.0 cM, and a total coverage of 73.7%. Seventy five percent of the mapped markers were detected in 9 additional populations of <it>T. californicus</it>. Of available model arthropod genomes, we were able to show more colocalized pairs of homologues between <it>T. californicus </it>and the honeybee <it>Apis mellifera</it>, than expected by chance, suggesting preserved macrosynteny between Hymenoptera and Copepoda.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study provides an abundance of linked markers spanning all chromosomes. Many of these markers are also found in multiple populations of <it>T. californicus</it>, and in two other species in the genus. The genomic resource we have developed will enable mapping throughout the geographical range of this species and in closely related species. This linkage map will facilitate genome sequencing, mapping and assembly in an ecologically and taxonomically interesting group for which genomic resources are currently under development.</p

    A first AFLP-based genetic linkage map for brine shrimp Artemia franciscana and its application in mapping the sex locus

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    We report on the construction of sex-specific linkage maps, the identification of sex-linked markers and the genome size estimation for the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana. Overall, from the analysis of 433 AFLP markers segregating in a 112 full-sib family we identified 21 male and 22 female linkage groups (2n = 42), covering 1,041 and 1,313 cM respectively. Fifteen putatively homologous linkage groups, including the sex linkage groups, were identified between the female and male linkage map. Eight sex-linked AFLP marker alleles were inherited from the female parent, supporting the hypothesis of a WZ-ZZ sex-determining system. The haploid Artemia genome size was estimated to 0.93 Gb by flow cytometry. The produced Artemia linkage maps provide the basis for further fine mapping and exploring of the sex-determining region and are a possible marker resource for mapping genomic loci underlying phenotypic differences among Artemia species

    Coexisting Cyclic Parthenogens Comprise a Holocene Species Flock in Eubosmina

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    Background: Mixed breeding systems with extended clonal phases and weak sexual recruitment are widespread in nature but often thought to impede the formation of discrete evolutionary clusters. Thus, cyclic parthenogens, such as cladocerans and rotifers, could be predisposed to ‘‘species problems’ ’ and a lack of discrete species. However, species flocks have been proposed for one cladoceran group, Eubosmina, where putative species are sympatric, and there is a detailed paleolimnological record indicating a Holocene age. These factors make the Eubosmina system suitable for testing the hypotheses that extended clonal phases and weak sexual recruitment inhibit speciation. Although common garden experiments have revealed a genetic component to the morphotypic variation, the evolutionary significance of the morphotypes remains controversial. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present study, we tested the hypothesis of a single polymorphic species (i.e., mixing occurs but selection maintains genes for morphology) in four northern European lakes where the morphotypes coexist. Our evidence is based on nuclear DNA sequence, mitochondrial DNA sequence, and morphometric analysis of coexisting morphotypes. We found significant genetic differentiation, genealogical exclusivity, and morphometric differentiation for coexisting morphotypes. Conclusions: We conclude that the studied morphotypes represent a group of young species undergoing speciation wit

    Dispersal of the Ponto-Caspian amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus: Invasion waves from the Pleistocene to the present

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    The geographical range of the amphipod crustacean Echinogammarus ischnus has expanded over the past century from the Ponto-Caspian region to Western Europe, the Baltic Sea, and the Great Lakes of North America. The present study explores the phylogeographic patterns of this amphipod across its current distribution, based on an examination of nucleotide diversity in the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. Marked genetic divergence exists among populations of E. ischnus from the Black and Caspian Seas, as well as those from the drainage system of the Black Sea. This divergence suggests the prolonged geographic isolation of these native populations, reflecting the limited dispersal capability of E. ischnus. By contrast, invading populations are characterized by a lack of genetic variation; a single mitochondrial genotype of Black Sea origin has colonized sites from the Rhine River to North America. The dispersal pattern in E. ischnus is very similar to that in the Ponto-Caspian cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi. Despite their contrasting life history strategies, these invading species followed the same route of invasion from the northern Black Sea to the Baltic Sea region, and subsequently to North America

    Invasion genetics of a freshwater mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) in eastern Europe: High gene flow and multiple introductions

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    In recent years, the quagga mussel, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, native to the Dnieper and Bug Limans of the northern Black Sea, has been dispersed by human activities across the basin, throughout much of the Volga River system, and to the Laurentian Great Lakes. We used six published microsatellite markers to survey populations throughout its native and introduced range to identify relationships among potential source populations and introduced ones. Mussels from 12 sites in Eurasia, including the central Caspian Sea and one in North America (Lake Erie), were sampled. Field surveys in the Volga River basin suggested that the species first colonized the middle reach of the river near Kubyshev Reservoir, and thereafter spread both upstream and downstream. Evidence of considerable gene flow among populations was observed and genetic diversity was consistent with a larger, metapopulation that has not experienced bottlenecks or founder effects. We propose that high gene flow, possibly due to multiple invasions, has facilitated establishment of quagga mussel populations in the Volga River system. The Caspian Sea population (D. rostriformis rostriformis (= distincta)) was genetically more distinct than other populations, a finding that may be related to habitat differences. The geographical pattern of genetic divergence is not characteristic of isolation-by-distance but, rather, of long-distance dispersal, most likely mediated by commercial ships\u27 ballast water transfer. © 2005 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved