11 research outputs found

    Ecto-5′-nucleotidase and intestinal ion secretion by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli

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    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) triggers a large release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from host intestinal cells and the extracellular ATP is broken down to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), AMP, and adenosine. Adenosine is a potent secretagogue in the small and large intestine. We suspected that ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73, an intestinal enzyme) was a critical enzyme involved in the conversion of AMP to adenosine and in the pathogenesis of EPEC diarrhea. We developed a nonradioactive method for measuring ecto-5′-nucleotidase in cultured T84 cell monolayers based on the detection of phosphate release from 5′-AMP. EPEC infection triggered a release of ecto-5′-nucleotidase from the cell surface into the supernatant medium. EPEC-induced 5′-nucleotidase release was not correlated with host cell death but instead with activation of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC). Ecto-5′-nucleotidase was susceptible to inhibition by zinc acetate and by α,β-methylene-adenosine diphosphate (α,β-methylene-ADP). In the Ussing chamber, these inhibitors could reverse the chloride secretory responses triggered by 5′-AMP. In addition, α,β-methylene-ADP and zinc blocked the ability of 5′-AMP to stimulate EPEC growth under nutrient-limited conditions in vitro. Ecto-5′-nucleotidase appears to be the major enzyme responsible for generation of adenosine from adenine nucleotides in the T84 cell line, and inhibitors of ecto-5′-nucleotidase, such as α,β-methylene-ADP and zinc, might be useful for treatment of the watery diarrhea produced by EPEC infection

    Mutations of the Mouse ELMO Domain Containing 1 Gene (Elmod1) Link Small GTPase Signaling to Actin Cytoskeleton Dynamics in Hair Cell Stereocilia

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    Stereocilia, the modified microvilli projecting from the apical surfaces of the sensory hair cells of the inner ear, are essential to the mechanoelectrical transduction process underlying hearing and balance. The actin-filled stereocilia on each hair cell are tethered together by fibrous links to form a highly patterned hair bundle. Although many structural components of hair bundles have been identified, little is known about the signaling mechanisms that regulate their development, morphology, and maintenance. Here, we describe two naturally occurring, allelic mutations that result in hearing and balance deficits in mice, named roundabout (rda) and roundabout-2J (rda2J). Positional cloning identified both as mutations of the mouse ELMO domain containing 1 gene (Elmod1), a poorly characterized gene with no previously reported mutant phenotypes. The rda mutation is a 138 kb deletion that includes exons 1–5 of Elmod1, and rda2J is an intragenic duplication of exons 3–8 of Elmod1. The deafness associated with these mutations is caused by cochlear hair cell dysfunction, as indicated by conspicuous elongations and fusions of inner hair cell stereocilia and progressive degeneration of outer hair cell stereocilia. Mammalian ELMO-family proteins are known to be involved in complexes that activate small GTPases to regulate the actin cytoskeleton during phagocytosis and cell migration. ELMOD1 and ELMOD2 recently were shown to function as GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) for the Arf family of small G proteins. Our finding connecting ELMOD1 deficiencies with stereocilia dysmorphologies thus establishes a link between the Ras superfamily of small regulatory GTPases and the actin cytoskeleton dynamics of hair cell stereocilia

    Articular cartilage and changes in Arthritis: Cell biology of osteoarthritis

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    The reaction patterns of chondrocytes in osteoarthritis can be summarized in five categories: (1) proliferation and cell death (apoptosis); changes in (2) synthetic activity and (3) degradation; (4) phenotypic modulation of the articular chondrocytes; and (5) formation of osteophytes. In osteoarthritis, the primary responses are reinitiation of synthesis of cartilage macromolecules, the initiation of synthesis of types IIA and III procollagens as markers of a more primitive phenotype, and synthesis of active proteolytic enzymes. Reversion to a fibroblast-like phenotype, known as 'dedifferentiation', does not appear to be an important component. Proliferation plays a role in forming characteristic chondrocyte clusters near the surface, while apoptosis probably occurs primarily in the calcified cartilage

    How To Handle Speciose Clades? Mass Taxon-Sampling As A Strategy Towards Illuminating The Natural History Of Campanula (Campanuloideae)

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    Background Speciose clades usually harbor species with a broad spectrum of adaptive strategies and complex distribution patterns, and thus constitute ideal systems to disentangle biotic and abiotic causes underlying species diversification. The delimitation of such study systems to test evolutionary hypotheses is difficult because they often rely on artificial genus concepts as starting points. One of the most prominent examples is the bellflower genus Campanula with some 420 species, but up to 600 species when including all lineages to which Campanula is paraphyletic. We generated a large alignment of petD group II intron sequences to include more than 70% of described species as a reference. By comparison with partial data sets we could then assess the impact of selective taxon sampling strategies on phylogenetic reconstruction and subsequent evolutionary conclusions. Methodology/Principal Findings Phylogenetic analyses based on maximum parsimony (PAUP, PRAP), Bayesian inference (MrBayes), and maximum likelihood (RAxML) were first carried out on the large reference data set (D680). Parameters including tree topology, branch support, and age estimates, were then compared to those obtained from smaller data sets resulting from “classification-guided” (D088) and “phylogeny-guided sampling” (D101). Analyses of D088 failed to fully recover the phylogenetic diversity in Campanula, whereas D101 inferred significantly different branch support and age estimates. Conclusions/Significance A short genomic region with high phylogenetic utility allowed us to easily generate a comprehensive phylogenetic framework for the speciose Campanula clade. Our approach recovered 17 well-supported and circumscribed sub-lineages. Knowing these will be instrumental for developing more specific evolutionary hypotheses and guide future research, we highlight the predictive value of a mass taxon-sampling strategy as a first essential step towards illuminating the detailed evolutionary history of diverse clades.PubMedWoSScopu

    Comparative phylogeography of capitulate Campanula species from the Balkans, with description of a new species, C. daucoides

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    Capitulate inflorescence is a specific, strongly adaptive and rare feature in the genus Campanula. We studied morphologically eight capitulate Campanula taxa from the Balkans (1537 individuals/52 populations) and one more species from Caucasus at the molecular level (using chloroplast markers trnG(UCC)-trnS(GCU) and psbA-trnH, 130 individuals/58 populations) to assess their relations and evolutionary histories. Although all studied taxa were well circumscribed at both the morphological and molecular levels (except morphologically distinct but genetically invariable C. moesiaca which acquired its single haplotype via past cytoplasmic introgression from C. cervicaria), their relations inferred from the two datasets were incongruent possibly due to the homoplasy of morphological characters frequently reported in Campanula. Interspecific hybridization and introgression affected majority of studied species and may be more common in Campanula than previously thought. These processes, along with incomplete lineage sorting and retention of ancestral polymorphisms, hampered our phylogenetic reconstructions and prevented us to fully resolve species relations, and to support monophyletic origin of capitulate Campanula species. Nonetheless, several cryptic taxa were delineated, and C. daucoides was described as a new capitulate Campanula species. Different evolutionary histories and multiple glacial refugia were inferred for all species represented by multiple samples (except C. moesiaca). According to our dating, their speciation was in most cases triggered by various geo-historic events such as the uplift of the Alpide belt, Messinian Salinity Crisis, or desiccation of the Pannonian Sea/Pliocene Lakes from the central Balkans, while their further diversification was mainly driven by the onset of the Quaternary and cycles of glacials/interglacials

    If the cap fits, wear it: an overview of telomeric structures over evolution

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