14 research outputs found

    Competing charge transfer pathways at the photosystem II-electrode interface.

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    The integration of the water-oxidation enzyme photosystem II (PSII) into electrodes allows the electrons extracted from water oxidation to be harnessed for enzyme characterization and to drive novel endergonic reactions. However, PSII continues to underperform in integrated photoelectrochemical systems despite extensive optimization efforts. Here we carried out protein-film photoelectrochemistry using spinach and Thermosynechococcus elongatus PSII, and we identified a competing charge transfer pathway at the enzyme-electrode interface that short-circuits the known water-oxidation pathway. This undesirable pathway occurs as a result of photo-induced O2 reduction occurring at the chlorophyll pigments and is promoted by the embedment of PSII in an electron-conducting fullerene matrix, a common strategy for enzyme immobilization. Anaerobicity helps to recover the PSII photoresponse and unmasks the onset potentials relating to the QA/QB charge transfer process. These findings impart a fuller understanding of the charge transfer pathways within PSII and at photosystem-electrode interfaces, which will lead to more rational design of pigment-containing photoelectrodes in general.This work was supported by the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/H00338X/2 to E. Reisner), the U.K. Biology and Biotechnological Sciences Research Council (BB/K010220/1 to E. Reisner), a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (PIIF-GA-2012-328085 RPSII to J.J.Z.). N.P. was supported by the Winton Fund for the Physics of Sustainability. E. Romero. and R.v.G. were supported by the VU University Amsterdam, the Laserlab-Europe Consortium, the TOP grant (700.58.305) from the Foundation of Chemical Sciences part of NWO, the Advanced Investigator grant (267333, PHOTPROT) from the European Research Council, and the EU FP7 project PAPETS (GA 323901). R.v.G. gratefully acknowledges his `Academy Professor' grant from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). We would also like to thank Miss Katharina Brinkert and Prof A. William Rutherford for a sample of T. elongatus PSII, and H. v. Roon for preparation of the spinach PSII samples

    Role of leukotrienes in exercise-induced bronchoconstriction before and after a pilot rehabilitation training program

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    Ibrahim M El-Akkary,1 Zeinat Abdel-Fatah El-Khouly,2 Mervat El-Sayed El-Seweify,1 Gihan A El-Batouti,3 Ekhlas Abdel Aziz,2 Abdelnasser I Adam1 1Department of Human Physiology, 2Department of Applied Medical Chemistry, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, 3Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharos University, Alexandria, Egypt Background: Whatever the initial stimulus for the exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) observed in asthmatic patients after exercise, the final effect is release of bronchoactive mediators, especially cysteinyl leukotrienes. Exercise rehabilitation training programs have been reported to protect against EIB. The exact mechanism(s) involved are not well understood. However, this protective effect may be related to adaptation and better coordination during exercise, depletion of cysteinyl leukotrienes, and/or a sluggish cysteinyl leukotriene response to exercise. The aim of the present work was to test the hypothesis that improvement in the incidence and severity of post-exercise bronchoconstriction after a rehabilitation training program is related to a change in leukotriene levels in response to exercise. Methods: Twenty asthmatic children aged 6–12 years and known to develop EIB were enrolled in an exercise training program for 12 weeks. The severity and incidence of EIB before and after training was assessed. Baseline and post-exercise sputum cysteinyl leukotriene levels were assessed before and after the training program. Results: The training program offered significant protection against EIB with a concomitant decrease in sputum cysteinyl leukotriene levels in response to exercise. Conclusion: A training program can result in depletion and/or a sluggish cysteinyl leukotriene response to exercise and may be responsible for the protective effect of training programs on EIB. It is recommended to use an exercise rehabilitation training program as a complementary tool in the management of bronchial asthma, especially EIB. Keywords: asthma, leukotrienes, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, sputum, cysteinyl leukotriene, rehabilitation training progra