10 research outputs found

    A reformulation of the nonsmooth approaches of M. Fremond and JJ Moreau for rigid body dynamics

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    This paper deals with the nonsmooth dynamics of a rigid bodies system. The proposed theory is inspired by the formalism of J.J. Moreau and that ofM. Frémond and relies on the notion of percussion which is the integral of the contact force during the duration of the collision. Contrary to classical discrete element models, it is here assumed that percussions can be expressed as a function of only the velocity before the impact. This assumption is checked for the usual mechanical constitutive laws for collisions derived from a pseudopotential of dissipation or the Coulomb friction law. Motion equations are then reformulated takinginto account simultaneous collisions of solids. Amathematical study of the new model is presented: the existence and uniqueness of the solution are discussed according to the regularity of both the forces (Lebesgue-density occurring during the regular evolution of the system) and the percussions (Dirac-density describing the collision). In the light of the principles of thermodynamics, a condition on the internal percussion assuring that the collision is thermodynamically admissible, is established. Finally, an application of this new model to the motion of a systemof rigid disks, including simultaneous collisions is presented

    Discontinuous solutions in the optimal control problems and their representation by singular space-time transformations

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