111 research outputs found

    MAGNTY - Program for calculating velocities in magnified region of turbomachines

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    Computer program, MAGNFY, calculates the velocity distribution through the passage between and over blade surfaces of blade rows for turbines and compressors. Using the input of other programs, MAGNFY obtains velocities on smaller than normal finite difference mesh in any part of the blade-to-blade passage

    FORTRAN program for calculating compressible laminar and turbulent boundary layers in arbitrary pressure gradients

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    FORTRAN program for calculating compressible laminar and turbulent boundary layers in arbitrary pressure gradient

    FORTRAN program for computing coordinates of circular arc single and tandem turbomachinery blade sections on a plane

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    FORTRAN program for computing coordinates of circular arc single and tandem turbomachinery blade sections on plan

    The Face of my Sweet Marie : Castle Of Dreams

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    A study of an interracial neighbourhood in the south of Johannesburg, South Africa.

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    The study of contact and desegregation in post apartheid South Africa has not received adequate attention (Durrheim & Dixon, 2005b). Mondeor, a previously White populated suburb in the South of Johannesburg has been identified as being a racially diverse neighbourhood . By focusing on this suburb, the current study investigated whether or not residents interacted or mixed with members from other race groups and whether or not increased contact with members of different race groups in a residential neighbourhood would promote positive intergroup attitudes. Zones were identified for the purpose of this study whereby each Zone was predominantly comprised of a specific race group. Quantitative data was collected by means of distributing an intergroup attitude and contact questionnaire to the residents according to the zones in which they resided. A sample of N=197 respondents was obtained. The results indicated that there was generally no significant difference in contact for the Zones (racially exclusive zones and racially mixed zones), however, significant differences existed in levels of contact for the various race groups. In addition to this it was found that significant differences in contact existed for the various education levels of the respondents. As expected, a significant negative relationship (r = -0.16) was found to exist between contact and affective prejudice. In addition to these results, significant relationships were found to exist between affective prejudice and the following variables: Intergroup anxiety (r=0.37), and social distance (r=0.27). In conclusion, it was found that residents were not mixing as much as what was envisaged for a racially mixed neighbourhood. In addition to this, contact in and of itself was not found to be a predictive measure for affective prejudice. Thus, this finding lends support to Allport’s contact hypothesis making it clear that it is imperative to examine the nature of the contact as this may be pertinent in the promotion of the reduction of affective prejudice in intergroup contact situations

    A Reproducible Approach to the Assembly of Microcapillaries for Double Emulsion Production

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    Double emulsions attract considerable interest for their potential utility in applications as diverse as drug delivery, contrast agents, and compartmentalizing analytes for fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Microfluidic platforms provide a particularly elegant approach to generating these structures, but the construction of devices to provide reproducible and stable production of double emulsions remains challenging. PDMS-based systems require specialized surface treatments that are difficult to implement and lack long-term stability, and current glass microcapillary systems, while offering some advantages, lack flexible and reproducible methods for capillary alignment. This article describes a microcapillary-based approach that addresses these key challenges. Our approach utilizes translational stage elements and alignment end caps that are fixed in place once configured, rather than tightly fitting capillaries. This new approach enables alignment to within ± 10 µm and allows greater flexibility in choosing the dimensions of the capillary, which contributes to the size and stability of formation of the double emulsion. Importantly, it also allows the user to compensate for the deviations from ideal shape that occur in pulled glass capillaries, which has been a source of failure with previous methods. A detailed description of the critical design and operational parameters that affect double emulsion generation in these capillary microfluidic devices is provided

    Estudio de seguridad vial sobre el tramo de la carretera Tipitapa - Masaya Nic-11a, empalme petronic km 20+780 hasta el km 24 carretera Tipitapa - Masaya

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    Es una investigación dirigida a analizar las causas de los accidentes de tránsito ocurridos en este tramo urbano del municipio de Tipitapa y para esto se desarrollaron todos los análisis correspondientes para el estudio. A, (empalme Petronic km 20+780 hasta el km 24 carretera Tipitapa-Masaya

    Estimating and Modelling Bias of the Hierarchical Partitioning Public-Domain Software: Implications in Environmental Management and Conservation

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    BACKGROUND: Hierarchical partitioning (HP) is an analytical method of multiple regression that identifies the most likely causal factors while alleviating multicollinearity problems. Its use is increasing in ecology and conservation by its usefulness for complementing multiple regression analysis. A public-domain software "hier.part package" has been developed for running HP in R software. Its authors highlight a "minor rounding error" for hierarchies constructed from >9 variables, however potential bias by using this module has not yet been examined. Knowing this bias is pivotal because, for example, the ranking obtained in HP is being used as a criterion for establishing priorities of conservation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using numerical simulations and two real examples, we assessed the robustness of this HP module in relation to the order the variables have in the analysis. Results indicated a considerable effect of the variable order on the amount of independent variance explained by predictors for models with >9 explanatory variables. For these models the nominal ranking of importance of the predictors changed with variable order, i.e. predictors declared important by its contribution in explaining the response variable frequently changed to be either most or less important with other variable orders. The probability of changing position of a variable was best explained by the difference in independent explanatory power between that variable and the previous one in the nominal ranking of importance. The lesser is this difference, the more likely is the change of position. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: HP should be applied with caution when more than 9 explanatory variables are used to know ranking of covariate importance. The explained variance is not a useful parameter to use in models with more than 9 independent variables. The inconsistency in the results obtained by HP should be considered in future studies as well as in those already published. Some recommendations to improve the analysis with this HP module are given

    Emerging infectious disease implications of invasive mammalian species : the greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) is associated with a novel serovar of pathogenic Leptospira in Ireland

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    The greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) is an invasive mammalian species that was first recorded in Ireland in 2007. It currently occupies an area of approximately 7,600 km2 on the island. C. russula is normally distributed in Northern Africa and Western Europe, and was previously absent from the British Isles. Whilst invasive species can have dramatic and rapid impacts on faunal and floral communities, they may also be carriers of pathogens facilitating disease transmission in potentially naive populations. Pathogenic leptospires are endemic in Ireland and a significant cause of human and animal disease. From 18 trapped C. russula, 3 isolates of Leptospira were cultured. However, typing of these isolates by standard serological reference methods was negative, and suggested an, as yet, unidentified serovar. Sequence analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA and secY indicated that these novel isolates belong to Leptospira alstonii, a unique pathogenic species of which only 7 isolates have been described to date. Earlier isolations were limited geographically to China, Japan and Malaysia, and this leptospiral species had not previously been cultured from mammals. Restriction enzyme analysis (REA) further confirms the novelty of these strains since no similar patterns were observed with a reference database of leptospires. As with other pathogenic Leptospira species, these isolates contain lipL32 and do not grow in the presence of 8-azagunaine; however no evidence of disease was apparent after experimental infection of hamsters. These isolates are genetically related to L. alstonii but have a novel REA pattern; they represent a new serovar which we designate as serovar Room22. This study demonstrates that invasive mammalian species act as bridge vectors of novel zoonotic pathogens such as Leptospira