24,405 research outputs found

    AI management an exploratory survey of the influence of GDPR and FAT principles

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    As organisations increasingly adopt AI technologies, a number of ethical issues arise. Much research focuses on algorithmic bias, but there are other important concerns arising from the new uses of data and the introduction of technologies which may impact individuals. This paper examines the interplay between AI, Data Protection and FAT (Fairness, Accountability and Transparency) principles. We review the potential impact of the GDPR and consider the importance of the management of AI adoption. A survey of data protection experts is presented, the initial analysis of which provides some early insights into the praxis of AI in operational contexts. The findings indicate that organisations are not fully compliant with the GDPR, and that there is limited understanding of the relevance of FAT principles as AI is introduced. Those organisations which demonstrate greater GDPR compliance are likely to take a more cautious, risk-based approach to the introduction of AI

    Extremes Rainfall Events on Riparian Flora and Vegetation in the Mediterranean Basin: A Challenging but Completely Unexplored Theme

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    In a global climate change scenario "Extreme climatic events" are expected to widely affect flora and vegetation in Med-regions, especially "Extremes Rainfall Events" which will have impacts on riparian environments. Aiming to provide an in-depth picture on the effects of these events on the riparian flora and vegetation in the Mediterranean Basin, especially focusing on islands, a bibliographic search was performed in the main international databases, which led to 571 articles published from 2000 to 2021. Most studies have analyzed these phenomena from the climatic point of view identifying three main topics "Rainfall", "Global/Climate change", and "Flood". 81 papers concerned effects of extreme events on Mediterranean woodland formations and cultivated plants. A further analysis focused on European countries and Mediterranean bioregion using "Extreme rainfall events" and "Extreme rainfall and floods" as keywords. A low number of records relating to Mediterranean island regions was found, having Sicily as the study area. Moreover, seven articles had Sardinia as a study area, four of which referred to flora and vegetation. A lack of studies on the effects of extreme rainfall events on riparian flora and vegetation were highlighted. This review constitutes a call for researchers to explore extreme phenomena that have become recurrent in the Mediterranean Basin

    Dose-adapted post-transplant cyclophosphamide for HLA-haploidentical transplantation in Fanconi anemia.

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    We developed a haploidentical transplantation protocol with post-transplant cyclophosphamide (CY) for in vivo T-cell depletion (TCD) using a novel adapted-dosing schedule (25 mg/kg on days +3 and +4) for Fanconi anemia (FA). With median follow-up of 3 years (range, 37 days to 6.2 years), all six patients engrafted. Two patients with multiple pre-transplant comorbidities died, one from sepsis and one from sepsis with associated chronic GVHD. Four patients without preexisting comorbidities and early transplant referrals are alive with 100% donor chimerism and excellent performance status. We conclude that adjusted-dosing post-transplant CY is effective in in vivo TCD to promote full donor engraftment in patients with FA

    Impact of an educational intervention and clinical performance dashboard on neonatal bloodstream infections

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    Background. Blood cultures are the most direct method of detecting bacteraemia. Reducing contamination rates improves the specificity and positive predictive value of the blood culture. Clinical performance dashboards have been shown to be powerful tools in improving patient care and outcomes.Objectives. To determine whether prospective surveillance of bloodstream infections (BSIs), introduction of an educational intervention and the use of a clinical performance dashboard could reduce BSIs and blood culture contamination rates in a neonatal nursery.Methods. We compared two time periods, before and after an intervention. Blood culture data were extracted from the local microbiology laboratory database. The educational intervention included the establishment of hand-washing protocols, blood culture techniques and video tools. A clinical performance dashboard was developed to demonstrate the monthly positive blood culture and contamination rates, and this was highlighted and referred to weekly at the unit staff meeting.Results. Before the intervention, 1 460 blood cultures were taken; 206 (14.1%) were positive, of which 104 (7.1% of the total) were contaminants. In the period following the intervention, 1 282 blood cultures were taken; 131 (10.2%) were positive, of which 42 (3.3% of the total) were contaminants. The number of positive blood cultures and contamination rates after the intervention were both statistically significantly reduced (p=0.002 and p<0.001, respectively).Conclusion. This study demonstrates that adopting a relatively simple educational tool, making use of a clinical performance dashboard indicator and benchmarking practice can significantly reduce the level of neonatal sepsis while also reducing contaminated blood cultures

    Near-Field microscopy with phase sensitive coherent detection employing quantum cascade lasers

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    We demonstrate a novel architecture for a THz near-field probe, which enables coherent imaging with subwavelength spatial resolution using THz quantum cascade lasers. An InAs nanowire acting as a THz detector based on the field effect transistor concept is integrated inside a subwavelength input aperture of the near-field probe to detect intensity of the THz field and its phase. To determine the phase locally, the THz field is superimposed on the reference THz field incident on the aperture of the probe from the back side. In this configuration, the THz detector exhibits coherent gain and sensitivity to the relative phase between the local and the reference THz fields

    Les particularites de la hernie discale lombaire de l’adulte jeune (18-25 ans)

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    Buts La hernie discale lombaire est rare chez l’enfant et l’adolescent. Peu d’études ont été consacrées aux sujets de 18-25 ans. Nous avons voulu identifier d’éventuelles particularités de cette pathologie dans cette tranche d’âge à travers un échantillon pris en charge dans notre service. Matériels et méthodes Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective portant sur 52 patients colligés à l’hôpital de Grand Yoff et au CHU de Fann du 1er Avril 2004 au 31 Mars 2009. L’échantillon était représenté par des sujets de 18 à 25 ans, qui avaient consultés pour lomboradiculalgie avec mise en évidence au niveau de l’imagerie d’un conflit disco-radiculaire. Le suivi s’étalait de un mois à 48 mois. Résultats L’âge moyen était de 22,8 ans. On notait une prédominance masculine (86,5%). Les militaires représentaient 38,4%. La symptomatologie a été brutale dans 23,1% suite à un traumatisme. Le bilan radiologique retrouvait 6 cas de canal lombaire étroit et 6 cas d’anomalie transitionnelle associés à la hernie discale. On ne notait pas de signes de dégénérescence discale. L’étage L4-L5 était concerné dans 53,8%. Treize patients ont été opérés avec dans 46,2% des cas une disparition complète de la symptomatologie initiale à un an.Conclusion La hernie discale lombaire de l’adulte jeune est favorisée par les professions de force et les traumatismes du rachis lombaire. Le traitement doit être le plus conservateur que possible même si les résultats de la discectomie sont meilleurs que chez l’adulte plus âgé
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