43 research outputs found

    Comparison of potential growth rates of Ceratium hirundinella with observed population density changes

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    Ceratium hirundinella cells in Lake Constance divided during the second half of the night. Growth rates are calculated from the fraction of cells undergoing cell division. Potential growth rates are compared with observed changes in population density. The discrepancy between both is discussed as a possible function of fungal parasitism

    Lignin biomarkers as tracers of mercury sources in lakes water column

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    This study presents the role of specific terrigenous organic compounds as important vectors of mercury (Hg) transported from watersheds to lakes of the Canadian boreal forest. In order to differentiate the autochthonous from the allochthonous organic matter (OM), lignin derived biomarker signatures [Lambda, S/V, C/V, P/(V ? S), 3,5-Bd/V and (Ad/Al)v] were used. Since lignin is exclusively produced by terrigenous plants, this approach can give a non equivocal picture of the watershed inputs to the lakes. Moreover, it allows a characterization of the source of OM and its state of degradation. The water column of six lakes from the Canadian Shield was sampled monthly between June and September 2005. Lake total dissolved Hg concentrations and Lambda were positively correlated, meaning that Hg and ligneous inputs are linked (dissolved OM r2 = 0.62, p\0.0001; particulate OM r2 = 0.76, p\0.0001). Ratios of P/(V ? S) and 3,5-Bd/V from both dissolved OM and particulate OM of the water column suggest an inverse relationship between the progressive state of pedogenesis and maturation of the OM in soil before entering the lake, and the Hg concentrations in the water column. No relation was found between Hg levels in the lakes and the watershed flora composition—angiosperm versus gymnosperm or woody versus non-woody compounds. This study has significant implications for watershed management of ecosystems since limiting fresh terrestrial OM inputs should reduce Hg inputs to the aquatic systems. This is particularly the case for largescale land-use impacts, such as deforestation, agriculture and urbanization, associated to large quantities of soil OM being transferred to aquatic systems

    Executive function and IQ predict mathematical and attention problems in very preterm children

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    Objective of this study was to examine the impact of executive function (EF) on mathematical and attention problems in very preterm (gestational age ≤ 30 weeks) children. Participants were 200 very preterm (mean age 8.2 ± 2.5 years) and 230 term children (mean age 8.3 ± 2.3 years) without severe disabilities, born between 1996 and 2004. EFs assessed included verbal fluency, verbal working memory, visuospatial span, planning, and impulse control. Mathematics was assessed with the Dutch Pupil Monitoring System and parents and teachers rated attention problems using standardized behavior questionnaires. The impact of EF was calculated over and above processi

    Tyrosine kinase signalling in breast cancer: Epidermal growth factor receptor and c-Src interactions in breast cancer

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    Both the non-receptor tyrosine kinase, c-Src, and members of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor family are overexpressed in high percentages of human breast cancers. Because these molecules are plasma membrane-associated and involved in mitogenesis, it has been speculated that they function in concert with one another to promote breast cancer development and progression. Evidence to date supports a model wherein c-Src potentiates the survival, proliferation and tumorigenesis of EGF receptor family members, in part by associating with them. Phosphorylation of the EGF receptor by c-SRC is also critical for mitogenic signaling initiated by the EGF receptor itself, as well as by several G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), a cytokine receptor, and the estrogen receptor. Thus, c-Src appears to have pleiotropic effects on cancer cells by modulating the action of multiple growth-promoting receptors

    Treatment options for patients with triple-negative breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease composed of different subtypes, characterized by their different clinicopathological characteristics, prognoses and responses to treatment. In the past decade, significant advances have been made in the treatment of breast cancer sensitive to hormonal treatments, as well as in patients whose malignant cells overexpress or amplify HER2. In contrast, mainly due to the lack of molecular targets, little progress has been made in the treatment of patients with triple-negative breast cancer. Recent improved understanding of the natural history, pathophysiology, and molecular features of triple-negative breast cancers have provided new insights into management and therapeutic strategies for women affected with this entity. Ongoing and planned translational clinical trials are likely to optimize and improve treatment of women with this disease

    Src inhibitors in early breast cancer: a methodology, feasibility and variability study

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    Early clinical trials of anticancer agents may be enriched by robust biomarkers of activity. Surrogate measures used in trials of cytotoxic agents, such as tumor size regression, may not be informative when investigating targeted agents that act principally to inhibit invasion or proliferation. This study aimed to determine the validity of invasion-related biomarkers of activity for AZD0530, a potent Src inhibitor currently in clinical development. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and paxillin are downstream phosphorylation substrates of Src and mediate tumor cell adhesion and invasiveness. These were therefore selected as biologically relevant markers of Src inhibition. Early breast cancer was chosen as a model as multiple samples can be collected during standard treatment and there is an intervening period in which experimental intervention can be applied. Tumor tissue was collected from diagnostic core biopsies and subsequent surgical tumor excision samples in 29 women with early breast cancer attending a single center. Protein levels were assessed quantitatively by Luminex (R) and qualitatively by immunohistochemistry. AZD0530 inhibited tumor growth in a manner independent of dose and inhibited phosphorylation of FAK and paxillin in a dose-dependent manner in a Calu-6 xenograft model. In the clinical study, agreement of within-visit and also of between-visit measurements was high and the estimated number of patients required to detect a drug effect would be low enough to allow use of these markers as endpoints in future dose selection studies